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GoGo Yubari

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Everything posted by GoGo Yubari

  1. Yeah, the stuff with Numai was REALLY good. One of the highlights of the entire manga for me.
  2. The film is nowhere near as graphic with the violence and sex that the manga is. The manga, at certain points, goes WAY over the top (and it almost always involves Mitsuko Souma). The big strength of the manga as opposed to the film or even the book is that they take more time to develop the entire cast, which they just can't do in film/novel format. At the same time, at certain points, such as... ... Takami really goes a bit nuts with the sex/violence, in my opinion. It doesn't follow the exact same plotline as either the book or the novel in that certain characters last longer or have bigger roles, and there are bigger fight scenes in certain points as well, if memory serves.
  3. Define "modern times." That being said, it was indeed a pretty good performance. I dug it.
  4. I agree entirely. That's the inherent problem that they have here; they're trying to do what they do with the actual show in four minutes and it doesn't work. And even then the jokes just aren't up to par. The show itself, once you get past the first episode which is a complete knockoff of the original's first episode, is good and at times excellent (the sexual harrassment episode was brilliant, as was the finale of the second season). But this really just coasts and is using the wrong formula entirely.
  5. As much as I like American Office, I'm still not very big on these yet. They usually have one gag that makes me chuckle and not much else. That being said, I'm sure one of the future ones will have Creed and it will be awesome because Creed is possibly my favorite character from either incarnation of the show.
  6. Jack Nicholson gave an entertaining performance but it really wouldn't be that hard to top. Hell, Mark Hamill did it five years later. Did Hamill ever do the Joker in anything besides the animated roles? If not than its really not hard to show character in animation considering you don't have to really act that much. At what point do you "not have to act that much" in voice acting? I fail to see how the inability to see the actual facial expressions and actions in and of themselves equates to not having to ACT.
  7. I guess in a way I thought that was sort of the point. I looked at it like they really were trying to hard to be funny, but they were doing that on purpose. The problem is if that that WAS their intention they need to make it less subtle so it doesn't look like bad acting and instead looks like good actors playing bad actors. I still laughed; the supporting cast is funny and the concept is great. But they really do need to work on that.
  8. American Dad is better than the fourth season of Family Guy. Then again, it's hard to NOT be funnier than the fourth season of Family Guy. I like Stan and the kids more than Peter, Chris, and Meg, but it's true that Roger is no Brian.
  9. 1) Seven Samurai 2) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 3) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 4) Spirited Away 5) 12 Angry Men 6) Pulp Fiction 7) Leon 8) Monty Python & the Holy Grail 9) Annie Hall 10) Duck Soup 11) American Splendor 12) Rashomon 13) Heathers 14) The Princess Bride 15) Reservoir Dogs 16) To Kill a Mockingbird 17) Chasing Amy 18) Clerks 19) Yojimbo 20) Shaun of the Dead
  10. This. It's a good movie, but top ten? Not. Even. Fucking. Close. It's not even the best Lord of the Rings movie, for fuck's sake.
  11. Jack Nicholson gave an entertaining performance but it really wouldn't be that hard to top. Hell, Mark Hamill did it five years later.
  12. Yes, do let's take away everythng that's great about the Joker and replace it with some douche in makeup.
  13. You know, I should try watching Fight Club again. I stopped at the seven minute mark because of the DVD being fucking terrible, but it came off as a series of quotes, each one more too-cool-for-the-room than the last.
  14. I hate you. And, um, Heath Ledger? To play an over-the-top psychopath? Christopher Nolan, what the fuck.
  15. Shawn's drama got old quick. He was cool when he wasn't being Captain Angst, but when he was? Yuck.
  16. One of the books they released had Vampire Giles as the main villain; I'm pretty sure it was The Lost Slayer by Christopher Golden. It's actually a pretty good read. Yeah, that's the one. And that was indeed pretty cool, very much worth checking out from a library or something. Vampire Giles was such a cool villain.
  17. Return of the King by a fucking mile. But the IMDb Top 250 is really stupid anyway, so...
  18. The show seems to be getting progressively better. Just saw Jack Black vs. Jack White and The Rock vs. Chris Rock and both were pretty funny. The funny thing is that the Johnny Gomez/Nick Diamond gags are usually funnier than the matches themselves, which is a complete 180 from how the original was.
  19. Mark Millar writes Civil War which I like and I've always loved Gaiman. Will have to look into the other 2. Warren Ellis: Very much hit and miss, but the biggest hits by far are Planetary, his short but stellar run on Hellblazer, and Fell is quite good as well. His Ultimate Marvel work is iffy. No Transmetropolitan love? Yeah! Seriously, what's wrong with you people? I've read Transmetropolitan twice now in its full length and have enjoyed it immensely both times. It is a great, great series everyone should try getting into. Satire, parody, some action and violence and above all this total in-your-face sense of sick, twisted humor. "Are you telling me the Chair Leg of Truth is lying, Fred? Listen to the Chair Leg, Fred! What is it saying? What is it saying? It's saying 'Shut the fuck up, Fred!'" Transmet is amazing. It definitely needs more love.
  20. Oh, I am down with that. More Dru would be lovely.
  21. Please don't joke about Adam, ever. Certainly everyone can agree he was the worst Big Bad ever. The First sucked more. Watch out, maybe it will say mean things to you!
  22. Honestly? I don't want to see Spike anywhere near Buffy because he lost all of his cool in seasons six and seven and then got it all back when he went on Angel. Exactly... would make for a very interesting reunion. Maybe. Or he'd just lose all of his cool again as even in Angel the mention of the name "Buffy" would turn him into an angsty punk. Plus then Whedon would have to properly resolve the ending to Angel.
  23. Honestly? I don't want to see Spike anywhere near Buffy because he lost all of his cool in seasons six and seven and then got it all back when he went on Angel.
  24. That may be the truest statement that will ever come out of your mouth, GoGo. Nonsense. I always speak the truth. I am EWB's Paragon of Pop Culture (not that that makes any sense). And I suppose I do like "Haunt You Every Day" to an extent. It was a nice change of pace.
  25. I really don't get the hate for Make Believe...I actually have it tied with Blue for my favorite. I think the lyrics are imbecilic, as mentioned earlier. "When you're cruisin' with your friends/In your new Mercedes Benz and you're/ONNNNNNNN DRUUUUUUUUUGS," or perhaps "YOU'RE MY BEST FRIENNNNND/AND I LOVVVVE YOUUUUUUUU." They used to have hooks and choruses that, while pretty simplistic some of the time, were really catchy and fun to sing along with. Not here. And "Beverly Hills" sounds like what Wheatus' follow-up to "Teenage Dirtbag" would have been if anyone had begun to give a shit about Wheatus once "Teenage Dirtbag" got old. And oh god, that stupid guitar solo.
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