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Everything posted by LUKIE

  1. What name you playing under Plubby? Add me to Steam... msg me. If you see PANDAzilla, then... well... that's me going to pwn you. In teh fase. With a laser. Or whatever the fuck people say now-a-days. EDIT: In regards to noob tubes. Most of the people who complain about them are the same ones who prone dodge, and bunny hop everywhere. It's a fucking game, don't complain about shit you can use in the game.
  2. The only absurdity from a lot of you I will talk about, is the idea of video referees. How do people expect FIFA bring them into the game, and work them? So the players can call for the video referee if they contest something. Are they then to stand around for 5 minutes while the video referee reviews the footage and makes a decision? Do we then add another 5 minute onto injury time? Given soccer players, I guarantee if they brought something ridiculous like that into the game, we would be looking at 2 hour long games on the short, as every decision is going to be going to a video referee.
  3. I "procured" CS4 a long time ago, and it was probably the best step up between versions. ESPECIALLY FLASH. Now I like Flash. Flash is good. It is not evil. EDIT: Except new tweening is shit. Old-school all the way.
  4. Another good example is a team telling one driver to let the other pass him ALA Ferrari. Race fixing.
  5. How is it hypocritical? I didn't say it was a bad thing, as it has happened everywhere in the MMA world. If I turned around and said, oh PANCRASE was fixed until 98, but thats okay, but OMG heaven forbid UFC do it~!!!!... different story. Fixing matches is good And fixing doesn't mean saying who wins and loses. A lot of things can be considered match fixing. Paying off a referee to favour one team, is match fixing. Losing on purpose to get draft picks is match fixing. Putting a much weaker fighter against a much stronger fighter to build your stronger fighter up is match fixing. Pretty much what they did with Kimbo Slice was match fixing.
  6. IBS. I wouldn't want people to know...
  7. I'll give you MMA, especially in Japan and probably even with Kimbo/Petruzelli, but I'm not so sure it's happened in UFC beyond "if we put these two together, this is what should happen". But a WWE-owned UFC would see that mindset go from being held by fringe elements like yourself to a fairly widespread perception, sort of like how people suggested the XFL might have been rigged. That is match fixing though. Take one guy, who you know is shit, and put him against your top Heavyweight to make him look better. Match fixing. It happens in every sport. AFL over here in Australia, is full of shitty match fixing, that is only just coming to light. I can't see it a negative though. It's smart "booking" by the UFC bookers. In regards to flat out working a match, I think UFC is safe in that regard. But then again, how are we to know? PANCRASE did it for their entire history up until 1999/2000 and you will still hear people defend it, as if it was ALWAYS legit. Bass Rutten still says he has never worked a match in his life....... I won't even go into that. PRIDE... wow. I trust MMA as much as I trust Vince McMahon's personality.
  8. I think anyone that doesn't believe match fixing has happened in the UFC is fooling themselves
  9. Something us professionals can relate to. For everyone else, please take heed.
  10. Yes, yes, yes, you have already proven you can effectively photoshop your name onto a book Keef.
  11. I am another who recently got back into the game. A little too much methinks. I started out exiting 101, no idea what i had... and ended up quickly doing a couple of random missions leading me to "The Family". I had a baseball bat, and that was pretty much it, so for some reason, I thought it would be fun to slaughter them all That gave me a lot of shit. I then did the mission where you are a soldier fighting the chinese. I have never done that before. That bumped me up like four levels, and now I am coasting through everything else... Nothing overly exciting. Just finding and doing stuff I haven't done before.
  12. I never said people who download don't spend the money. In fact, I said the fucked up people download and never spend money. If I download something, I REALLY enjoy, then I will spend the money, if they deserve it. This is where my argument of "PIRACY~!" comes into play. The bad part of piracy, is that there are those who abuse it, and will never pay for anything. Then there are those who use it to judge who deserves there money. Given how much music is out there now, if your only chance to really gadge the music industry was to pay for every album out there, then the music industry would die a horrible death, because we are not all millionaires. "Piracy" (I fucking hate the word), gives us the oppurtunity, as small class citizens with only a reasonable amount of expendable income, to enjoy multiple things, and pay for those we see fit. For instance, I really enjoy the new Monkey Island series, but for fucks sake they do not deserve the money they are asking for it. I paid for one, but not hte rest, because of how much they are raping the community for lacklustre work. Sadly, it's an industry, where you can produce shit, and people have to pay for it to realise it is shit. In regards to music statistics, it's a load of fucking bullshit. Statistics are based around hwo many albums are produced, not how many are sold, which is fucking horribly shit.
