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Everything posted by LUKIE

  1. Sounds really interesting actually? Can you go any country, or is there a limit with what countries? Possible to form your own? *Lukedom Dictatorship for all wins*
  2. Fuck me. Legit question and he is pissed about it. And as I said, if Microsoft aren't going to let him play online anymore, legit games or not, he will just a PS3. In fact he bought a Wii after it happened, so maybe he won't bother with a PS3.
  3. They know it's not illegal, that's why they aren't sending the police round to your door. If you modify your hardware then they have the right to ban you from Live. That's the agreement you make with Microsoft when you buy the console so they're entitled to do it. Why would they do it? It's pretty obvious - to try and deter people from chipping. Maybe your friend will get pissed off, but maybe some of his friends or the people that read this thread will be pushed away from chipping. He should suck it up - he cheated, he got caught, that's how it goes. He'll just get rid of his X-box now and get a PS3
  4. As if I'm trolling Fitzy, you sexy beast. Legit question. Why the fuck would Microsoft be scanning for that shit? It's not illegal.
  5. Construction set? Thank goodness I didn't get the PS3 version. I can't play FPS on console. So yeah. I REALLY need a reason to play this (online maybe?) since I finished it.
  6. So some of you suckers who bought an X-box might know this. Since when have Microsoft being the shithole company they are, started to scan X-boxes and know they are chipped? My boss received a letter last week saying he is banned from all online play because he has a chip in his X-box. My response was... you bought an X-box.
  7. I had crashing problems on my PC with the game. Some were due to my videocard overheating, some were... unknown... woo eee oooo
  8. I bought the game yesterday, and finished the solo campaign today... sigh.
  9. So, I finished the game and haven't touched it since. Bit annoyed with the ending.
  10. I'm surprised it has happened at all. Tamura wouldn't do the fight for so many reasons because he stayed true to his pro-wrestling nature. I guess the right offer came along. Don't be surprised if something happens in the pro-wrestling world with Tamura/Sakuraba after the fight (and honestly, it would surprise me not one bit if they worked the fight).
  11. omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg TAMURA/SAKURABA~! Now watch as they work the fight~! UWF Style~! I laughed, cause Sakuraba wants no time limit, no rounds and open hand striking.
  12. LUKIE


    It's fun, but horribly repetitive. By the time I got to the space age with my creature, I kind of gave up playing and started a new one. That didn't last long. Haven't touched it since. Personally, if I had bought it, I would have been disappointed.
  13. Don't we go through this every year :P

    But I agree. It is the best day of the year :)

  14. Given Kimagure Orange Road is considered one of the greatest anime series of all time... I am happy that Porco Rosso equalled it. My missus loves Kimagure Orange Road. I have never watched. I heard it was about boy on boy love. Kind gay.
  15. This is off topic, but kind of on topic. I am pissed off because none of the Italian games are being played on tv in Australia this year (well free-to-air tv). Can anyone PM me a 'hook-up?'
  16. The murder of Plubby then? Plubzilla, did you block me on MSN? If so. Bad form. We are supposed to be meeting up you
  17. Damnit. My plan has already failed.
  18. If Naruto appears on this list at all, there will be mass murder.
  19. The japs can't even do a good movie version, I doubt the Americans could. The only good thing about the Japanese one, was that Ryuk looked badass in it... Otherwise... epic phailz.
  20. Those damn Koreans stealing all of our animation work. >
  21. oohhhoohohoho. It's on Plubby. It's on.
  22. 1. Porco Rosso 2. Laputa: Castle in the Sky 3. Spirited Away 4. Lupin III 2nd Season 5. Dragonball (which, if we are going by US standards, is what spans from episode 1 to the end of the Piccolo stuff... I believe. Everything before they bastardized the fuck out of Z) 6. Lupin III and the Castle of Caligostro 7. Neon Genesis Evangelion 8. Samurai Champloo 9. My Neighbour Totoro 10. Bible Black I am a Ghibli nerd. And if retarded people can vote for shit anime like Naruto, then I am voting for Bible Black!
  23. Since when did the UFC bring back Barnett?
  24. LUKIE

    Shining Sawazard into Fujiwara-style Body Scissors!

    They won't add Munenori Sawa to the G1Climax, because he would epically win.

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