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The DBZemon King

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About The DBZemon King

  • Birthday 20/09/1979

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Tag Team Champion

Tag Team Champion (7/12)



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  1. Wanna start a diary, start something from scratch. I have an idea, but want YOU to pick my roster. Go to EWR and make a pick you ingrates.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The DBZemon King

      The DBZemon King

      Well Mike, Ron Reis was already chosen and Debojit Bhowmick isn't in the game. All that means is that you get to pick again!!!! Yeah for you!

    3. Lineker


      Woah woah woah woah woah woah.

      You implying that Debojit

      Bhowmick is a figment of someone's imagination?

    4. The DBZemon King

      The DBZemon King

      Why do I feel compelled to punch in "Debojit Bhowmick" in the search box...

      Now I wish Shooter Debojit was in the game. :-(

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