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Everything posted by bill_da_bill

  1. I think the deal helps Orlando out, so long as Arenas doesn't implode and they can find team chemistry. Carter and Lewis have fallen off the last couple years and just lack the explosiveness they once had. Jason Richardson and Gilbert Arenas are definently still explosive and both have the ability to take over a game scoring which Carter and Lewis weren't showng the ability to do. And Turkoglu is a wild card, he was one of the biggest reasons they made it to the championship and maybe he's just one of those guys that fits a specific system like Orlando's. I like the moves for Orlando, and I like the message doing something like this sends to their fan base as it appeared obvious they weren't prepared to hang with the Celtics and Heat. Not sure they are going to even with the new additions, but I think they're better prepared.
  2. It's been games that are fun to watch too. I'm more into the NBA this year than I have been in some time.
  3. The Celtics-Knicks game last night was AWESOME. Not a real fan of either team, but I dislike the Celtics so I was pulling for the Knicks in that one. A ton of fun to watch though.
  4. Yeah your right about that. The Rangers had to think if Lee didn't go to New York they had him in the bag. That's a stiff kick to the nuts for those guys.
  5. The Yankees signed Russell Martin, think they felt a little pressure to do something? That can't possibly take away the sting of losing Lee though. Anyone think there's a chance the Rays are willing to trade Matt Garza in division if the price from the Yankees is right? Other than that I can see them making a big push for Ricky Nolasco or maybe Fausto Carmona. Been some trade rumors about both guys. If they can't find the right trade I think they'd be smart to give Aaron Harang a chance. A lot of people think he's washed up, but I think he's got some life left. And I don't think he'd be phased by New York City. I'm not a Yankee fan by any stretch, but I am intrigued by what they do now.
  6. Yeah Jim Miller is on a roll. I mean only losses of his career are Frankie Edgar before his UFC days and Gray Maynard in the UFC. There are a variety of options for him in his next fight, Sherk. Florian, Gomi/Guida winner, Dunham/Guillard winner. I don't like the Bocek/Soto matchup. I don't have anything against Bocek, I really like the guy, but Soto needs to fight a clear cut top 5 guy if he gets through Siver. Soto needs the step up in competition, rather than facing someone else who is trying to use him as a step up.
  7. Kid Yamamoto in talks with the UFC. He's lost a couple recently, but he could still make some exciting fights in the FW division.
  8. Can a person jump into this and start picking at any point?
  9. As a Tigers fan I'm happy with the signing of V-Mart. He's one of the few catchers in the league who can hit .300. And he can be an RBI machine, especially in Detroit. Plus now they'll think twice about walking Cabrera every single time there is a guy on base. He's not a good defensive catcher anymore, but he's not as bad as people make it seem either. I think he'll split time between Catcher and DH. Alex Avila is a good prospect, but he didn't exactly show last year that he's ready to be a full time catcher. And if he does prove it, Martinez will be the DH full time. There's no way he is out of a job at the end of the season. The average at Comerica worries me, but I think he'll adjust. Comerica is a different kind of park and so it takes some time to adjust to it. The first month might be rough, but Martinez is a veteran and he'll figure it out. He's going to get close to .300 or better considering he'll be in front or behind Cabrera. And he'll get close to or over 100 RBI for the same reason. The HR's might be what takes a hit though, because Comerica just isn't a homer friendly park.
  10. I think the Pacers are a genuinely good team. I don't think they'll compete with teams like Orlando, Boston and Miami once playoff time rolls around, but I think there in that next tier and should keep getting better. Granger is one of the league's best pure scorers. Darren Collison has a ton of upside and is starting to play better. And Roy Hibbert is a top 5 Center in the making. Add to it some nice role players like Brandon Rush and such and this team is one to watch in the next couple years. Stoked for Jazz vs. Hornets tonight. I'm big on the Jazz this year and think they're the second best team in the West. But the Hornets have been awesome. Plus it's all about Deron Williams vs. Chris Paul. Awesome.
