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Everything posted by Iain76er

  1. Oh. Nottingham Forest. That'll learn ya for undermining the might of Yeovil.
  2. Just seen on the news. Confirmation that BBC will not be applying for Neighbours. Their current contract will continue until March/April next year and then off it goes to ITV or whomever with their scabby adverts.
  3. Yeah. I stoled your joke and made it less subtle and less funny.
  4. They played a comedy club. If that doesn't signal the epitome of laughably bad I don't know what does.
  5. I was at a rock club last Friday and a mosh pit started during 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' (I have no idea why that song and not any of the decent songs). It lasted about a minute before every single person and I mean every single person fell on their asses. I feel embarrassed just having been there that night and having to yank a bunch of people back to their feet.
  6. I used to find Jimmy Carr funny, but went off him a few years ago. It was during one of those quizzes of the year he hosts. The contestants would make witty remarks about him and he would just repond with 'fuck off.' Until then I thought him wittier than that. Although I did see him on a Top Gear repeat the other day and he was quite funny on that, so I might give him another shot. Oh, and that pirate thing I've heard before. It might've come from friends of mine stealing his material though...
  7. In fairness, what would a DOA movie have that's supposed to be deep and solid? It's just fighting and tits.
  8. Tetris. Instantly catchy.
  9. Is Glen the first black character in Neighbours? Also didn't Lolly used to have blonde hair? Good episode today. I believe its no coincidence that Karl was in it quite a bit.
  10. The rest of the show recently has been awful though. Its really taken a tumble.
  11. She Watch Channel Zero, I believe. From It Takes A Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back. Edit: Wikipedia agrees with me.
  12. Gimme Shelter by The Rolling Stones. 'Tis true.
  13. Public Enemy Rage Against the Machine etc etc.
  14. So what is Cobie Smulders Jayne Middlemiss' American name or something?
  15. 'Wild Honey Pie'- Pixies 'I Am The Walrus (Live)'- Oasis 'Dear Prudence'- Siouxie & The Banshees 'With A Little Help From My Friends'- Joe Cocker 'Come Together'- Sugababes
  16. I don't get the idea. Its to raise awareness of global warming. Who doesn't know about global warming yet?
  17. Iain76er

    Doctor Who

    Why must they use British actors putting on fake annoying American accents?
  18. There's a gig I want to go to, but no one else wants to go. What I want to know is if going to gigs alone a done thing, or will all the popular people there laugh at me?
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