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Everything posted by OctoberRaven

  1. You lost me at "Raiden turning out to be a good character".
  2. Demon's Souls is a pretty awesome PS3 exclusive that's probably pretty cheap by now
  3. Well on the bright side INS seems to be my guy for multi from now. I hate that the gutwrench position in create a finisher has to be obtained through the pumphandle position... looks awkward to me...
  4. Actually, no I haven't. You'd think if they took all this trouble to cheat in multiplayer they'd compete in ranked matches....
  5. I think I just ran into not only the bottom of the abyss of SVR2011 cheap players, but also of human idiocy. So it's a no DQ tag elimination match against me (using my newest edit character, "The American Communist" Ivan Nikolai Sullivan, whose gimmick is that he saw Red Dawn on TV once, thought it was real, and consequently surrendered to the Communists and pledged to fight America in the Soviet Union's honor (not realizing of course that there is no Soviet Union anymore)) and my random partner who used a recolored Dolph Ziggler against two guys with identical edited characters. I mean THEY WERE THE SAME GUY IDENTICAL. So, despite their using the no DQ rules to do switcheroo effects that would put the Killer Bees to shame, having super cheesy spamming movesets, broken 100 OVR characters, AND created finishers that freeze people after they are put in them, we both STILL win. Seeing as they went through all that time coming up with ways to cheat, I decided to rub it in a little. Well, one guy said "oh yeah well fight us". I just pointed out that we did, and we won without cheating. He then asked me how he was cheating. I replied with "Well, your created finisher for starters". His response, and I swear I'm not making this up: "GO 2 U LEARN GRAMMAR". Moral of the story: The more cheesy paint logos on the SVR character, the more likely the player is a braindead knob.
  6. Yeah, I hear those. It's the custom soundtrack ones (on all my edits, or your Muta and Hayabusa for example) that are dead silence.
  7. I don't think there would be any royalty fees, really, especially given that it'd probably be too much trouble to actually track what songs are being used anyway. Hell, YouTube gave up on trying to stop people using licensed music, haven't they? EDIT- i would like to see more tracks myself, as well as a 'generic backup' option for online use so guys don't have to come out to dead silence. Course I'd like Iced Earth to be in the Rock Band store too...
  8. You mean from my PS3... But yeah, I guess that's true, but I still manage to have a guy whose shirt says "HIA FUCKING LEAH" (Hialeah being my birthplace/the character's hometown, and based on an actual T-shirt I saw at a concert once) without it being censored... I guess loading time could be a minor issue, but you could always have a maximum upload limit of, maybe 20MB at most... that should be reasonable and accomidating to anyone who isn't using something rediculous like a 646kb/s bitrate version of Do You Feel Like I Do or something. Still don't see why it can't play -my- character's theme though. Most of my entrances were made specifically to fit the song too, so it's a bit irksome But at least I don't drag them out like the HBK guy me and Kirkland teamed up against... who got disqualified right away for not beating the five count to get out of the ring in less time than it took for his entrance
  9. Man, and I thought UFC players who used Anderson Silva were cheapasses.... Kind of weak that entrances get no music even when it's your guy though... and Communist Cena is the only person on my roster with a default theme.
  10. Yeah, I'd like to see a clause that either calls it a draw if they fall within a certain margin of error, or that if it's within the margin of error they keep running simulations until a decisive advantage is one ("Tennis Scoring" if you will)
  11. Hm. I use a wifi connection but RDR is usually silk smooth for me even when the instance is heavily populated, so maybe I'll end up jobbing to ya sometime soon.
  12. How is online mode anyway? Is it kinda laggy like the UFC games, or smooth all around like Red Dead?
  13. Granted, but really it's just so much simpler and more efficient to use cannons, especially because when you get through the walls, they can still be used as an accurate weapon that can cut down infantrymen. Really catapults make a lot more sense as counterseige weaponry, as you can have people on the battlements actually calling shots for you.
  14. Another problem with the catapult is... how the fuck can you possibly aim that thing? Improvised ammunition, and firing over walls... your options are blind luck or volley fire to get any damage done. It takes the worst aspects of both the Ballista and the sling into one weapon.
  15. What armor were you wearing? If you're going for the healing trophies you should be wearing light armor, nothing fancier than leather armor.
  16. Catherine is fucking awesome. Dead Space's "horror" has nothing on the true terror of running from Catherine's bosses. Game. Of. The. Year.
  17. 1. Iced Earth 2. Six Feet Under 3. Slayer 4. Blind Guardian 5. Demons and Wizards 6. Nile 7. Sex Machineguns 8. Cage 9. Anthrax 10. Megadeth 11. Testament 12. Adorior 13. Bloodbath 14. GWAR 15. Motorhead First three are a virtual deadlock really. I gave Iced Earth the nod because holy fuck is Glorious Burden an amazing album.
  18. I think it's also that he killed Gail too.
  19. Finished Old World Blues in Fallout: NV. Awesome stuff. Robot Scorpions are insanely hard to kill though and my ammo supplies are thin because of it though... Can't wait for Lonesome Road and to meet Ulysses and tie this shit up altogether.
  20. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought he looked like that guy....
  21. Old World Blues: Best Fallout DLC yet

    1. Kane's Mullet Slacker

      Kane's Mullet Slacker

      I have to disagree although Old World Blues is fun I think Dead Money is the best.

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