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Everything posted by Beeker00Zero

  1. Pretty much this. I'm a pretty jaded old bastard but good gods when Hardwick offered her a hug I felt like the whole world wanted to make her feel better.
  2. Ho. Lee. Shit. That ending fucking hurt beyond belief.
  3. I always hated the Haybales of Doom, because there was no strategy or ability involved, just pure luck. The return of the Broken Ox makes me giggle with glee! Tim and TeJay became grating by the time they got the boot, they were stereotypical screeching, whining gay males. Losing the Cyclists hurt because they are easily a top 3 team and one I will truly miss. Now I see why Brooke is known for her ass, not her mic skills, the woman is truly ugly on the inside. Plus her and Robbie made two massive, one minor mistakes doing nothing to dispel the belief that wrestlers are stupid. Not telling the Scientists where the clue was on Mount Faber (because the Scientists are less of a threat than the Cyclists would have been), not U-turning the Cyclists and not figuring out who the clue guy was in the square. The Scientists were foolish to believe Brooke and Robbie, that was their mistake.
  4. I'm not sure it is possible to have a coming out party against the Lakers this year.
  5. I think once your team has gone defunct you're permitted to pick a new club. Being a supporter of Vancouver Whitecaps, if they bit the dust, the only teams I couldn't select would be Seattle Sounders or Portland Timbers.
  6. Pretty much down to her or Reed for me. Nathalie handled Tribal Council (and for the matter getting something from realizing professional dancer Reed was not going to lose that endurance challenge) very well and is now in a position of power with the only idol left. Although, part of me things it would be hilarious if suddenly, right near the end, Keith reveals himself to be a Verbal Kint type character. Which... isn't going to happen but I would love it if he played it off that way.
  7. From before the start of the Canucks' Game tonight. A video tribute to Pat Quinn. (It's rather a fittingly Irish infused, heart-felt tribute.)
  8. Give it a week (or two) and I'd have been fine with Jeremy being blindsided but as of right now, they know Keith/Wes has an idol, so this week I'd have voted out Reed (who is now my favourite, even if he did betray Keith because... lol... Keith). With Reed gone, then the six (Jeremey, Jon, Jaklyn, Natalie, Baylor and Missy) split their votes for Keith and Wes to flush the idol. With then vote out whichever of them doesn't play the idol. Instead Jon and Jaklyn pretty much ruined any chance they had at winning this game because well Jon is an utter moron. The only people I want to see win this now... are Reed, Keith or Natalie (and I can't believe I am rooting for Natalie.)
  9. I didn't think anybody liked Milbury in any capacity. He failed in every job post hockey, and he wasn't much of a hockey player either. I'm sure the Islanders wished they never interviewed him. He makes Don Cherry look wise.
  10. I think Jon and Jacklyn made their choice, and the right one at hat, to side with Jeremy's faction over Josh's alliance. They are now in a group of six, instead of seven. Jon's about as dumb as that rock he eventually climbed, I'm not sure about Jacklyn as she hasn't received too much screen time really. And as long as Drew or Missi don't come close to winning, I can tolerate any of the others.
  11. The worst movie of all time? For me that has to be Battlefield Earth. You know a movie is beyond bad when one of the preview trailers before the film was... for Battlefield Earth. That's right, a movie so bad it put a trailer for itself on the DVD. Horrible acting, terrible writing, abysmal special effects. I recall laughing exactly twice. Of all the terrible things John Travola foisted upon the world... this is the worst.
  12. The actor playing Victor Zasz was chewing so much scenery I really don't want to see him again. Penguin continues to be the best reason to watch this show. I think Penguin is either asexual or omnisexual.
  13. What I enjoyed most about it is was how it was Beth with all new people. It was a bit jarring to realize it was a new location and a nearly all new cast for one episode. And it really displayed just how much growth there has been to Beth's character. And GoGo... Keisha's Oscar nomination was 12 years ago, and I'm sure she was happy to be seen on a very popular show. And get to turn into a 'roamer'!
  14. Do you attribute the monkey's who write your shit, or do you try to pass it off as your own? Like the noble thespian Shia LeBeouf I acknowledge my plagiarism, if you need time to go look up those polysyllabic big words ApSham... I can wait for you to copy and paste them.
  15. So I found a bit of money recently... and have a new-ish computer. Is there any point in purchasing this game or should I just wait for Civ 6... if it is coming out soon, after all Civ 5 is nearly 5 years old.
