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Everything posted by Starvinho

  1. A full round of fixtures tonight and tomorrow for those who don't know. Tonight's games are Arsenal v Everton (19:45), Man Utd v Aston Villa (20:00), Sunderland v Chelsea (19:45) and West Brom v Wigan (20:00), the latter is the TV game on Sky Sports. According to Sky Sports, Torres and Luiz aern't expected to feature for Chelsea. Van Der Sar, Vidic, Rooney and Berbatov are set to return for United, it wouldn't suprise me to see 9 or 10 changes from the FA Cup game at Southampton. Tomorrows games are Birmingham v Man City (19:45), Blackburn v Tottenham (20:00), Blackpool v West Ham (20:00), Bolton v Wolverhampton (20:00), Fulham v Newcastle (20:00) and Liverpool v Stoke (20:00). The Fulham-Newcastle game is the TV game. Andy Carroll won't be fit for about 3-4 weeks, so obviously won't feature for Liverpool. As for Suarez, I haven't heard or read anything to say otherwise, so he could make his debut.
  2. I would have took an extra midfielder or winger, especially because we have let Cleverley stay at Wigan. We've just got to hope Giggs and Scholes stay fit for the rest of the season now, Valencia should be back soon too, which hopefully will be a big boost if he can find his form after his broken leg.
  3. So who did United sign today then? Oh that's right, no-one I feel left out. We're still winning the league though! There is word on Gabriel Obertan wanting a transfer out of Old Trafford though, not sure if he is home-sick or just fed up with the lack of games.
  4. James Beattie undergoing a medical at Blackpool with a view to a loan move from Rangers.
  5. (Y) Speaking of which, he may be on his way to Bolton on loan. Edit: Some sources are now confirming Sturridge to Bolton on loan.
  6. Is this out of the blue or was there talk of a loan deal to Forest, I assumed he was on his way back to Fulham? Be a decent signing for Forest in their promotion push anyhow.
  7. A big final day in the window then, heres what's being said early doors; If I had to guess, I would say Tottenham will be the busiest club in the market today. They surely need a new defender or two, whilst they have been linked with numerous midfielders and strikers. The windows closes at 11pm this evening for those who don't know.
  8. 4 on Sunderland vs Chelsea Draw 4 on Wigan 12 on Acc Newcastle, Man City and Bolton Blackburn 1-2 Tottenham
  9. Honestly, what a fucking draw! A great game to watch for the neutral and the dream draw for Crawley, I'd estimate they'll get about £1million from it, with TV revenue, ticket sales, a merchandise boost, etc. It's shit being a United fan because I love supporting the underdog, I may secretly be routing for Crawley in the game though
  10. I woke up super early for the cricket then the tennis, double shitness for me! Only just fucking woke up aswell because I've been asleep all afternoon. Atleast I won't be tired for the Rumble though!
  11. Poor again by England, Australia have now won the series 4-1 with 2 to play. Credit to Anderson and Finn though who made the England innings a little more respectable.
  12. You've gotta love that Little Pea! I thought Owen had a good game too, Giggs was awesome as per usual when he came on aswell. Still an under-par performance though, but we keep winning
  13. 1-0 to Southampton at half time To be fair they deserve the lead, they have looked the most threatening going forward, and it was an excellent strike by Chaplow. Sets up the second half nicely, I fancy there will be a few more goals in this yet.
  14. Most of them were substitute appearences I'm betting. Anyways nothing I can say will change your mind, you've obviously made your mind up he's shit and isn't good enough for Liverpool. Ironic really, a United fan trying to big up a Chelsea player, who was a City trainee, to a Liverpool fan...
  15. When? When he finds a club that plays him week in, week out, he will be a 20-goal a season striker no doubt.
  16. Coventry just gone 2-0 at Birmingham after 25 minutes, I guess Birmingham don't fancy 2 cup runs in one season then? Edit: 3-2 to Birmingham now, maybe they did fancy the cup run afterall Also United team; Lindegaard, O'Shea, Smalling, Evans, Fabio; Anderson, Scholes, Gibson, Obertan, Owen, Hernandez Lindegaard debut and Owen starts for the first time since his injury.
  17. Couldn't agree more, Murray is gonna have to be on top form tomorrow and a good start will be a must if he wants to be champion. I'd go as far as saying that whoever wins the first set tomorrow will most likely go on to win, that's how important a good start will be for either player.
  18. Danny Sturridge is a 20-goal a season striker, he just needs to start more games! Granted he's no Torres but he would be a good, young and hungry potential replacement, well in my opinion anyways.
  19. Talk in the morning press of an improved bid of around £38-40 million for Torres, with Daniel Sturridge as part of the deal. To me that is unrejectable, it's a serious amount of money and Sturridge is a class player who in my opinion is being held back at Chelsea.
  20. Surely Torres could have waited until the end of the season? I'd just let him go Chelsea for £35million or whatever they bid, Liverpool could get another decent striker with that money, and atleast they'd have a striker who'd want to be at the club. Every time I see Torres play this season he plays with no passion or spirit, he seems like he'd be happier somewhere else.
  21. They might aswell have got Suarez now because they will need a quality striker eventually, and a player of Suarez's quality might not be available in the summer say? They definately need to sign 2 or 3 defenders now though.
  22. Suarez and Torres up front for Liverpool eh? Now that could turn out to be a hell of a partnership. If Liverpool got Charlie Adam, or someone with similar midfield passing abilities, along with Gerrard and a good wide player or two, Liverpool could be an attacking force in the league. I hope United sign someone before the window closes, a midfielder would be preferable, we're gonna need as many quality players as possible for the run in.
  23. Uzbekistan 2-3 South Korea in the 3/4 play play-off today, Korea were 3-0 in the first have until Uzbekistan pulled a couple back. Best thing about this is Park Ji Sung can come home and play for United again, he was on form when left! Edit: Just found out Park has retired from international football. Good news for us, most of his injuries over the past few seasons have been because of long flights to Korea every few months for international games.
  24. Martins is an ace player on his day, but the thing is he usually has like 1 good game out of 5, but Mcleish might be able to get him to play. I heard a few rumours about the big lad Zigic maybe leaving Birmingham in this window for a 6-month loan to Racing Santander, anyone know how much truth there is in that?
  25. Murray was lucky, he could have easy been two sets down, but he pulled the points out when he needed to in the second set tie-breaker. In the third, Murray was awesome, that's how he needs to play against Djokovic in the final. In the fourth Murray started as he finished the third but then took his foot off the gas again, but as in the second he got the points he needed in the tie-breaker. Murray will definately need to up his performance against Djokovic in the final, because he might not be so lucky making so many unforced errors against a arguably the best player on the tour right now.
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