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Everything posted by Lowerdeck

  1. And hell, there may be MORE rainouts. More rainouts for the Tri-State. It's kind of sad when the Yankees need Tampa to forfeit to get a win.
  2. I'm starting to think the top of my list got randomly thrown around in this section. Or else it's cool knowing Half Baked and Christmas Vacation were semi-popular.
  3. Jets? Ugh, I feel SOOOOOOOOOO sorry for you. They're the real trash. Nothing satisfies me more than watching the Jets finish out of the playoffs and minus a winning record. Randy Moss is better than Santana, Chad Pennington will become someone's bitch too. New York thinks their shit don't stink. But at least you got it right with the Raiders. They suck. The wise move is the Patriots. Defending champs and back to crush the competition again. Like the Jets for example.
  4. We all know that Benzino hasn't done much right in this feud. I'm not sure if it's still going, but I'd be surprised if it's lasting this long. It's old news and Em wasted Zino.
  5. you can definitely say that again......on both of them. ← I have no idea why anyone in their right mind would pick Trent Green with the 3rd pick. Someone has to be a diehard fan of him/his team cause that's insanely bad. I don't think I'd take him in the 14th round.
  6. Lowerdeck


    Every Breath You Take > I'll Be Missing You
  7. That and the Rock should be nowhere near this list, nevermind 35. We all know him as a wrestler. He's not a good actor, nevermind great. Quit kissing his ass.
  8. I never saw it, but I heard Zoolander was fucking garbage. The previews didn't seem good to me back in the day. So yeah, another one I disagree with.
  9. Battle raps are the only things Eminem can get down pat. Then again, he gets a hell of a lot of them.
  10. There's probably a few AHL markets that could benefit with the NHL's departure because of NHL cities being nearby. Although Springfield (or Worcester) would end up moving to Boston.
  11. I'm just embarassed that my Sox had to be on the wrong side of this multiple umpire botching. I would have liked to see them get a clean win against a power team like Oakland. Perhaps that entire crew got the point with the Oakland fans throwing bottles on the field like idiots.
  12. Lowerdeck


    For the amount of times I listen to Broken Wings, I should have remembered Until the End of Time was a sample. And only recently did I hear the Chaka Khan song "Through the Fire". Damn that was eerily similar.
  13. Eminem's lost all grip with being in the streets. The media's kissed his ass for so long he's now mainstream pop-rap-crap. I don't have any interest in getting this album right now. Maybe one or two of his songs will be good, some nice production. That's about it.
  14. Must suck that he lost one of his friends. But at least he isn't injured too severely. I've never been on 90 in PA - but maps show it's fairly straight. So what in the hell was the driver doing to roll it?
  15. 8 Mile and I, Robot being above Passion of the Christ is bullshit. PotC being 100 is bullshit as well. Chances are me and only two others voted for it in like 5th place and that's only how it's 100. Happy Gilmore should have been much higher too.
  16. MercyMe - "Here With Me" It's a Christian song, but I like it anyway.
  17. Lowerdeck


    Cam'Ron's "Live My Life (Leave Me Alone)" is the same beat as 2Pac's "Ambitionz as a Ridah"
  18. That's why you'd get far from Boston that weekend. I don't think there'd be riots in Sturbridge. Now would there be? No college, no real population. Find a bar or something away from a city.
  19. Half of you probably worn out that album from overplay, hence putting in a new one.
  20. I don't know how anyone can like the Mase - Welcome Back song. And I'm surprised Jesus Walks remix is on there. Just get a whole bunch of Nine Inch Nails and Tool on there. A Perfect Circle too. You should be set for life.
  21. I might drive down to B'More for one of those now four games against the Sox. Most likely the Sunday one, if I go at all. Any good seat suggestions? (for budget?)
  22. What's wrong with jobbing two or three times at the end of the year? And the Jays have to be close to mathematically eliminated by now, if they already aren't yet. On further look: the Jays tragic number is in single digits for both Wild Card and AL East.
  23. I at least give some props to these guys for staying up there against all of this. However, I tend not to like 50 or G-Unit much lately because they've indeed pretty much gone mainstream pop and fluff. EDIT: for some reason I can't see the video.
  24. His game was gone several years ago. I like him and am glad he's finally decided to retire. No more comebacks please.
  25. anything by Lil' Jon and the Eastside Boys. I used to hate them, but now I like their stuff.
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