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Everything posted by OctoberRaven

  1. Quasi: The Edge doesn't matter. At all. What it says is that it's what appears to be the more effective weapon of the two based on the testing, but the results won't always follow that, though.
  2. Well, attempting to make a real life person's abilities measurable by a number kind of tends to be that way.
  3. I liked it. They actually add in the man behind the weapons now, and the weapons tests were virtually identical. Also 5000 sims instead of 1000. Result in spoilers:
  4. Dead Money is fun but REALLY FUCKING HARD, I died more times during it than ever playing FO3 or F:NV combined. Honest Hearts (the one with Joshua Graham) is fun, but the companions (except Graham, who is awesome) are annoying. Especially the Sorrows one... quit fucking praying, I get it, you're religious. Also unlike Dead Money, you can bring stuff with you... only you're limited to a carry of 100 pounds.
  5. Pretty much. Be aware that this takes a LOT of times to do it, especially depending on your level, if you have Life Giver, and your Endurance and Survival levels. Pretty much only recommended if you don't have any other levels to gain and just want the trophy. You can also use the wait option to fast forward an hour, which'll cause the long-lasting stuff to wear off pretty quickly
  6. Problem with that is, eating multiples of the same item at the same time will only give you the healing effect of one. You CAN eat multiple different food items and heal from all of them at once, though.
  7. It's not that hard. Unless you're wearing BoS armor or something damage from usual combat can be healed by food unless you absolutely must use stimpaks to stay alive (Legion assasins...). Then just eat some steaks as you keep on traveling. Actually helps to be a melee build as that means you'll most likely take damage no matter who you're fighting.
  8. "In the Courier's travels, he greedily plundered and devoured the entirety of the NCR's food crops. Unfortunately for the citizens of New Vegas, this lead to a mass starvation and turned the Mojave into a graveyard. Years later, prospectors would discover the ruins of New Vegas covered with curses directed at the man who doomed them. Ruki. Ruki never changes."
  9. It's a cheapass way to do it, but you could always go in a nice secluded spot with water, drown for a bit, emerge and eat some foodstuffs to get full health and then repeat. Oh, and it ONLY applies for food items. Water, Nuka Cola, and Sarsparilla doesn't count. Make lots of steaks. Does Old World Blue raise the level cap to 40, or will Lonesome Road do that?
  10. Loved the opener, but I'm actually a bit surprised that Jesse did actually kill Gail. I figured he would have just fucked up his hands so he can't cook anymore or something. The flashback sequence was pretty interesting. And Saul is still awesome as ever.
  11. Played more F:NV, Dead Money in particular. 20+ level my ass, you'd need to be at least 25+... and good luck if you don't have good Science, Lockpick, Repair, and Melee skills. Also, Riot Shotgun + Slugs + Shotgun Surgeon + And Stay Back = Win. Can easily drop a Deathclaw with full VATS. After I get/beat Old World Blues I'll be putting FNV on the backburner in favor of Catherine, which based on the demo is even more awesome than I expected. It's got the storytelling Atlus is known for, with puzzles that I can only describe as part Tetris, part tower climbing, part OH FUCK THAT GIANT DEMON IS GOING TO DISEMBOWEL ME WITH A FORK.
  12. Barry won't let that happen because the WALL OF BRONZE!!!!! bullshit will never hold up when the human Terminator Sonny Puzikas is involved. And Rider, I'm totally agreeing, but the original simulator obviously had a lot of flaws. For example, CIA vs KGB essentially boiled down to the SMGs, everything else was just there to show the cool real life spy shit both sides used. And the camera gun is is a shitload better than the breifcase gun for stealth kills; camera gun can easily pass an inspection, breifcase gun, open the case, gun's right there. Oh, and Atilla was the man, him vs Alexander was one of the few things they did that I agreed with...
  13. Unless it's the Persian war chariot, couldn't be considered a lethal blow yet got 100+ kills while the goddamn Burda got 14.... EDIT- Didn't they say that about Sun-Tzu vs Vlad? Also, the real reason the Spartans won is because their expert happens to be a producer. Why else would they have completely ignored the fact that the Samurai would have won entirely with the kanabo? At the force that sucker hits with, first shot breaks the sheild arm, second shot cracks the skull helmet be damned.
  14. Got Fonzie's autograph tonight after a local indy show. Good times.

  15. Catherine is a lock for GOTY. That is all.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. C-MIL


      What is GOTY?

    3. OctoberRaven
    4. EWB's Best Poster.

      EWB's Best Poster.

      Skyrim, Uncharted 3 both coming out this year. Catherine may be fun, but its an afterthought. Is dark souls this year too? Yeah, youre not gunna make top 5

  16. Been playing F:NV again with the new DLC. Honest Hearts is awesome. Two minor details that made me go WTF AWESOME... I can't get Johnson Nash to leave the damn Vikki and Vance though... even though I had already solved all of Primm's issues beforehand...
  17. Yes yes yes. Will definitely make a zombie apocalypse mod with this.
  18. From what I undersand, there will still be a simulator, just not the one Max Geiger relied on.
  19. I agree with you on everything except that the Zombie would win. Vampire's favorite form of killing was exsanguination... draining all the blood from the victim. This is useless against a zombie.
  20. Season lineup according to Wikipedia: 3.1 Episode 23: George Washington vs. Napoleon Bonaparte 3.2 Episode 24: Joan of Arc vs. William the Conqueror 3.3 Episode 25: U.S. Army Rangers vs. North Korean Special Operation Force 3.4 Episode 26: Genghis Khan vs. Hannibal 3.5 Episode 27: Saddam Hussein vs. Pol Pot 3.6 Episode 28: Lawrence of Arabia vs. Theodore Roosevelt 3.7 Episode 29: Ivan the Terrible vs. Hernán Cortés 3.8 Episode 30: Crazy Horse vs. Pancho Villa 3.9 Episode 31: French Foreign Legion vs. Gurkha 3.10 Episode 32: Vampire vs. Zombie Max Geiger and his stupid, Celt-hating program is gone, so we might get less BS calls (Spartan vs Samurai, Spartan vs Ninja, Celt vs Persian to name a few...) Also, Vampire vs Zombie is reciple for lols. Especially with Max Brooks being the Zombie expert.
  21. I for one would love to see Machida vs Griffin at some point. Especially a five-rounder.
  22. You do realize you can add your own matches into TEW05, right?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. super


      ...Oh yeah. Y'know, these are those moments at which I feel stupid.

    3. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      You're just a Whining Wynona.

    4. super


      That's my trademark. Macho Man had his sunglasses, I have my negative whining ;).

  23. Forgot to mention theis here but until Midnight (EST?) on Monday there's quadruple XP in multiplayer. Those looking to shoot up in levels fast would do well to grind the shit out of Pike's Basin. A well oiled two man posse splitting up can rack up loads of XP fast.
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