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Johnny Latino Heat

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Everything posted by Johnny Latino Heat

  1. For the first time ever (to my knowledge), there will be a simulcast in cinemas all over the country for the Sunday's show. I found this out by pure chance, as I was trying to see the schedules for a movie, and it was in the "news" section. Got my ticket already
  2. Here's Ultron: Based on that picture? Love it.
  3. You think THAT's bad? Over here it will be released on August 7. AUGUST 7!
  4. New Big Hero 6 trailer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3biFxZIJOQ I'm liking it so far, and I've never read a BH6 book.
  5. Disney revealed Big Hero 6 lineup pictures, as well as voice actors: There's also a new TV spot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8LKgsgK678
  6. Don't think this has been posted yet (if it has, my apologies): Some friendly advice for Argentina.
  7. I actually really like the costume, but something seems not quite right in the new series, maybe they put too much emphasis on the blue aspects of the costume, or something about the artist's drawings overall, but I really loved the way they drew it in the 90s (Rick Leonardi's version was great, IMO). Also, was that drawing on his chest ever supposed to be a spider? IIRC, the costume he wears was just something he bought for a Dia de Los Muertos celebration, not necessarily representing a spider... I seem to remember he just picked it because it was handy (it was available and made of unstable molecules that could adapt to his talons... He got the "webs" later from a hang glider or something). I could be wrong, but I think that's the way it happened.
  8. Thought the final was between Germany and Argentina? Think again.
  9. Oh God, I didn't even remember the game was on, and when I did remember, I went to a sports site to check out the result. The headline was "Humiliation at Mineirão", and the scoreline was 4-0. I turned the TV on and the first play I watched, 5-0. I needed a good laugh.
  10. Give Captain Marvel, She-Hulk and Daredevil a shot, they're really good right now and are what? Only 5 issues in each or something like that?
  11. Yeah, the art on both books is pretty awful, and I too prefer Ultimate FF's (or rather, the lesser of two evils). As far as I know, the only Ultimate books out there right now are Ultimates, FF and Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man.
  12. Now I want to re-watch Fate/Zero again, just to manage until Fate/Stay Night.
  13. Norwegian wins about £540 after betting Suarez would bite someone during the World Cup. Easiest £540 that guy/gal ever made.
  14. Honestly, I'm Portuguese and I'm rooting against Portugal. I loathe almost every player in this team (exceptions: Coentrão, André Almeida, Ruben Amorim, Ronaldo to an extent) and not since 1998 have I supported the national team. They are a bunch of mediocre-to-average players, with few exceptions, getting by on Ronaldo's coattails, and if it was up to me they wouldn't even be on this World Cup. That said, FUCK'S SAKE, USA!
  15. Kevin Feige interview, talks about Dr Strange, Ant-Man and a potential sequel for Guardians of the Galaxy.
  16. Rosario Dawson joins Daredevil in unknown, "critical" role. Karen Page, maybe? Place your bets, people.
  17. Ah, I see, I thought every character (well, villainous ones at least) were already in the comics. Thanks.
  18. New Gotham trailer, which does not make me the least bit curious about watching it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=islRZ_ygKk8 I get that the girl and the man are supposed to be Catwoman and Penguin, but who's the woman supposed to be? I really can't remember a character like her.
  19. Vincent D'Onofrio is Kingpin. Great casting choice, I believe. Michael Clarke Duncan was, to me, the best Kingpin they could have chosen for the movie, but Vincent D'Onofrio, at least in theory, is also an extremely good choice.
  20. How long do you think until he's out?
  21. Also, Wolverine was forced to kill Mariko to spare her suffering because she had been poisoned, IIRC. Not really that relevant, just wanted to throw that out there.
  22. I think the expectations were pretty low after a run of mediocre-at-best movies, and it definitely exceeded them--especially the first half. The second half had some good set pieces but I thought it was generally pretty dull. By the time we got to Magneto's now-required "this is how powerful Magneto is" bit I was about ready to leave. Out of curiosity, what do you consider mediocre-at-best movies? Weren't the two X-Men movies that preceded DOFP First Class (which was, in my honest opinion, the best X-Men movie right along with X2) and The Wolverine (which to me is on par with DOFP)? Sure, the two that preceded those were X-Men 3 and Origins: Wolverine, I believe, but I think the run of mediocre X-Men movies began and ended with those two. Not saying DOFP was brilliant, because as I have stated before, while it was good, it wasn't great and are better X-Men movies, but I think saying it was preceded by a mediocre run is a bit unfair.
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