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GoGo Yubari

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Status Replies posted by GoGo Yubari




  4. I'm still trying to figure out why Lady Gaga was dressed up as Tony Manero.

  5. Feel like an idiot asking this...would a topic about all the games I played at PAX, along with thoughts on them, belong in the general section or the Coin-Op Arcade?

  6. Feel like an idiot asking this...would a topic about all the games I played at PAX, along with thoughts on them, belong in the general section or the Coin-Op Arcade?

  7. Feel like an idiot asking this...would a topic about all the games I played at PAX, along with thoughts on them, belong in the general section or the Coin-Op Arcade?

  8. Feel like an idiot asking this...would a topic about all the games I played at PAX, along with thoughts on them, belong in the general section or the Coin-Op Arcade?

  9. What time are the Pop Prom results posted :)??

  10. WWE Survivor Season 5 is down to the final seven! Are you still alive?

  11. What day does the pop prom results get posted?

  12. There's nothin' short of dyin' half as lonesome as the sound of a sleeping city sidewalk.

  13. Wrestle Road Diaries now ordered.

  14. There's nothin' short of dyin' half as lonesome as the sound of a sleeping city sidewalk.

  15. Man, if that was an actual new person and not Horace I will laugh and laugh.

  16. Was doing some thinking recently for a project to work on after Anime Mafia, and I thought... EWB's Top 100 VG Characters Revisited? Maybe?

  17. Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills! The people it kills get up and kill!

  18. anyone up for some Harry Potter roleplaying?

  19. http://www.justin.tv/kouerson Come watch Kou J Kouerson play games and talk nonsense as he does so.
  20. Somebody help me out: did I read somewhere that Maven was gay? Did I just dream that?

  21. Somebody help me out: did I read somewhere that Maven was gay? Did I just dream that?

  22. I just got an RT and reply from Living Colour on Twitter. That is the only thing of note that has happened to me on social network sites. Still, I'm pleased.

  23. I just got an RT and reply from Living Colour on Twitter. That is the only thing of note that has happened to me on social network sites. Still, I'm pleased.

  24. Pleased Michael Cole confronted JR on what the hell a "sanca" is. I've been wondering myself for the past 12 years.

  25. Thanks to Microsoft, I can't watch the new episode of The Guild. brb, rioting

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