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Everything posted by GhostMachine

  1. I looked at the Livejournal page showing all the comparisons between Bleach and Incarnate, and Nick's comments just make him look like a liar AND an idiot, if it really is him. I could see maybe one or two panels being nearly identical being a huge coincidence, but when the character designs are blatant ripoffs and some of his work is blatant tracejobs, not just rip-offs.....no. And Gene can tell him whatever he wants....if he actually did....but I'm sure that if they did take legal action for slander, the case would be laughed out of court, since he IS plagiarizing. I hope Viz and the Japanese publisher both put the screws to Nick Simmons, suing him for a lot of money and seizing all of his artwork then burning it. And the people at Radical Comics come off looking bad for not even realizing his work is plagiarized or simply choosing to ignore it until Nick got called on the carpet about it if they did know. The comic apparently has been published and they're just putting a halt on publishing the rest or republishing and publishing a trade paperback, so they should be sued, as well.
  2. Watched it when it was on Adult Swim a few years ago.
  3. I'd like to see Adrian Paul do another series. Since the Highlander series ended he's done some shitty series (the second season of the War of the Worlds series, which sucked hard unlike the first season, and Tracker) and movies that I guess either were made for cable tv or went straight to dvd then ended up on cable....and the Highlander: the Source movie that was utter rubbish I refuse to even watch after all the reviews I've read.
  4. John Glover was on the short-lived series Brimstone, playing the devil, and was pretty damned (pardon the pun there) good in it. He also narrated the series Haunted History, which is being re-run on the Biography Channel if I remember right.
  5. Tebow should pull a Chad Ochocinco have his name legally changed to Touchdown Jesus, but the people in South Bend would probably sue.
  6. I've already seen most of Death Note, but thanks for the recommendation.
  7. Heard this yet? (NSFW!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEbZNOAsYl4
  8. I'm not a Phillies fan, but I think they'd be a lock to repeat as NL champs for sure this year if they had kept Cliff Lee. Because both Halliday and Lee in the rotation would be damned scary.
  9. Paris Hilton, who *thinks* she's an actress, deserves to be run over by a vehicle. Does that count? Jeri Ryan, who was on Star Trek Voyager and Boston Public just guest-starred on Leverage for several episodes but left in the season finale, and I'd love to see her get a new series. (Gina Bellman, who plays Sophie Devereaux on Leverage was pregnant in real life so they brought Jeri Ryan in to play her character's replacement as the team's con artist) She was really great in her first appearance on Leverage and in another episode (the one with the fashion designer scam, if anyone watches the series).
  10. If anyone here uses iTunes, is there any anime series on there worth checking out?
  11. Now you need to play again and try for
  12. I never hotkey anything either.
  13. I don't know where Tomlinson will end up, but I don't think it will be Houston. He may end up on my Do Not Draft list next season, (made the mistake of joining a 16 team league at another board I'm a member of this past season; BAAAAAD idea!) depending on where he ends up. I don't think it will happen, but he's definitely ending up on that list if he goes to an NFC team....or the Raiders.
  14. The thing with all the special armors (except for the Cerberus Assault armor, maybe) is that they're only useful early on. Once you get access to a few upgrades, those armors aren't worth using.
  15. I've read a bunch of stuff about Darker Than Black, including an article in the latest issue of Otaku USA and article in an old issue of Anime Insider. (Is Protocultural Addicts still being published? I haven't seen an issue on the stands in months, and the bookstore I bought it from closed down) However, the one thing the article in Otaku USA won't tell is what Hei's power is; they just say that if DTB was a fighting game, he'd been banned from tourny play for being too unbalanaced. So what's his power? Also, are Baccano, Bamboo Blade, Blasreiter, Moon Phase or Rental Magic any good?
  16. Tim Tebow is changing how he holds the football and practicing 3 and 5 step drops to try and improve his chances in the draft. Somehow I don't think that will work. I'll be surprised if he lands anywhere other than Jacksonville, and absolutely stunned if a non-Florida team takes him. About damn time. I think his days as a starter are probably behind him.
