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Everything posted by GhostMachine

  1. The Big Red One is one of my favorite WW2 films, but I haven't watched it in a while. Should probably do something about that when I have the time. Seconds is my favorite non-comedy Rock Hudson movie. If you enjoyed it, I'd like to recommend another film that came out the same year: Mister Buddwing, starring James Garner. Its a movie about an amnesiac, but the ending and reason for his amnesia is a mind-bender. Great cast, as well.
  2. If they held umpires accountable, Angel Hernandez wouldn't have lasted one season, and Joe West would have retired years ago.
  3. I wanted to see it when it was in theaters, but it was only shown in a couple of them here, with only a couple of showings a day at each. And I was too busy to go to any of them. The last movie I saw in a theater was THE BATMAN. We dropped all our premium channels because we can't justify the expense - we have plenty of streaming channels we watch more, and we couldn't get into HOUSE OF THE DRAGON - so I won't be able to see it on HBO Max. (I'm sure Heidi will want to at least pick up Starz again once the next season of OUTLANDER starts up......)
  4. GhostMachine

    Cover Songs

    A long time ago, Metallica covered Diamond Head's song "Am I Evil?". Well, a few years ago, Diamond Head returned the favor, and covered Metallica:
  5. I'll reserve judgement until I see what/who Dallas is trading for him. *edit* A fifth round compensatory pick? Not a bad deal.....so Jerry must've not had anything to do with it.
  6. They definitely overpaid their QB, so why should they stop overpaying now?
  7. They should trade Dak and Zeke. But since Jerry Jones has proven he's out of his mind with recent comments about Dak, that ain't gonna happen.
  8. Oh, they play Jack & Diane a lot, but its one of my favorite songs by him. If they don't play that, its usually Hurts So Good, from back when he was John Cougar....or Pink Houses. But Hurts So Good more often than Pink Houses. For some reason they also play Rachel Platten's Fight Song a lot. An 8 year old, lame one-hit wonder. Meanwhile, the 80's themed radio station (they also play *some* 90's, but not a lot) seems to play Men At Work's Who Can It Be Now and Cutting Crew's (I Just) Died In Your Arms more than they should have any right to. The problem is neither of those stations have DJs, which means they have lazy as hell programming directors who like to play the same old shit all the damn time. Meanwhile, the real classic rock station here actually still has DJs, so they tend to play more varied stuff. Though they do play some Led Zeppelin every day at 5pm. And if there's a long thunderstorm, they eventually throw on REO Speedwagon's classic Ridin' The Storm Out.
  9. Haven't watched any games yet, so I have a question: How does the pitch clock work as far as trying to pick off a runner goes? Does throwing to a base count as a pitch?
  10. One of the radio stations here has a program director who seems to think Complicated is the only song Avril Lavigne ever did. Seriously, I've never heard them play anything else except Sk8er Boi, but 9 times out of 10, its Complicated that gets played. (Same station plays Irreplaceable a shit ton when they play Beyonce....) And I'm With You and agree its an awful song. (See what I did there?)
  11. Pressure Cooker, on Netflix. Its a cooking competition, but with a twist: There's no host, and most (but not all) episodes, the competitors are also the judges. 11 chefs, competing for $100,000. (In case you're wondering how it works with no host, they get their instructions and other information from a ticket machine like the one they receive food orders from at a restaurant.) Definitely recommend it. But there's one competitor who stuck around longer than he should have. That's my only complaint.
  12. To watch episodes on On Demand on Pluto, you have to search for MST3K. If you do a search for Mystery Science Theater 3000, it comes up with Rifftraxx instead.
  13. There was a list of rules for the US version posted somewhere, which were stupid and gave the hunters too much of an edge. I can't find the list anywhere now, but remember a few. For instance, the hunted couldn't hide in the same place twice or stay somewhere more than 24 hours.
  14. Is it as bullshit as the US version, which only lasted one season, because the rules the hunted have to follow give the hunters too much of an advantage?
  15. Some sites are predicting Anthony Richardson to be the first pick in the draft. I will enjoy seeing the Colts waste the pick if it happens. Richardson is one of the most overrated QBs I've seen in years, alongside CJ Stroud, who will get drafted first round because he played for Ohio State despite the fact OSU hasn't really had any successful QBs in the NFL. Someone please explain to me why anyone would take Richardson or Stroud over Bryce Young. (I'd also throw Hendon Hooker into the mix before Richardson if he hadn't been injured last season.)
  16. Hope they do a second season of the U.S. version.
  17. What I hated about The Mole: Obviously, only read that spoiler if you watched it all the way through, or don't care.
  18. Currently watching part 1 of the most important tournament of the year:
  19. Its also risky because if/when the Snyders sell the team, the new ownership could very well decide they want a change in coaching staff.
  20. Coming in 2044: The Fast and The Furious 12, with Brian and Dom's kids joining forces.
  21. I'm more interested in what team he'll be with the year after that...
  22. I turned on the game for a few minutes in the 3rd quarter. Hadn't even had it on 2 minutes before Heidi pointed out how bad the field was. And someone slid right after she said that.
  23. I'm not a fan of DJ Khaled at all. DJ Khaled takes music created by other people, mixes it up, gets a popular artist to perform on it, then adds himself saying various hype shit on it. Except for getting popular artists on board, any fool with access to mixing equipment can do what he does. See "Wild Thoughts" for a perfect example. The music is a 20 (maybe even 30) + year old Santana song, with him going "We the best music!" and Rihanna singing. As for the actual game, I'm for the Chiefs but expect the Eagles to win. Regardless of what the outcome is, I expect to hear news reports of their asshole fans in Philadelphia being assholes as usual.
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