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Johnny Latino Heat

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Everything posted by Johnny Latino Heat

  1. Regarding Cyclops: Regarding the new mutants... Take a look at Uncanny X-Men. There's a batch of mutants with pretty diverse powers. One's a healer, one creates time bubbles, one can control technology, one's a shapeshifter, and one shoots gold balls. Seriously. His alias is Goldballs.
  2. WHY AREN'T YOU BOOKING A FLIGHT TO THE UK JUST TO WATCH IT? Also, here's a closeup of Ultron's face.
  3. Sorry, didn't look in there, so... Anyway, just came back from watching Cap. Anyone who hasn't seen it yet needs to do so. Like, right now. Go watch it. What're you wasting your time looking in here for? GO WATCH CAP!
  4. Don't think this has been posted yet, and since the original is a comic book, here it is, the first Michael Bay' TMNT trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRipBOQl95o Why do people still let Michael Bay make movies?
  5. Gonna go watch it tomorrow night, can't wait! I'm not even a big Captain America fan, but I know the jist of the Winter Soldier story (been meaning to actually read it for a long time), and everything I've seen from the movie seems awesome. It's good to know it didn't disappoint.
  6. I bought and read it based on this post. SO WORTH IT! You should get the whole Goblin Nation story. It's been really good and it really emphasizes everything that led to that final moment in #30.
  7. I'm loving Ock as Spider-Man, as I've so often been advocating here, but I'll be damned if the ending for Superior Spider-Man #30 didn't have me grinning like a fool.
  8. Marvel announces Spider-Verse. I SO want this. A story involving every Spider-Man from every universe (or at least the important ones: Amazing, Ultimate (Miles), 2099, Superior (not confirmed, but he's in the picture, or at least I think that's him), 1602, Spider-Ham, Captain Universe, Scarlet Spider, etc etc)? I'm sold. Hell, even May "Spider-Girl" Parker is in this! Awesome!
  9. I think it's in April or May... I know there's only one issue of the main series left, #7, but between now and the its release, there are probably another 20 tie-ins or so Now, I'm enjoying the main story, but enough with the tie-ins!
  10. Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch in costume for Avengers.
  11. That looks amazing. Astonishing. Uncanny, even. Although not all-new, because it's based on an existing story. Still, I really can't wait, I'm really looking forward to it.
  12. It was for me like that in at first, too. Now I find it weirder to read comics from left to right, because I read a lot more manga now than western comics. It's just a matter of getting used to it. I guess.
  13. Wasn't there already a grave at the house? I seem to remember Lizzie and Mica looking at it when Carol and Tyreese were checking the house for walkers. It makes sense that they put the other graves next to the already existing one.
  14. I just saw that and was going to post it! Awesome news! Here's a promotional video as well! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQbyd9pR6mA
  15. Finally watched it. I absolutely love it, it's a great send off for the show that definitely washes away the bad taste the third season's ending left. I was grinning like an idiot for about the first 30 minutes of the movie (except for scenes involving Piz, because screw that guy ) and now and then. I'm definitely buying this on blu-ray, even though it probably won't come out here, I'll import it from the UK or something.
  16. Can't get it from any of those because of "regional restrictions". Damn it, guess it'll have to be the old way
  17. I'm gonna check out Baby Steps, I've been following the manga and, despite not being a tennis fan, I really like it.
  18. Wrong! Goku didn't spare Piccolo Daimao or Freeza (he didn't kill Freeza, but not for lack of trying), Gohan was the one who saved the day in the Cell Saga, and Yamcha only died twice, I think (during the Saiyan Saga and the Buu Saga); he didn't die during the Cell Saga (almost died, but was saved with a Senzu Bean). But yeah, Yamcha really is Dragon Ball's most useless character, isn't he? He's even more useless than Chiaotzu; at least Chiaotzu managed to actually fight Nappa, Yamcha was killed by a damn Saibaman! Man, I loved DB and DBZ.
  19. Heh, I think you'd LOVE the Usagi Drop manga Let us never mention that manga again. The manga was great... Until the time skip. Then it became awful. Thankfully the anime adaptation stopped before the time skip. WHAT MANGA IS THIS YOU ARE TALKING OF? Dragon Ball, of course. After the timeskip to the arrival of Raditz, it was never the same again.
  20. Heh, I think you'd LOVE the Usagi Drop manga Let us never mention that manga again. The manga was great... Until the time skip. Then it became awful. Thankfully the anime adaptation stopped before the time skip.
  21. Heh, I think you'd LOVE the Usagi Drop manga
  22. First Eusébio dies, now Coluna... awful year for Benfica's legends :( RIP Mário Coluna

    1. maurosdelca


      Indeed my friend. RIP Monstro Sagrado!

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