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Everything posted by Draevyn

  1. After a double header yesterday, this is not the time for Robbie Ray to shit the bed but so far in two innings he has loaded the bases twice and is at 50 pitches. He’s been lucky so far but the leve is going to break hard I think.
  2. Then I very much don't understand this game as his profile states he "Doesn't speak any languages".....and he's isolated backstage due to a language barrier. Doesn't make sense at all.
  3. I looked for that name too but didn't see it. I'll double check after I finish doing this show.
  4. Do we not have Reginald? Why are you hating on Reginald, bro? The fans demand some Reginald!
  5. Wowhead.com is your friend.
  6. Yes! People have been calling for this for so long. Especially those who push high keys. Now if they would implement some cool rewards around it, it'd be even better. Did you read about The Great Push they're doing in a few weeks as well? I enjoy watching the MDI though this years hasn't been all that great but I enjoy watching high key pushing so much more so I'm glad they're doing something like this.
  7. I'm not really asking to push higher into Mythic+ by playing casually. What I am asking for is that my progress within Mythic+ allow me to go higher in my preferred mode of the game. I'm asking for it to not force me to do other content simply to be able to push higher into the content that I enjoy. If all I want to do is do Mythic+ and push higher in that, then what I need to do so should be contained within that mode of the game. PVPers who want to excel in PVP don't really need to do anything else if they don't want to, and most do not. That's all I'm asking for. Give me what I need to succeed and allow me to do it within the confines of the content that I enjoy. Even something as simple as Mythic+ giving bonuses only in Mythic+
  8. You're forgetting about stygia and rep from the Maw to get in with Venari who is the only way to upgrade your soulbinds past ilvl 200. I also think you're under valuing the amount of difference between ilvls on conduits as well. Saying that all you need is a base item is very misleading. I'd like to have seen some of your dungeon runs to get your keystone conqueror. All that you've listed is great if you want to only do 15's...and even then I feel like you're inting your teammates by doing those with the information you've described above.
  9. I couldn't even imagine trying to play this game on a controller. I know a lot of people do and they do it well but I'll stick with my MMO mouse.
  10. Man, if Ashes of Creation ever makes it to release, it looks to be such an amazing game. I feel like sometimes companies like this one attempt to do way too much and it always fails to succeed but it sure looks beautiful.
  11. Draevyn


    What do you do when guys start getting into their late 20s and you don't see any real potential in them when it comes to a major league spot. Do you just go on a firing/releasing spree? I never know when the best time to release a guy is.
  12. Are you an online gamer by nature? My tank anxiety doesn't so much come from the role itself as much as it comes from the amount of pressure that comes with the role. The thing is though is that Tanking is different across different games to be honest. I've had no issues tanking in this game because most things are pretty straight forward. When it comes to Dungeons, you can basically pull everything and as long as you mitigate correctly and move out of things you shouldn't stand in then you're fine. Point the enemies away from the group and you're gucci. So yeah, tanking in this game so far has been a breeze. I know that once you get into Raids and such it's a bit harder but it's nowhere near the difficulty of tanking in a game such as World Of Warcraft. In that game, the tank is responsible for everything and it's not just a matter of pull everything and kill. So yeah, tank anxiety in this game is much less about the role and my own personal anxiety towards working with people. I hate to screw up and let people down. It's funny to me that you say you couldn't imagine tanking in this game, but you're starting with a White Mage since healing is 10x more difficult than tanking in this game from what I've heard from talking to people. I despise healing in any game and this one seems so much weirder even just because of the UI set up. I'm the kind of guy who wants to worry about keeping himself alive, not everyone in the party. One of the best things about this game is that you can play every single job on one character. You can't optimize every single job but you don't really need to either. I do have 3 different toons just because I wanted one on each server but my Main is on Primal (Excalibur). I began playing this game simply because I want to play Gunbreaker. It's not available until after Level 50 but that's what I'm shooting for. I also want to level Machinst after that for DPS. Eventually I'll level everything but those are the two that I plan to play most. The main storyline is a little slow but I'm told it gets a lot better once you get out of ARR, which is somewhere around the first 50 levels since they made it easier to level.
  13. That's kind of why I've gotten into Final Fantasy more than WoW. It has all those things but it also doesn't force you to grind 50 things just to make your character more powerful. Most of their power gains is through doing content you would have done anyway like dungeons/raids. They don't force you to grind out anything other than gear. Plus the story is actually enjoyable whereas WoW's story is fun to read outside of the game more than it is in the game. WoW would be a lot better if they focused more on the classes/content than on the borrowed power BS. I would have no problem playing the game if I could get gear from the content that I liked. If I didn't have to Raid, do dungeons AND PVP to get the most out of my gear then I'd be okay with that but the game forces you to do multiple things. Like Mythic Gear is better than M+ gear....but then right now the highest ilevel weapons that you can get are from PVP. If all I want to do is M+ then I should be able to do it without doing the other content. Leave that for people who enjoy that content. I always see the argument that if they gave you the ability to gear in Mythic+ the same way you do in Mythic Raids then there'd be no reason to Raid which I think is so stupid because you've have so many people who enjoy Raiding over Mythic+, and vice versa. Make all gearing equal and I can almost guarantee that you'll still have the same amount of people raiding who raided before because they enjoy it.