  13. But then, we get into the argument that people are just fucking cunts. File Sharing is then burdened by those who will download everything, and anything, and not give back to those who contribute that material. It's a fact of life in everything. I can only name a handful of things I have downloaded I have never actually bought, and in most cases, it's because I didn't think they deserved it, and/or, it was too friggin expensive. I can then name a shitload of things I have bought and felt robbed by buying it, from the people who made it. Most notable, a lot of music. The music industry is flooded with so much horrible shit, it's our right as consumers who are to "pay to be their fans" to see if they deserve our hard earned money or not. Imagine every "hot shit" band you hear of, where you have had to spend 20-30 bucks to get their album, and realise it's a pile of shit. Imagine how much money you would waste away. EDIT: @ Keef As a designer who has been screwed on more times then I dare to count (I am still waiting payment on three jobs I did that I will never get, and thus the jobs won't get released to them), Design is a completely different ball game. How many designers do you know who earn 10's of millions of dollars? Now how many of those do you know who are respected, and really good at their profession, who are on a "normal" salary figure. Piracy, in it's good form, just means that the big players in the music world, don't get to sell 20 million cd's, but instead 15 million cd's, because people use "piracy" as a guideline of where they should spend their money. I didn't want to get into the piracy debate, since it's fucked up, but well... there we go.
  14. I have never heard of a small time band saying that they have never made anything because they have been "crippled" by "piracy". I use "piracy" in loose terms, since the main protagonists in the world who complain about it, are people who are disappointed they can't buy their solid gold toilet, to shit into, because a bunch of people (who probably can't even afford it to begin with) download their music.
  15. In regards to points. You have to remember that getting points garners you funding from the FIA. The BEST thing they ever did for the sport, was increase the points earning spots from 6 to 8. I think it would be a logical step to up it to 10-12 aswell. The problem with Formula 1, especially in the early to mid 90's, was that if you were a new team, you were effectively fucked for your entire F1 career, as it was nigh on impossible to build a new car to make it to the top 6 unless miracles happen.
  16. As a designer, and a guy who has worked in the liquor industry for 7 years, I am VERY critical about design and labels, especially with wine, as 90% of them are fucking atrocious. Remember, if ever doing a job, that simplicity is best. In saying that, your label is great. It stands out, but I think a bit too much. Labels like that can make a wine look cheap (the cartoony look). If you lost the box border, I think it may have worked a bit better. I dunno. In saying that as well, it's about a million times an improvement over those other horrendous designs that were posted. I hope you become their permanent designer, and they re-do ALL of their labels, as they are just shockingly bad.
  17. I found it hilarious when nufan believed me <3 Keef.
  18. You have to look at your target market. It's a good idea, but not for a news site. If it was for a fantasy football league, or some other fun thing, I would say go for it, but for a professional news site, I think it would look tacky.
  19. Thanks for the tips. White border confuses me. I purposely put a white line at the top of the site, for design purposes, but there is no other border around the site. (unless it's in Firefox, which makes you a product of SATAN!). I left the height tag as is, because for some reason, if I get rid of it, the entire image will disappear. I'm not 100% with my CSS, since I am a Flash Designer, so I left it in. It's okay as is for now, and once the site gets padded out, it won't matter. And thanks for the tip of the copyright window. I was trying to work out how to centralise it. Obviously one of my cogs wasn't working properly
  20. And now they owe me lots and lots of moneyz. http://www.pbawa.com I've had good feedback so far. It needs to be filled out with magical content, but until people get it to me... well... not much I can do.
  21. You have all been fooled, Keef was just showing us how he photoshopped his name into a magazine photo.
  22. First thing I thought was "Fuck, a Marvel movie made by overrated and shitty Pixar". Then I thought, no wait, Disney might go back to traditional hand drawn techniques, and do something good for the first time in 20 years. Then I remember it was Disney
  23. Become an animator. Tracing all... day... looooooong (song finished)
  24. Family Guy/American Dad is completely different. Hell the animation production on American Dad is about 500 times that of Family Guy. Family Guy is in your face, shock jokes (which is my kind of funny. Peter blowing up the childrens hospital instead of a billboard was just comedy gold). American Dad there is a fuckload of subtlty in it, which most people just won't get, because a lot of people don't like to think when they watch a show. Most people want toilet humour, which is what you get in the Simpsons these days. But toilet humour is a dead humour.
  25. I don't know the last time I laughed at a Simpsons episode, but really, that doesn't make it a "bad show" in essence. You can tell they put a crapload of emphasis in making it look "realistic", and it probably has some of the best animation on tv at the moment, apart from maybe... Spongebob Squarepants. Seems they went for a more visually appealing show, then a "laugh out loud all the time" kind of show. The stories in The Simpsons have been shit, with a lot of stuff revolving around Homer being just ridiculously contrived, which makes no sense for a show like The Simpsons. Then in contrast, you look at Family Guy, which is horribly animated in essence (apart from what is really needed), but it's all about the jokes and the storyline. Then American Dad blends the Simpsons great animation techniques, with the great storylines, and we have a winner. Does this post even make sense?
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