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Everything posted by Beeker00Zero

  1. Big Brother has always bored me. There is no interesting reason for me to watch. TAR shows off my favourite thing ever, traveling. I have often been to most places they go, but love where they send them. The past season for TAR: Canada was probably the best season of the race ever, and I despised the first season of TAR: Canada. Off to England for some punting on (I hope) the Cam.
  2. TAR > TNA... obviously. I liked the shout-out, throw back to the first race. I can't believe how bad those 3 teams were with using a compass, reading a map. I especially loved the 'actual treasure' chests and arrows.
  3. Not a big surprise, DeMerit's retirement was making the rounds the past few days. Here is a classy letter, from a solid lynchpin of an expansion franchise in MLS. http://www.whitecapsfc.com/news/2014/07/open-letter-jay-demerit
  4. GoGo is a filthy Seattle man and therefore one of my arch-enemies. While I'm here, could someone send the Vancouver Whitecaps a potent finisher? I'd almost accept Camillo back at this point if he wants to escape the Mexican Prison Team he isn't really playing for.
  5. I'm not sure thank you is in order for calling me old. :P

  6. This is why you lost your name! Bad not-Ruki!
  7. Does anyone on these boards known if there is any value in about 2 years worth of old Nintendo Power magazines? The magazines run from about Issue 19 - 39. Are these used (ie opened) books worth anything to collectors or are they best sent to recycling?
  8. I've never not lived, just not been around EWB much anymore.

  9. Hey howdy to you C-Mil.

  10. Cool points for being on Sesame Street. Losing about an equal number for doing a counting song and not including the Count.
  11. I voted for you. Maybe. Stupid image thing. But why you'd want to be on that abomination of a show is beyond me. If you go on and nail a Gringo Killer on the host, then it'll all make sense. Still if you want it. Best of luck. I look forward to mocking the trainwreck nature of your run on it. Hell, get on and I'll start a Pick Up and Put Down thread for you and snark the show.
  12. On the good... More Conan. Who was shat upon during his debut (and with just cause) but his opening sketch made him, as did Andy Richter and his interview with David Letterman. Conan at 11:30 only works if they let him keep being Conan. The bad... Jimmy Fallon. Who... good fuck... he's just a pistol-whipping short of being an slack-jawed retard. The ugly... Jay Leno being courted? When the funniest skits are 'Headlines' and 'Jaywalking' none of which require Leno at all... then you're about as racy as white bread. The good, bad and ugly... Carson Daly. (Good he's not being promoted; bad and ugly that he's still on the air and employed.)
  13. The first part was bad enough, it's not a bad cover, but to insult Heather Graham? Sir, you have taken a step to far and I DEMAND satisfaction!
  14. Worst Cover Ever... "American Woman" by Lenny Kravitz. Fucking moron never understood the whole concept behind the song or the worlds And heather graham gyrating in a stars and stripes bikini was fucking hilarious. Also, I've learned from this thread. Manson is the most famous karoake artist ever!
  15. My least favourite episode, the nadir episode so to speak is Homer vs. New York. I find it mindboggling that someone could name that one of their favourites. When the funniest joke is 'Crab juice over Mt. Dew.' then the writers aren't trying any more. It's rebounded since then but will never come close to some of those early seasons. I find the first season hard to watch. And I was old enough to appreciate it the first time around. Yes, I'm dating myself. Then it was pointed and satrical and shocking. Now... it's just an above average comdey. (Which isn't saying much as King of Queens and 2 and a half men are the current poster-children from comedy while Arrested Development gets cancelled. GRRR!) My personal all time favourite episode ever was early one, season one or two or three. Where the family goes to Dr. Marvin Monroe for Shock Therapy Counselling. That one makes my belly hurt from laughing every time it's on. Oh, and I agree with Boulder about overstaying a shows welcome. Seinfeld is a perfect example... and it overstayed it's welcome by one show. I can't express how much I *LOATHE* the final episode of that show.
  16. As egotistical as Lohan saying that is, at least she's actually done something to at least make the claim make a little sense. She sings, acts, and gets $7.5 million a movie, along with the crazed tabloid fodder. I don't think Lohan's claim is any better, but at least she was closer to it.
  17. Do you not get it or something? You must not be truly Canadian...
  18. For the Genesis: Speedball II: Brutal Deluxe. I wish I could explain the joy of this game. I have no clue what the ratings were, but I adored it. Like... full contact handball... with less Latinate diving, silly power ups and a fun challenge.
  19. Arcade Games WrestleFest Best WWF Arcade game ever. Couldn't play the Road Warriors, which was sad. I don't know if I ever hit with Ted DiBiase's flying elbow, but damn it was fun to try. Mr. Perfect's PerfectPlex was impossible to win with. Sgt. Slaughter rules in the Battle Royale option. RIP Earthquake. Excite or Exciting Hour I loved this game. And could rock at it. Coco Savage! The evil masked Pirana! No continuations, but I could play this game like a champ. Centipede one of the most playable games ever. Something a lot of games have forgotten lately. And a stylish use of the rollerball. Addams Family Pinball THE Ma-Mush-ka! Just a fun fun pinball game. Galaga Space Invaders with super graphics (back in day - before most of you were ever born. Jerks!) Atari 2600 Pitfall I still have pictures of my TV with my high scores on this game. It was that great. Indiana Jones before Indiana Jones existed! Q*Bert I'd forgotten how much I loved this oddity of a game until Biggz mentioned it up above. Atari Baseball My brother doesn't play video games, we played this for hours. We'd normally go into 15 innings tied at 1. He could just flat out play, I had to get creative. Only game where I could do a Fast-slow-fast ball. Or a pitch that snaked to catch the back corner of the plate. NES Shingen the Ruler I just really loved this game, my Crimson Hoarde killed all. Super Mario III I think. Whichever one you could have the flying raccoon suit in. This was a lush, huge world. Genesis Speedball 2: Brutal Delux Fun, foolish, nasty game, with trades and a game that looked a lot like Rollerball. Altered Beasts Just because it rocked. Dragonwarrior Before there was Final Fantasy, I found this game. Still love it, although not the greatest of RPGs. Shining Force don't know if it was one or two, but this was just a fantastic game with a unique style. Sonic the Hedgehog Sega wanted their own emblematic, they succeeded wildly. I never beat this game but made it to the end often enough. Playstation Final Fantasy VII for all the reasons listed above (and below likely) Final Fantasy Tactics I have a kick ass bard who strums a lute and heals his team. how can you not love that? A very cool spin-off from a super successful series. WWF Attitude Yes, there are better wrestling games, but this game allowed me and my brother to pummel each other with our favourite created wrestlers. The first time I saw No Clue Stu McGrew make his entrance to the ring (as Mankind) it appeared as though he'd injured himself... which was perfect for his gimmick! Plus... the Big Head Punch. SUCH a funny move. Computer games EWR/TEW I feel for playability, the sleek, friendly set-up of EWR 4 tops them all. Still, I respect his game making skills and hope he continues to succeed in the industry. Civilization III: Gold I can't recall how much time I lost playing this game. Sort of games I love. How many is that? Oh, and anyone else, say WHY you love the games please. I makes it much more enjoyable to check out than a mere list.
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