  14. I mean to be honest the game has been one big bug for as long as I can remember. I mean Battle For Azeroth was (not so)fondly referred to as "Beta For Azeroth" and we've had the long running joke of Blizzard - That small indy company despite it being owned by Activision. It doesn't help that despite record profits over the last two years, they fired basically all of their QA testers. Add Covid into the mix and it's been a hell of a time. Their repeated cries of "We're listening" have amounted to absolutely nothing from a player perspective. .....and yet we still continue to play this damn game and for the life of me, I can't even tell you why. Especially for me. I know a lot of people still play because they have friends in the game that they play with. I don't have that, so why the hell do I still play this game?
  15. The thing is, the game is not new player friendly at all. That is a lot of information to take in and there is just so much nuance to some of the things. Like I hang out on twitch and shit in a lot of high key pushers streams and I learn a lot of stuff in there. It always amazes me when someone comes in and is like "How did you just do that"....and I roll my eyes and think "How do you not know that can be done" but in all honesty, not everyone reads and researches like I do. Most people just jump on, play the game and they don't care about the rest of the stuff. My issue has always been execution. I have so much knowledge about the game. Even from a high key perspective, I know things that the average player wouldn't know. I just can't actually put that knowledge to good use in the game. It's that old adage of "those who can't do, teach." Haha
  16. Keystone is basically a level of a dungeon. They introduced it in Legion when they introduced Mythic+. Basically once you do the original Mythic, you then earn a +2 Keystone for a random dungeon. They scale in difficulty depending on the keystone level. Mythic+ Dungeons are timed dungeons and depending on how quick you do the dungeon determines the next key level you get. You have a chance to get a +3 above what you have, a +2 or a +1. If you don't beat the timer then you get a level lower than the key you have for a random dungeon, or you can choose to not finish the dungeon, leave and get that same dungeon at a keystone below the level you were doing. It's just basically a timed challenge mode for dungeons and it's hella fun if you put some time into it just because it's all about strategy and deciding what you're going to pull and how you're going to pull it. Renown is a grind for power. It's something they get a lot of shit for because every expansion seems to introduce more and more borrowed power. So you basically have to do story quests, world quests, defeat elite bosses and such to get renown and the higher renown you get, the more power you have whether it unlocks new abilities or gives you passives. They do have it time gated and they do have a catch up mechanic in place if you fall behind but it's still an enormous bunch of bullshit to stay on top of. Emissaries give you rewards based on doing 3 world quests in a certain zone. After you get to a certain point, they really aren't worth doing but if you're like me and you quit for a month at a time, they do help with getting renown so you have to do them at least until you catch up. There is a lot to it, but in all honesty it depends on how much you care about doing well in the game. I'm someone who reads constantly. I look up strats, I plan my dungeon routes, I make sure that I'm as optimized as I can be which is still not enough to play at a top level. But if you don't care about any of that shit then there is still tons to do. If you want to collect mounts and toys and whatever else in the game then most of the stuff I mentioned above won't mean a damn thing to you. It's really only people who want to Raid at a Heroic/Mythic difficulty or do Dungeons at higher keystone levels.
  17. I see they added new floors in the newest patch. I didn't check how many. The one good thing is that once you get to the max floor, you've only got to do that floor. The thing is that to be at the optimum level, you need to do 2 Wings of Torgast The entire raid clear 10 Dungeons at Keystone + 15 3 Emmissary's and then 1 per day from there PVP That's each week. I don't mind grinding if it's a choice but it's not really a choice because you kind of need to do all of that if you want any chance of playing at an optimum level. I know I've said it before but I wish that I could just happily accept that I'll never be able to push keys, but I can't. I hate settling for mediocrity even if that's probably all I'll ever achieve.
  18. Renown is going up to like 80. I mean sure there are some abilities that come with it but the grind is atrocious enough with Torghast, gearing and renown. They hyped up how alt friendly this expansion was supposed to be and honestly it's not even Main friendly!
  19. Yes! Come do content with me! I'm only lvl 34 right now!
  20. New patch released today which I believe is the last full patch before the new expansion for FFXIV. Introducing Diamond Weapon Trial and man this boss looks hella hard but hella fun as well. You have to teleport between platforms to avoid attacks, but the teleporters have a cool down which means you've got to be very coordinated when you do it.
  21. If you're coming back looking for MoP, I'll warn you now that you're not going to get it. People still talk fondly of those days but Shadowlands is definitely not it. The only thing I enjoy in this game now is Mythic+ and it's hard as hell to actually get into because the scene is toxic as fuck if you don't already have friends to play with
  22. Okay so I lied. I'm back again too
  23. Had a chance to go through NXT: UK and here's what I see so far. Isla Dawn should be heel, Occult gimmick, Not sure what you'd call it but she's been playing with Ouji boards and shit. Jordan Devlin should be a heel with a cocky gimmick Kenny Williams should be a heel, probably a Realistic gimmick on the Generic/Safe side of things. Maybe something to do with being fed up with losing. Not sure what you'd call it. Piper Niven should be a face. She never went heel, she just kind of played shades of gray toward the end of her feud with Kay Lee Ray. Rampage Brown is a face. Sam Gradwell is an arrogant heel Millie McKenzie needs to be added to the roster, she's a face with a comeback kid style gimmick. There's kind of a 4 way feud right now bwetween Millie, Kay Lee, Meiko Satomura and Isla Dawn. Lucky Kid should be added to the roster as Teoman. Not sure if he's meant to be a face/heel or what his gimmick really is to be honest. I feel like he's a heel because he's willing to do bad things for respect. I feel like they're double turning Nina Samuels and Xia Brookside but you might want to hold off on that one.
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