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GoGo Yubari

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Status Replies posted by GoGo Yubari

  1. Niiiiiiiight traiiiiiiiin to Mundo Fiiiiiiiiiine!

  2. has to write a paper about the Best U.S. President...and you know who that is...

  3. Just a reminder that Superstars is no longer counted in WWE Survivor.

  4. Hey viperlike, you got your second warning for going around being an idiot on statuses. I wouldn't do a repeat performance.

  5. [#103126] Your posting rights have been removed by an administrator. Oh. Huh. Sorry. Umm, could I have 'em back? I'll be good I promise.

  6. [#103126] Your posting rights have been removed by an administrator. Oh. Huh. Sorry. Umm, could I have 'em back? I'll be good I promise.

  7. If you remember me, you're a true oldbie.

  8. If you remember me, you're a true oldbie.

  9. If you remember me, you're a true oldbie.

  10. I'm Mister White Christmas, I'm Mister Snow

  11. This Chuck Taylor compliation reminds me that I haven't bought indy wrestling DVDs since 2009. Suggestions for a lost CHIKARA fan?

  12. Friday, friday got get down on Frdiay

  13. viperlike is boring now, can EWB get a new gimmick account going?

  14. So not only will I be working at Sakuracon, but I am in the running to be a chessmaster in Cosplay chess (in addition to possibly being in cosplay myself) and my badge is the Cornette Face. I think I just hit some sort of Nerd Singularity.

  15. Fuck you Dynamo Kiev and your shitty ref

  16. Rebecca Black now has over 10 million views. I hope she has adSense linked to her account.

  17. GTL? I’ll make it BTL... Beat The King!

  18. my dog died today :( feel like shit...ugh.

  19. Meeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaand Mrs, Mrs Jones...

  20. I hate that I have no reliable way to watch the latest episode of NXT until Hulu posts it in like a week. YouTube's giving me issues, and WWE.com doesn't have the full episode for some raisin. :(

  21. Going to Emerald City Comiccon. I will be searching for one of the most endangered creatures on the planet, the rare and elusive Virgil. More to come.

  22. Going to Emerald City Comiccon. I will be searching for one of the most endangered creatures on the planet, the rare and elusive Virgil. More to come.

  23. *BZZZT!* Next scene is... 'An average day in the life of GoGo Yubari'.

  24. *BZZZT!* Next scene is... 'An average day in the life of GoGo Yubari'.

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