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Everything posted by Fudge

  1. I know, and I lost 7-1 to Man Utd last season and was hoping I could use it then so it was the same, but it wasn't meant to be I didn't realise I was using the Fahrenheit one too, but my start-up screen thingy still has the Steklo thing for some reason but yeah Fahrenheit is the best.
  2. Scooby Doo should've been number one. I demand a recount.
  3. Steklo X2 Fahrenheit. Best one I've used and I tried quite a few when I was trying to get used to the game.
  4. I'd 8-2 be an AEK fan. I actually won 9-2, but still!
  5. Ha, bellend. I wonder what his footballing career will be like when he's out in a few months.
  6. Schmeichel easily. Brad Friedel should've been on there instead of Reina.
  7. ? That is an insanely large amount, how did you end up even doing that? Quite a few of the outs were loans or free transfers of shit players who contracts ran out and I just like signing loads of young players to puT in the under 18's or loan out so that I don't have to spend silly money on them in the future if I want them. I went overboard though and have 40ish players in the first team, but luckily only about 20 of them are over 21 so everyone is eligable for league/domestic cup games. I blame the board for giving me money!
  8. I meant workload, like do you lower it to average or very low or what? I might try changing to defensive though since I conceded way too many goals last season. I did basically the same thing as timmay, decided to be Arsenal a few days ago and played with a 4-2-3-1, but it worked quite well. I battled it out with Tottenham and Liverpool for the majority of the season trying to come second as Man Utd didn't lose a game until they'd already won the league, and had won every game until I came back to draw 2-2 from 2-0 down. Ended up finishing 5th which pissed me off since Man City were laying around 10th nearly all season then all of a sudden won everything until they took the last champions league spot from me. Only 5 or 6 points seperated 2nd from 6th though, and Chelsea didn't even make it in the Europa League after they finished 7th. Made wayyyyyyyyyy too many transfers so far though before the start of the second season. 24 out, 15 in (first season it was 10 in, 11 out), although most of my signings are youth players and i spent 30mil on Hamsik. I blew 27.5mil on Akinfeev at the start of the first season, which appeared to be a waste as he conceded about 60 goals throughout the season, whereas David De Gea conceded about 15 for United. I'm going for one big signing a season, although I might try and get Hazard in January since I've been unsettling him since I started the game and he's been unhappy 90% of the time 'cos Lille won't sell for less than 35mil.
  9. What do you all put your match preparation on when the bars full?
  10. Try this. I call it 'The Complete and Utter Nonsense'
  11. Some of these are far too silly!
  12. 7-2-1 is my favourite at the minute.
  13. I think I'm developing a fetish for silly formations.
  14. Very interested if you can do this, yes.
  15. Fudge

    South Park

    I've enjoyed most of them so far. You're all lame.
  16. Frisky Dingo should've been number one. I demand a recount.
  17. Wacky Races should've been number one. I demand a recount.
  18. I forgot how awesome the name Crvena Zvezda is.

    1. Rocky


      My favourite FM game ever was with them :3

  19. Just gonna replace a team in the second tier with them, cba fucking around. I changed their stadium to The North Pole though.
  20. I think I need a league expansion for Santa Claus
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