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Everything posted by OctoberRaven

  1. Playing 2 as evil now, having already cleared it as good. Much more fun this time around. Especially now that I don't have to worry about not hitting the idiot civilians who throw rocks at guys with rocket launchers. Instead, they throw rocks at me. So I respond by throwing cars at them. Fun times had by all. Well, except for the dead civvy.
  2. Finished inFAMOUS 2. Good stuff though I don't like Playing inFAMOUS 1 again in evil mode now. inFAMOUS 2 level generator is fun but some of the stuff I tried from other users was terrible. Granted the level I made isn't gold (It's just a good way to get ion charges with mangled Frisky Dingo references thrown in) but at least my spelling errors were intentional...
  3. Good episode this week. Next week is going to probably be a bleh one, but overall the season has been pretty good now they actually know what the fuck they are doing now.
  4. So I happened on some soccer on TV, and one of the players looked like a really skinny Wade Barrett. Didn't catch his name though.

  5. "When I'm done with you, you'll be nothing more than a Wikipedia footnote!"

  6. "So what did I miss?" "Just him saying you're the devil" "Oh, that's nice."

  7. That, or the Iraqi Freedom troops are all super smarks that hate Crimson. Had some great matches with Kirkland. The first two matches were competitive but I hadn't gotten a chance to hit a finisher, but our third one was a TLC match where I hit both of the Communist's finishers (a modified Karelins lift, a pretty simple move to make, pumphandle position -> pumphandle suplex lift -> gutwrench setup -> death valley drop) and a Multiple Samoan Drop. Still couldn't DO IT KID, MAKE YOURSELF FAMOUS. We fight on the floor, he goes for a dive off the top rope, I avoid it and head up the ladder.... and his connection fails. We did a rematch which was also awesome, and VERY close. His character recovered JUST fast enough to keep me from getting the case, then he managed to get it a couple minuites later. Also, lol at the table breaking when he reversed a powerbomb into a DDT, and my character's leg was the only thing near the table.
  8. I'll be on a bit later for a couple matches, but I want to do some inFAMOUS tonight so just a couple
  9. But at least it's still better than MDickie's games because people want it to exist.
  10. Well that isn't true is it. EWR is better. It's a working game that still has a fanbase (nearly) a decade later. Your game is currently some screenshots, promises and a release date of "soon". Hey, that's still more than Pro Wrestling X has...
  11. Good episode. EDIT- Took the page forever to load, fixed the tags
  12. A&F are offering the Jersey Shore cast money NOT to wear their clothes. Seriously.

    1. Skummy


      I'd offer Snooki money not to wear her clothes.

      Wait, is that not what this is about?

    2. Mick


      I do that with women all the time. :D

  13. Well, they started off strong IMO to me. Napolean vs Washington was a logical matchup and showed that X-Factors actually matter this time around. Then Joan vs William the Conqueror proves that X-Factors cannot necessarily overcome clearly superior weaponry. Next week interests me as it's the Battle of the Bad Guys episode which are usually fun. But in the end, I can't wait to see the zombies thrash the vampires.
  14. OctoberRaven

    WWE '12

    Brooklyn Brawler or I skip a year. ...Oh who am I kidding, I'll just wait for the price drop.
  15. My bad, I use the quote tags to make spoiler tags and forgot to actually do that second part...
  16. I love Wet myself. I didn't notice any glitches (certainly no gamebreaking ones) and the car riding scenes- while visually awesome- were annoyingly hard, and I would have liked a little more variety especially in animations (How may whiskey bottles does she consume and break in the EXACT SAME WAY?), the presentation and atmosphere of the game as well as the storyline made it a blast to play. The Blood Rage scenes, and the battle in the Opera House against the crazy Riot Girl triad were excessively fun, and the game's use of visual effects, old-school theatre placards and adverts, and a totally bitchin punk soundtrack ("She's Lost Control" and "As We Ride" being my personal favorites) make it something I'll still play now and then.
  17. I'd team with you but company over this weekend. Maybe next week. Also you can help me determine if people will get one of Sullivan's entrance attire shirts.
  18. These are from webcomics: Also One from an actual book: -From Art of War I'll post a couple more later, but I forget the exact wording so I have to find the book they are in.
  19. Space Alert sounds awesome. I also find the box art unintentionally funny as apparently in the future we'll all look like we're cosplaying as Cyclops from the X-Men movies.
  20. So the pitchcar game is essentially paper football where you can intentionally screw over other players, and on a race track? Awesome. I doubt any games I'm actually familiar with, save maybe Risk, will be on this, but still interesting stuff.
  21. Next week is the obligatory 'supervillains collide!' episode, which tend to be very interesting and among the better ones. ones (though I think if the current system was in place, the Vietcong would have creamed the Waffens).
  22. Heavy Rain was a true masterpiece and one of the most gripping experiences in gaming. The fight scenes were so perfectly scripted and visceral that if they were done in any other way except QTE format it would have taken away from the game.
  23. That's no ordinary sea anenome...

  24. The only thing that would have made MGS2's ending more random and convoluted was if Snake took off his body armor to reveal an nWo shirt underneath.
  25. So, he went from whiny bitch to whiny bitch with prehensile feet. Doesn't change that I was hoping he'd be shot in the face every time he was on screen. He's the Scrappy Doo of MGS.
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