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Everything posted by thepunkrockicon

  1. I've never played, but I've been considering downloading it and giving it a try
  2. So I've recently begun working on scripts for some YouTube videos talking about Dungeons and Dragons. Aside from campaign diaries or stories about previous games, is there anything you guys think would be interesting to see someone talk about related to D&D or Table Top RPG's as a whole? I have a decent amount of experience with D&D and not much else, but I'm down to pick up other games if people think that kind of stuff would be interesting
  3. That sounds interesting as hell. I don't want to give away too many details on my game, cuz a couple people on the board are playing in it, but the basic premise is that the PC's are the Senior Officers of an army for hire/mercenary guild during a contract to kill the personal Artificer of a tyrant who is slowly conquering the world. I've always wanted to run a mercenary centric campaign, with the main characters being in charge of essentially a large army, where they can delegate out other contracts for lower ranking members, and MCDM's The Chain stream gave me a lot of inspiration to work it into it's own narrative. The most interesting part of the game is probably that I'm actually running 2 versions of it simultaneously. It's likely gonna be starting sometime mid to late January, but I'm running one version for a few offline friends who are relatively new to D&D, and then I'm running it for some EWB peeps and a couple friends I have that are more experienced at the game. I'm gonna run the same game, with the same challenges and combats, and make YouTube campaign diaries discussing the differences. I'm planning on letting the campaigns gradually change based on the different decisions of the two parties, which I think will lead to two very different experiences.
  4. So in a couple weeks or so, I'm going to be embarking on what is definitely my most ambitious campaign to date. As a DM, it's been a lot of crazy work, but I'm thinking almost everything can be reasonably reused for a different group. I just have some long term ideas that I really hope we play long enough to have come to fruition
  5. You performed your job of being big and intimidating perfectly, though. I couldn't even come up with a reason for an enemy to attack someone else until the @Toe's bard almost killed the Bugbear
  6. Is the link invalid or is it just my computer being stupid?
  7. I'd be down. I already agreed to basically run 2 campaigns once we get settled in at our new place, so I probably wouldn't be able to DM. But I would be willing to play a character if someone else wants to run
  8. So I got a DLC through something[I think it might have been a Humble Bundle] for a game on Steam called Darkest Dungeon, the Shieldbreaker DLC in particular. If anyone wants it, let me know
  9. @Mr. Meacon Moneybags and @Mx. Canadian Destroyer- just because you're the ones talking about D&D. I have been playing for about 15 years and am thoroughly addicted to Dungeons and Dragons. If either of you have any questions or want to play in a game(I can DM if no one else is willing), I'd be more than happy to oblige. I likely couldn't run until after a move that I'm planning for sometime in the next month, but I have specific plans to set up a room for running D&D online and recording D&D related content for YouTube.
  10. So what you're saying is I shouldn't respond to posts while drunk? Well that's no fun But if people are actually interested, I do legitimately have a Realms server that isn't currently being used too much
  11. I would 100% be interested in something like this. I currently have a realms server that is basically only played on by me and 1 other friend
  12. So over the last couple weeks, my partner has been running some 5e over Zoom for some friends and I. And while I honestly enjoy playing a character, I really miss DMing. So I've set up a one shot this Sunday for some coworkers and random online folks we know through Zoom. I know a lot of people complain about being "the DM friend" but I can't be the only one who prefers running games to playing in them, right?
  13. My girlfriend has been running her first 5e game for me and a couple friends. She's just running the Starter Set, which has been a ton of fun. I've been running a Swashbuckler Rogue, and we've got a Grave Cleric, a College of Glamour Bard, and a Totem Warrior Barbarian running around. It's really nice to play again, but I'm slowly coming to the realization that I might prefer DMing, as I can't wait for this campaign to be over so I can run the homebrew I'm working on haha.
  14. I'm in this really weird but probably common place creatively where I have a ton of ideas I want to workshop/talk over with other players and DMs, but I'm pretty much the only DM that I know. As a result, all of the people I could talk ideas over with are either players in my group, or players with little to no experience and so don't really know/understand the behind the screen mechanics necessary to make game worlds work. I love/hate the challenges of trying to build a game world from scratch. I want to have at least a base layer set before I have a world building session with my players, but I get really excited about what I'm working on and just want to tell them every idea I have lol.
  15. I think that's a good idea, I just have absolutely zero clues as to how to even attempt to make something like that work
  16. I mean, if people are interested then I'm willing to set up a discord channel for it and all that
  17. Hey, I'm not sure if this has been brought up as an idea, but would anyone be interested in getting a (semi) consistent group going? Most likely through Discord, since that's a program I'm pretty comfortable with. I'm willing to DM although I'm a fairly new DM.
  18. So when I first started playing, I was an all Horde player. Tauren are actually my favorite race in the game. But I stopped playing for a while, and when I got back into it a few years ago, I had some friends who were Alliance so I made all Alliance characters. And then I kinda just did a hard reset of all my characters when I restarted recently. I actually started a Tauren Druid last night because I forgot how much I had liked being Horde. As for my Realm, I have absolutely no idea how to check that
  19. I've just started back up in this game after about 5 years. Cleared my old characters and basically started all over. In a couple weeks I only have a lvl 30 ish pandaren monk, but I'm alliance with all my characters haha
  20. So I saw that crusader kings was free, so I picked it up. Ran through the first part of the learning scenario and am probably more confused than when I booted it up. Gonna chalk this one up to being crazy tired and give it another go tomorrow. Seems like a lot of fun once you figure everything out
  21. Some friends and I have been organizing semi regular board game nights to intersperse into or D&D nights, and some of the games have been spectacular. We've got this card game called Sushi Go that's a huge hit at the table, and a couple nights ago we tried out something called Forgotten Island, which is a little complicated but a huge amount of fun. Up to 6 player co-op where you're working to get all the treasures and get off the island. It's good fun. There's a harder version called Forbidden Desert that we're gonna break out once we get more comfortable with the Island version.
  22. I would be down as hell. I've got a Tiefling Warlock I've been dying to play As for Starfinder, I've only played a session or two in the system, but it's tons of fun. Played a 3 foot tall genetically modified mouse with a computer in his brain that let him hack things from a distance. And that's just core rulebook stuff haha
  23. Tomb of Annihilation is a hell of a meat grinder, but I really enjoyed the setting. I'm in the weird spot of consistently DMing a single group, but my other DM who I am usually a player for just keeps jumping around. We've started Curse of Strahd 4 times with different groups, Tomb twice, and the Starter Set a couple times too. I'm actually talking with my current group about starting a podcast/YouTube series based around a homebrew world I've been working on for a while. This particular game is only my 2nd time being DM, and the first time it was not great. I'm running them through Lost Mines of Phandelver[the starter set] because our most experienced player besides me has been playing just under a year now. I have 2 completely new players[one of whom has watched Critical Role, so has a basic grasp], my GF who is the aforementioned player with a years experience, and my mom, who hasn't played D&D in 35 years, when she was playing 1st edition. It's been crazy fun
  24. Ah, what the hell. I'll join in late. I'll take Sapphire
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