  17. The Rumble does sort of have screwy moments. I was doing one with an original CAW whose stats except for Tech and Hardcore were maxxed out, got thrown into the ropes and eliminated by someone who didn't have a finisher available despite me mashing the buttons in proper order and having hardly taken any damage so far (there had only been 3-4 more wrestlers who entered the match after my guy). And earlier in that same match I couldn't eliminate someone despite having beat the living hell out of them AND hitting a finisher on them in the middle of the ring. (They countered when I went to eliminate them) I forget who eliminated me (this particular match was last month), but I got revenge in an Extreme Rules match where I KO'd them. Also had one Rumble I lost despite me having a finisher available and using it to counter the elimination but the game ignored it. I actually reset that one, because that was a blatant case of bullshit.
  18. Yep, plus the fact that they're saying there may be no football in 2011. (Yeah, right. If there's not anything keeping the NFL from doing it, I bet there will be some football with scrubs, like there was in 1987 when they used replacement players for a few games.)
  19. Getting back to the skating controversy for a second, I read that the reason Plushenko lost was because he front loaded his program and some of his landings weren't that great. I also think the Russians bitching because Lysacek didn't do a quadruple jump is a load of crap. On the other hand, I also think the U.S. and Canada bitching about Amy Williams' helmet in the women's skeleton was a load of crap. (Really wish the Olympics had some sort of `sour grapes' rule to keep people from whining about losing with feeble excuses)
  20. Definitely recommend playing ME before ME2, because you miss out on a lot of stuff if you don't and the default (non-imported) decisions are all slanted toward Renegade otherwise. And in most cases, that's not a good thing. I think it goes without saying that if you even go through the Omega 4 relay without the shields, guns and armor mods for the Normandy-2, you're an idiot. But here's how to do the suicide mission without anyone dying - though it may not work out that way every time, but it should:
  21. Ah. Well, frankly, I lost any interest in figure skating years ago with all the obvious corruption and bs going on in the voting. Like the year they awarded Oxsana Baiul gold despite the fact she fell on her butt THREE times yet Michelle Kwan and others skated flawlessly. That, and the aforementioned incident with the Canadians and Russians in pairs skating. Still haven't figured out why the Russians weren't stripped of the gold. (I don't watch men's figure skating at all, just the women and pairs. And I haven't watched any of the Olympics at all this year; just haven't been in the mood)
  22. The Russians are bitching because an American won men's figure skating (for the first time since Brian Boitanno did it in 1988) and a Russian who had won gold before came in second. Well, BOO frickin' HOO! I doubt the voting was fixed, but considering that Russia has benefitted from the fix being in a few times in the past *, I frankly wouldn't care if it was. (I generally hate Olympic judging in the first place, btw) * The `72 Men's Basketball final game that the U.S. won then lost after some communist judge put time on the clock that shouldn't have been added, and the year that they awarded the Russians gold in pairs figure skating then awarded the Canadians gold also after there was a huge outcry rather than stripping the Russians and giving the gold to the Canadians after a French judge admitted there was some vote trading going on. May be other incidents, but those are the two I think of straight off the bat.
  23. I wish they'd bring back something like the old version of Create An Entrance (where you actually made their entrance moves, rather than picking a bunch of pre-mades) and Create A Taunt. I've got one wrestler I'd love to make if I ever get a next gen system whose actual entrance would be dancing on his way to the ring to Daft Punk's "Around The World", after doing Hulk Hogan's ramp poses.
  24. 1. Sinfest 2. CTRL+Alt+Del 3. PvP 4. Evil, Inc. 5. Penny Arcade Honorable mention: The Night Owls.
  25. I hope Stevie Wonder performs a lot of his classics, because frankly a lot of his most recent stuff has sucked. And speaking of sucking....Kings of Leon. Bah.
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