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Everything posted by bill_da_bill

  1. Jonathan Brookins is going to fight Jeremy Stephens at the TUF Finale. Talk about throwing your TUF winner to the wolves, that's a serious matchup right there.
  2. I’m going off memory here, but I think I read somewhere that the Nationals owner is the richest owner in baseball.
  3. Is that deadline for 5 o'clock tomorrow? I'm going to do my picks tonight late. Making sure it won't be to late. And I'll actually do it right this time.
  4. How do you give Machida a title shot for beating Couture after two straight losses? That'll be a real tough spot for the UFC to be in. I'd prefer we saw Rampage vs. Forrest II. I like Forrest, but chances are Rampage wins that and if not it would be 3 wins in a row for Forrest who could get the title shot.
  5. Which is sad cause they have a decent core group coming together with Eric Gordon/Blake Griffin/DeAndre Jordan, but you know it's going to get screwed up, or Sterling will just never capitalize on the opportunity he has.
  6. This still brings me pain to think about. Why did they have to do it in what might be one of the greatest draft classes ever!
  7. I think Ferdette will be a solid role player if he finds the right team and the right role. The same way J.J. Reddick had to find the right role on the Magic and he's really now excelling in that role. Like Reddick I can't see Ferdette ever being a superstar, but he's good enough to be around for some time.
  8. If Tyreke Evans never becomes better than Gilbert Arenas it'll be a shame and he won't have lived up to his potential, because he has the game to be better and to be a franchise player. I think Love is a fringe franchise guy, but he would be better served paired up with a dominant lead scorer. Plus Love's game leaves a bit to be desired on the defensive end of the court as well. I like the guy, especially cause I am a fantasy sports junkie, but in terms of NBA talent, he falls a little short of franchise level to me. As far as this year's draft goes, Jared Sullinger looks to me like a guy that could be a franchise player. I'm not talking about Lebron James game changer, it'll be a while before we see another Lebron James impact guy come out. But I see Sullinger as having the game to be close to a Blake Griffin level impact, just not the flash and athleticism.
  9. Michigan St. just looks uninterested right now. It’s crazy to see from an Izzo led team really. Michigan has surpassed my expectations for this year. For a team with two juniors and a bunch of freshman and sophomores they’re not looking bad. They’re an NIT team at least which is something. I’m excited to see how Darius Morris and Tim Hardaway Jr. do next year though with a bit more experience under their belts. And hopefully Jordan Morgan develops into an inside threat.
  10. To many sports to little time. There's a reason I didn't start this thread until the Super Bowl, college football recruiting, UFC 126, etc. was over. Typically I catch some games here and there while doing homework, and sadly I follow Michigan close all year, but than come this time of the year I tend to turn up the amount of attention I pay things. I do however watch as much Jimmer Ferdette as I possibly can. Like I said I am a Michigan fan, but I have a ton of respect for Tom Izzo and what he's done at MSU. That said, it's unreal to see the way this team is self destructing.
  11. It seems like every sport imaginable is covered in this section except college basketball. I assume that means there aren't many fans, but I'll start this anyway and see. It's February, that means were only a couple of weeks away from Conference Tournaments and than the beautiful spectacle that is...March Madness. Ohio State looks like the best team, and they also look like they have the best player in Jared Sullinger which bodes well for them. I stil think there are a ton of quality teams out there though and a lot of parody this year which should make for a hell of a March. I still see Duke as right there with Ohio St. in terms of best team, and I hate admitting that cause I don't care much for either school. Texas is my darkhorse right now. I love that team, but they may be to young. So anyone else a fan? Thoughts on how things are unfolding right now?
  12. Im with SDM. I don't see GSP finishing Anderson, but I do see him taking him down round after round and beating him up with GNP. That's not a knock on Anderson, but I just think GSP's wrestling is to strong.
  13. So far Boston looks like the best team. They're just so well rounded and very motivated this year. L.A. could certainly use an upgrade at PG, but I don't think talent is the issue. They just look wore down and uninspired. And man, do I REALLY, REALLY not want to see The Heat win the title. Ever.
  14. This is a big weekend for Michigan with 8 guys coming in. Already got a verbal from Raymon Taylor a 4-star CB who had been committed to Indiana. A bit small at 5'10 and 167, but from what I've read and seen he's very athletic. A couple of big DT's and LB Curtis Grant also in right now. Hoke was behind the 8-ball, just hoping he can end up pulling a respectable top 30 class at this point.
  15. Losing Tate Forcier isn't remotely sad to me as a Michigan fan. Devin Gardner is better than him and so he was essentially a 3rd string QB who couldn't pass a class to save his life. I am really liking the few things Hoke has done so far. Getting the Ravens d-coordinator was huge. Especially for recruiting. Might be stealing a 4 star LB from Texas A&M.
  16. It's a great idea, hence why Donald Sterling could never pull it off.
  17. Far from that. How about we just root for the team that doesn't have a rapist at QB? I've considered taking that approach. And than someone from the Jets opens their mouth and I am back to having a hard time deciding again.
  18. I have a friend who equated rooting for a winner in the Steelers vs. Jets to choosing between pnemounia and mono. Quite accurate.
  19. Considering Mark Sanchez is the Jets QB it's even better.
  20. I really used to dislike Roy Nelson, mostly after TUF. But he's growing on me... http://mmajunkie.com/news/22106/ufcs-nelson-welcomes-fight-with-mir-still-eyes-meeting-with-carwin.mma That's just a funny article right there. Apparently he is petitioning via Twitter to have Brock pick him as one of his assistant coaches. That'd kick ass.
  21. The Heat = Not so good without Lebron.
  22. They always could have never called the thing a tournament... Overeem vs. Werdum who deserves a title shot. Fedor/Silva winner fights the champion. The other guys try and put together a few wins and earn a shot. We could have had the dream matches without the tournament making it confusing.
  23. Yeah it's not as devestating as I first heard it when I thought they were just making a new title. I'm just going to be happy that we're going to see some great matchups, even if the way its being done is a bit odd.
  24. http://mmajunkie.com/news/22085/strikeforce-clarifies-tourney-rules-three-round-fights-overeems-title-not-up-for-grabs.mma This is more credible than where I first read it. The winner gets to face Overeem for the title.
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