  11. $500 on Braves over Nationals - 5 - 1
  12. Julian Peterson and Ernie Sims are pretty good OLB's. I wouldn't say that's much of a need. Here's my thing, I agree about taking the best guy, but... Is Aaron Curry still the best player in the draft if he gets moved to MLB a spot he's never played? At OLB yeah he is the best player, but at MLB, I don't know. That's the only thing that makes me hesitant about liking this. Drafting a guy #1 overall and than moving him to a new position is risky.
  13. A lot of rumors swirling that Aaron Curry is the Lions guy. His agents were at the mini-camp over the weekend. And now there are people saying Alex Lewis is changing his number from 52 to 59, 52 is Curry's number. I don't know how I feel about this. Curry is a great player, probabaly the best this draft offers, but do we really want to spend the number one pick on a guy who we will have to move to a new position (OLB to ILB). With so many needs I don't know that this is the best option.
  14. $100 on... Cubs over Cardinals 6 - 3 Dodgers over Rockies 7 - 5 Diamondbacks over Giants 4 - 1 $200 on... Rays over White Sox 6 - 2
  15. I agree about Belcher. He's quickly becoming one of my favorite guys to watch. But Kang got a lot of hype coming in and I just don't see it. Even going back and watching some of his older fights, I don't know, just not impressed.
  16. Just filled out my predictions... Am I the only one who thinks Hardonk has a chance Saturday? I have him pulling off the upset. I just think he is better than people realize and I don't buy the Kongo hype. I think Hardonk can go toe to toe with Kongo on the feet and if it goes to the ground I wouldn't be shocked to se Hardonk catch Kongo with a sub. Also picked a couple lesser upsets with Kang losing, he was very underwhelming against Belcher and Xavier may make some noise in the UFC, he's got a pretty impressive track record coming in, far from your typical rookie.
  17. UFC 97: Redemption Anderson Silva vs. Thales Leites - Rd1:KO Mauricio Rua vs. Chuck Liddell - Decision Luiz Cane vs. Steve Cantwell - Rd3:KO Cheick Kongo vs. Antoni Hardonk - Rd2: KO Brian Stann vs. Krzysztof Soszynski - Decision Nathan Quarry vs. Jason MacDonald - Decision Denis Kang vs. Xavier Fouka-Pokum- Rd2:KO David Loiseau vs. Ed Herman - Decision T.J. Grant vs. Ryo Chonan - Rd3: Submission Mark Bocek vs. David Bielkheden - Decision Matt Wiman vs. Sam Stout - Rd1:Submission Eliot Marshall vs. Vinny Magalhaes - Rd2:KO
  18. $100 on... Cardinals over D'Backs: 3 - 1 Red Sox over A's: 8 - 6 Twins over Blue Jays: 5 - 4
  19. I don't know what happened, you can delete this
  20. $100 on... Royals over Indians: 4 - 1 Mets over Padres: 7 - 4 Dodgers over Giants: 3 - 2 Brewers over Reds: 6 - 3 Red Sox over A's: 4 - 2
  21. $100 on... Cubs over Brewers 6 - 3 Marlins over Mets 7 - 5 Twins over White Sox 3 - 1 Reds over Pirates 5 - 4 Tigers over Rangers 8 - 4
  22. $100 on... Braves over Nationals: 4 - 2 Yankees over Royals: 8 - 6 Phillies over Rockies: 5 - 3 Cubs over Brewers: 6 - 1 Tigers over Rangers: 9 - 4
  23. Mets/Reds is in the 7th inning already ^_^ Take the 50 I had on the Angels and add it on to my Dodgers bet making that one 100.
  24. Strikeforce: Shamrock vs. Diaz (April 11th) Frank Shamrock vs. Nick Diaz: Rd2 - KO Gilbert Melendez vs. Rodrigo Damm: Rd3 - KO Scott Smith vs. Benji Radach: Decision Chris Santos vs. Hitomi Akano: Rd1 - KO Brett Roger vs. Abongo Humphrey: Rd1 - KO Luke Rockhold vs. Buck Meredith: Rd2 - Submission Eric Lawson vs. Waylon Kennell: Decision Raul Castillo vs. Brandon Michaels: Rd3 - KO James Terry vs. Zak Bucia: Decision Jeremy Tavares vs. Shingo Kohara: Decision
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