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Everything posted by Szumi

  1. If you're France, why worry about the keeper? I mean, I know Lloris is young and doesn't have a lot of international experience, but the kid's been dynamo in big games. When it matters, he has seemed to come up big, time and time again. I can't comment on a lot of his stuff from the domestic campaign, but for France and the Champs League, he certainly impressed me. I'd be more worried about the other end, scoring the goals. An aging Henry, an out of form Ribery? Who is going to come up big for the side? Anelka and Malouda certainly could, but they need other options in the attack.
  2. I almost wish West Ham was never bought out than have Sullivan in charge of the club. With each passing day and the news/rumors I see, I find myself turning more and more against what the club is doing. Fans are going to be fucking pissed if/when they sell Carlton Cole, as will I. Here was your only real striking option the whole season, and you're going to sell him right away. While Ilan scored quite a few needed goals, almost all came from a Carlton Cole assist, with the only exception being that great diving header against Everton. Plus, he has no desire to return to the club, if I remember correctly. So now you're going to lose your only two strikers. The other thing that makes me cringe, is a Soccernet article from today. Now if of course it's actually true, the plan for West Ham is to approach Big Sam for the managerial position of Avram Grant turns it down. Now I mean this with no disrespect to Blackburn supporters, but who the fuck would want Big Sam as a manager? Anti-football kind of tactics a lot, and he just always came off like a douche to me. Not really the manager I want for the club I love. He might be able do what's necessary to avoid relegation, but he'll also be boring everyone to death in the process.
  3. Yeah, no surprise Zamora didn't get in, especially with the Achilles injury. It's nice to see Joe Cole at least get a shot with the national team, and I'm thrilled Scotty Parker is at lest getting invited to the camp. I'm not going to expect much in terms of him actually making the squad, but after the season he's had, he certainly deserves to be in that camp. I'd rather have seen Ashley Yong get the nod over SWP, or maybe even Walcott, since Walcott's been inconsistent/injured/poor for a lot of the season. Ah well. Hopefully Green keeps the starting spot, and Upson makes the squad (Y)
  4. They certainly have the Spurs mighty scared.
  5. See, I'm with therockbox on this one. Regardless of what happens with the ownership, stadium, manager, etc., I totally agree there are certain key players who need the club needs to get rid of. The most controversial - but ultimately wisest - choice? Torres. Right now, he's at his peak, and every club in the world wants him. But here's the thing: if he stays at Liverpool, especially playing as a lone striker, he's going to continually having injury-plagued seasons, and Liverpool keeps suffering because of it. They could easily get 40 million for Torres, and if you get a silly club coming in, 60-75 million. Torres himself knows his body can't keep up with Premier League play, especially as a solo striker. If I was Liverpool, I'd be trying to sell him before everyone else realizes it and he becomes the Spanish Michael Owen. Would Liverpool be a weaker club without Torres? Of course, that's obvious. But if club can use the money to invest in new players who can blend well, and stay fit, it will help Liverpool in the long run.
  6. Oh, I know. The first one wasn't at all, and the second was suspicious. Hard to tell. Even if the second was in, it looked liked Rodallega put it in with his arm. Thankfully Parker scored a wonder goal to put us back up. Seriously, all he does is save our asses time after time.
  7. Wow, TWICE Wigan have scored on corner kicks where the ball wasn't inside the quadrant all the way, and the second one sure looked like it went in of Rodallega's arm. Great referee, Alan Wiley, you are.
  8. Wow. That was some class by Nani. Excellent little chip.
  9. I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet: So yeah, thoughts? I'm sure many were expecting it, and I know quite a few here are probably pleased with it (I don't know about you, rockbox, but I know certainly am).
  10. FUCKING RIGHT~! That victory was absolutely huge, and we deserved all 3 points against Sunderland. Add on that Burnley just beat Hull, as we're now 4 points up on both of them. Thank you Burnley, and thank you Ilan <3
  11. As a West Ham fan, we were extremely lucky that Everton didn't get a penalty when it was 1-1. Da Costa kicked Saha right in the chest. It was a penalty. But a fabulous response from Faubert and Ilan after going down. What a vital, vital point, especially with Hull hosting Burnley next week. We needed that point, and even more did we need the confidence boost that comes with a point on the road.
  12. GET BENT, 'ARRY~! While it was great to see Bent score against Spurs, less than 40 seconds in too, it was an awful goal. Poach a rebound, when Gomes probably should've done better with it anyways.
  13. Yeah, I have no idea how the assistant missed that. That was clear as day offside.
  14. I know the feeling, mang. I don't like Chelski, but if Sir Alex loses, I'll gladly root Chelski on. Joe Cole's been having a tremendous game so far, and props to him. If anyone deserves to get his form back, it's Joe Cole.
  15. Well look at it this way, stoke. If Zhirkov's tackle on Park could've easily been a penalty, that Neville tackle DEFINITELY was a penalty.
  16. I can't agree more about how great tonight's episode was, and how the season continues to be a home run. However, we're right back to where we were last year. The ratings for the show continue to decline, as the past two weeks have only pulled in a 1.9 each. If it's another rating like that for tonight's episode, then the show is in REAL danger of being cancelled. It's not fair at all, as Chuck is clearly a phenomenal show, but goes up against some harsh competition in House, HIMYM, and now Dancing With the Stars (I'm not sure if it's staying on Mondays, just that it did last week). Add on the fact that Chuck hasn't had a show alongside it that pulled in decent ratings since its first season (you know, back when Heroes WASN'T shit), it's been all by itself in terms of trying to actually get solid ratings. For shame.
  17. Oh yes, this was definitely a good performance from Liverpool. Dominated pretty much the whole match, great runs forward, nice trickery with some of their passing, loads of chances, etc. Lots of wasted chances too, but the fact that they were at least making them is refreshing to see. It was nice to see Gerrard have a solid match in the midfield. Usually when he's had to drop back, he's been non-existent. Today, he still made good runs forward without having to always be the center piece of Liverpool's attack. If I had to point out one weak spot of today's match, it would have to be Babel's inability to pass a ball in the final third. That's not to say he doesn't pass, he does. However, he is just awful at it. Quite a few times he had guys open for an easy strike, and his lay-off was atrocious. Most notably his lay-off for Gerrard, and his square pass for Kuyt that he ended up flopping over the goal. On the ball for Gerrard, 'Pool got lucky that Gerrard was fouled because the pass was so poor that he was never going to be able to collect it and shoot.
  18. Torres, you are a fucking beast. That goal was simply incredible. At least 85% luck, probably more like 95%, but sheeze, what a goal.
  19. So how long until Zola gets sacked now? Knowing Sullivan, I'd say only an hour, but it is probably happening tonight. I just can't see how Zola gets to keep his job, especially with Sullivan in charge.
  20. I am officially disgusted to be a West Ham fan right now. The total lack of motivation of this squad is fucking awful, and they deserve to be relegated. You know how important the match is for survival, and the whole squad, sans Scott Parker, play like absolute shit. Ridiculous.
  21. Clint Dempsey, you are one beautiful man you This has been absolutely classic. I'd love to see Zamora cap it all off with another goal.
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