  16. I've read the books Sousa. That is still a lot of culling to get books 4 and 5 into one season. Plus, books six and seven have yet to be released. Unless you have illicit information you aren't sharing with us. Damn You Sousa! I know you do!!!
  17. Good. FUCK Dallas! I dislike Seattle but can at least respect them, I fucking despise the taint which is Frisco FC. Such a cheap victory over the Whitecaps, Frisco FC deserves to be steamrolled by the Sounders. Would have been a much more memorable pair of matches if Vancouver won the playoff.
  18. I'll tell you this Benkid, I pretty much never agree with your opinions, but you are welcome to them. I never thought about watching the first season of True Detective because McConaughey's film resume is littered with mostly steaming piles of excrement. Unwatchable rom-coms with Kate Hudson, one of the worst movies of all time in Sahara... yet Harrelson has a very solid film history... once enough people started saying enough good things about the show I checked it out and enjoyed it. It's been a decade since Vaughn has been anything memorable and when he writes his own material is makes the poetic style of Carrottop be missed. Farrell has yet to put in a performance I found entertaining. I know a lot of people enjoyed In Bruges, I hated it. And there were a lot of things wrong about John Carter, most of them fall to promotion and marketing, but Kirsch delivered a cardboard performance at best. So... yah... I'm not signed up for True Dicks, Season Two... even if they cast 3 dicks.
  19. If Season Seven is the final one, then they aren't likely going to get past book five, or they are rewriting the whole end of the series. With the TV pacing it seems this should be closer to at least 9, maybe 11 seasons. Not that I'm asking for that. Martin has also suggested the grande finale might be a feature length movie, which, if so, it would be a suitable send off for such a great TV show.
  20. I was uncomfortable with this at the outset, because I feared Jeremy was going to suddenly start a homophobic rant, but his logic was sound. Don't be seen as a lovey-dovey couple, two people = double the chance to work the social game. He just happened to say it in a confrontational tone. I think GoGoGrimes nailed it when he said Jeremy feels there is Only One Way To Play Survivor. Which, clearly, there isn't. What I like about Blood vs. Water is that is messes up the traditional game-play as there are fanatics mixed with noobs. I disagree. Missi is a terrible player and a bossy bitch who should have been booted before Kelley. Missi is actively terrible in challenges. This last episode she actively harmed her tribes chances at winning immunity, which they then lost. At this point, I'd keep her around because I would want to be in the finals with her. Kelley may have been a good player, it is hard to tell. Also Jon is a clueless moron who sticks around for being good(ish) looking and physical. Mental/social games are not his strengths. Finally, I despise how they switched up the tribes an episode before the merge. It would have been far more interesting for Tribe Too Much Rice to have to deal with Jeff "Dickish Negotiator" Probst than how it played out. I'm sure the producers have their reasons, but that whole switch seems utterly contrived to me. Also I felt the cost of the extra bag of rice wasn't enough, it should have been an additional penalty at a challenge (immunity or reward.)
  21. John Carter would suggest otherwise.
  22. I don't think I'll be watching this season of True Detective. I love the concept but casting 3 of the least watchable actors in the leads means I am not invested in it at all. The good thing? Unless Farrell and Vaughn utterly destroy the franchise (they could, trust me) the next incarnation might appeal to me.
  23. Beeker00Zero

    The Flash

    I find Wentwood Miller to be a terrible actor but yet as a one dimensional villain, it plays to his strengths. (I loathed him in Prison Break, a show I never got more than 15 minutes into before rooting for all the inmates to be executed and he is not a good actor by any stretch, but give him some simplistic dialogue... and he's fine... he only won me over when he shot that smile at Cisco.) I honestly went 'awwww' when Felicity and Barry had their moment on the train.
  24. They've made the playoffs twice as many times as Vancouver... of course... since the Whitecaps joined MSL they haven't made the playoffs... so make of that what you will. Mainly that Vancouver made Chivas obsolete. And Toronto can now take up the mantle of the most inept franchise in MLS. Finally, Toronto wins something! Huzzah! Cubo Torres is a fantastic name.
  25. Penguin. Bullock. Get rid of the rest and this should would be infinitely better.
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