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Everything posted by Carnage

  1. During Bowling for Columbine, when they actually show Columbine footage and when the dad goes around protesting gun rallies for his dead son... it gets sad.
  2. They do look very similar though. Pretty humerous...
  3. Jessica Simpson - "These boots were made for walking" or whatever from Dukes of Hazzard >*
  4. Carnage

    Bob Dylan Lyrics

    Ballard of a thin man makes no sense at all. It's probly the worst song I've ever heard.
  5. RIP. I will always remember him from that episode of Eureka's Castle on Nickelodeon which I watched a million times.
  6. It'll be released on the Cube... Playstation magazine says that NCAA Race for Heisman falls short. The whole game got 4 out of 5 stars. That's enough to make me rent it first. I'm definitely buying Madden though. I got a boner reading about Superstar mode.
  7. There's a new Madden 2006 movie out that only insiders have access to. Can anyone watch it and show me Link: http://insider.ign.com/videos/teasers/630/630173.html
  8. This should be marked for Spoilers... Anyway, is it better than Independence Day?
  9. To be truly emo you need Sunny Day Real Estate and The Get Up Kids, the two best emo bands 'ever', IMO. Only (Old School) The Get Up Kids can sound more 'old school punk' than all the 'new school punk bands', so much so everybody forgets they're 'emo' (Why is it a negative title anyway) and loves them. ←
  10. A Max Payne movie is so going to kick ass..
  11. I suppose I should comment because I'm EWB's "emo fag" or so someone called me. The Early November I Can Make a Mess like Nobody's Business Brand New (Deja Entendu) The Format Hidden In Plain View Taking Back Sunday
  12. Either Ed Norton or Kevin Spacey... or if I was in the mood for laughs with a side of serious I'd go with Jim Carrey.
  13. Smashing Pumpkins were a great band and I hope they reform. Tonight Tonight is one of the greatest songs ever written in my opinion.
  14. Pac Man on my graphing calculator is sweet. It's an oldie but a goodie as the saying goes.
  15. Less than Jake - The science of selling yourself short
  16. I've heard System of a Down sing that song. Maybe you heard a different version.
  17. Since I use to be a huge Marvel fan, X-men legends was great for me. I liked the game a lot but I'm not sure if a non-marvel fan would get bored with it. It's 1-4 players.
  18. Okay has anyone seen this movie. I watched it yesterday and I know I sound like a girl but I really liked it. It's a smart, witty, love story and usually I'm not all about these movies but Garden State just struck a chord with me. So has anyone seen it and did you like it?
  19. The Zelda song is by System of a down. I don't know it someone else did it too but I've heard it numerous times and it's pretty crazy.
  20. I think this CD is great but I've liked Alkaline for like 3 years now. I've seen them play live twice but unfortunately won't get to see them when they come to Milwaukee June 17th cuz Warped tour is two days later and I don't have enough cash. Mercy me is very catchy and Sadie is great lyrically. The whole album is good.
  21. I really want to play the new video game too that's coming out. It looks sweet as well.
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