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Everything posted by Lowerdeck

  1. I haven't been following the game world lately to know what's going on. So, the only thing I'm looking forward to is San Andreas. Then again, that's probably the only game I'd be playing two weeks after I get it.
  2. It's been obvious that since 50 got a deal with Em and Dre that 50 was going to become a little bitch. Right around GRODT, any reasonable person could see the pop turn going.
  3. I'd rather just have the regular movie by itself, and cheaper. I don't need the special features, I find them worthless too.
  4. ditto Just what we need. Hogan's daughter singing. Does this mean the pop airwaves have to be held under to her?
  5. Yeah. Nice try. I don't think they'd be shouting off profanities as they're being dragged off for this. At least the Mormon guy wouldn't be anyway. And Supreme Court, yup ok.
  6. Lowerdeck

    Hilton news

    Like most spoiled Hollywood people, they just probably got the same song from songwriters accidentally. ← No, this guy's doing the world a favor. Perhaps Hillary and Paris can bitchslap each other around and finally knock the hell out of each other out the spotlight.
  7. The only game I've ever pre-ordered was Vice City. Think that was at a EB. I'll be doing the same for San Andreas pretty soon though. Those loyalty cards are a pain in the ass though. I had one through GameStop last year, and I got a bunch of used 64 shit cheap. But I was at a EB-affiliated store last weekend. I saw a mag with the cover story as San Andreas. I buy it, and the guy's doing his job trying to get me to sign up for the card and 10 more mags for $10. I didn't bother that time.
  8. Nobody takes Bow Wow seriously to take any action about this. When 50 and camp were hearing this, they were probably laughing their asses off.
  9. She was in season 3, and probably had more of an important role in that - being less of a retard than normal. Mixed thought that she's gone. Sure, it's eye candy. But her character sucked.
  10. There's this one song with NORE, Nina Sky, and Tego Calderon. It's half in English, half in Spanish, decent beat. NORE has to win the worst line in a new rap song where we get this... "cream cheese with bagel on it" WTF???
  11. He'll fade away when we all want to kill Nelly again. EDIT: And Mase. Thank you for making that trash "Welcome Back". If you're gonna keep doing that - STAY AWAY.
  12. "Confessions Part 2" by Usher. Between that and "Burn" - I need a gun and a bullet. "Move Ya Body", "The Reason", and any of these new "Turn Me On" remixes are fucking poor too. But Usher just wins. Or loses.
  13. Knowing a lot of the PTC's previous actions against the WWE, it's probably safe to say that at least half of the sponsors they list here are bogus. They probably never sponsored the show in the first place. If all else fails, fans of the show should record what companies do sponsor the show and then send thank you e-mails.
  14. Just what else do they have for a QB to be able to do this move?
  15. At least Arroyo hasn't been pitching too horribly lately. I wish the Sox had picked up something better in the trade. But oh well, we'll live on. Hopefully we can hold off Anaheim and Texas to get the Wild Card.
  16. I saw about half an hour of this on HBO, only because I was in a hotel and my mother wanted to watch it. I never wanted to see it anyway. For my list, the ones I really want to see and surprised I never have - all three Godfathers, Reservoir Dogs, King of New York. I just saw Scarface last month, Fight Club in June, and Boondock Saints last November.
  17. Because I've got this full time job for the summer - 2nd shift - I haven't been able to play in tourneys. Perhaps when college comes around, I can. If anyone's around at this time of day and wants to go to a play money table - I'd be up to take your chips.
  18. His show is great, he's a funny man in general. Great to see he's coming back for a couple more seasons. Anyone know when Season 2 comes out on DVD?
  19. Has Ludacris even had beef with anyone? Other than Bill O'Reilly?
  20. Thing is people still eat up 50's stuff because he's all popular. Even if he's lost street cred, he could live in the suburbs without a problem because he's a household figure.
  21. The only place I could really see it not being aired is New York. And I'm not sure if I saw it on Ch. 5 out there.
  22. Here's to hoping they get Lil' Romeo. ← Who loses in a duel to Lil' Wayne ....... ...and/or Bow Wow
  23. Man, this rivalry is so deep. The games are always crazy. And I love every bit of it. As much as I love the Yankees, the fact they have to be good makes this all so better. I'm hoping the Sox can pull back and win the Wild Card, then make the ALCS and World Series.
  24. Milton lost the no-no. And the Sox-Yanks game already seems crazy.
  25. But that was Fry, that's what made it so cool.
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