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Everything posted by Trench

  1. You should just start cutting all pictures in black and white, would be interesting to see some of the current guys like that. If you had to pick a cut off, I would stop at the attitude era also though. I don't usually do older scenarios, but digging the black and white.
  2. Those look pretty great black and white, I especially like Razor. Makes me want to hire Hall and use that picture in my current game.
  3. Davey Richard's stats should not be that high. He is not better than CM Punk, Daniel Bryan or even Jack Swagger in terms of technical. He is def not as good as Rey Mysterio in terms of speed either.
  4. House was very sad this episode, but it was a fun episode for the most part. Btw did anyone notice how they killed off three characters on Supernatural? I wonder if this is really the end..though they have done this before. R.I.P Rufus =(
  5. You have to have the college basketball game for this though right?
  6. I'm thinking of buying this as the franchise mode seems deep, NBA 2k11 that is. Are there roster updates or would I have to manually put in any trades and stuff if I want updated?
  7. I have to agree, one of my favorite episodes ever. I can't imagine this being the last season, Supernatural continues to deliver.
  8. You want to add every RAW guest host then? That was the only time Rampage was on RAW.
  9. Def disagree with any increase for Jack Evans unless you can point out a match or two that show that he deserves it. I doubt he is able to have a good high flying match with actual psychology involved, though I don't deny him being fast and athletic.
  10. What is the PS+ you guys are talking about?
  11. One ending, sadly. You only get the ending of the guy that actually kills Galactus. I have not tried hard yet, but I've beaten Galactus with Sentinel on my team. Does anyone else have the health to do that? Apart from Hulk I guess.
  12. I'm enjoying it and just trying to get the controls to a T. Boss fight is tough..not sure what to do. The characters are pretty unique and you actually have to unlock some characters as well as a ton of art/videos/etc... if you're into that. Apparently if you're in Houston and you pre-ordered the collector's edition you may have to wait a while. A couple UPS guys across here decided to cut a slit in the box large enough to pull the collector's editions out and steal them so when they arrived at the stores, many were missing. The Gamestop guy was telling me that he didn't even notice the slit in the box until he opened it and saw them missing. Sad, aye? Maybe a good thing I wasn't able to get the collectors.
  13. Well, I have a feeling we may see more dragons throughout this season, at least the two that did the summoning so they can redeem themselves.
  14. Castiel has providing for some of the funniest scenes in Supernatural so I am glad they are keeping him around at least. I've really gotten into him and it is nice he is around, I do wish they continued with the heaven/hell stuff and helped Castiel get heaven in order and possibly leads to Castiel becoming an arch angel or something. Yeah, they already killed off any chance of Dean having a normal life seeing as he tried for a year (but still did an odd job) and then got sucked right back into it. It wouldn't make any sense if Dean went to a normal life. I could see Dean somehow sacrificing himself to save Sam and the world, but I would think Sam will just continue to hunt after that. I'm sure they will come up with a fitting end whether this is the last season or they give us another either way, they generally do. I agree with lack of ghost, but we got dragons and faeries! The two things the brothers didn't believe in.
  15. Yeah, was a great episode. I thought were would be dealing with angels these season a lot but "Mother" works for me. I have heard this was the end of the series but Supernatural has also been getting very high ratings so possible to get one more good season out of it? Yet to see. I can't wait to see how this unfolds though.
  16. Great episode of Supernatural tonight!

  17. I don't know how to do spoiler tags but basically http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0838247/faq the fifth question is what you are asking.
  18. Otunga menacing? really? And McGillicuty does not really deserve any boost in stats, he is not that great in the ring. I am a fan of Husky Harris but against his brawl being raised on the fact that he has done nothing to warrant that. His strikes looked bad at the RR too. JTG does not really deserve a boost in stats imo, why do you think his brawl should be raised? Why does Nash charisma need a boost? Maybe you meant his overness?
  19. Thanks Jess, the Cody Rhodes with the mask came out awesome.
  20. Could I get two Cody Rhodes on kyky? One with a Rey Mysterio mask and another with CM Punk's old mask, please.
  21. Jess, could you do that above Claudio without the title?
  22. You should watch Supernatural, Ono. That is by far my favorite show since like day one and it is on the sixth season? (maybe seventh) If you are into those kind of shows anyways.
  23. I just finished Stephen King's Full Dark, No Stars. I enjoy Stephen King in general so I may be bias but I really enjoyed this. I think the stories were realistic in the way the characters reacted to what happened to them in the stories and it flowed very well. I will admit that it was difficult to read at some points and possibly even disturbing but that is where the realism comes in. I recommend it for any King fan or anyone that enjoys dark and thrilling pieces. I am now working on Brian Keene's The Rising and as an avid zombie fan, I hope all the reviews were true! On a kind of unrelated note, I hope to start my own book soon and maybe fans will be talking about that in the future!
  24. I watched Resident Evil: Extinction. I was hoping it would be good (being an avid zombie film lover) but disappointing. It is cool that they finally introduce Chris Redfield I suppose but I really really miss they just did a film from his point of view and went with it rather than all this psychic powers mess.
  25. Fckface666, do you have that without the title?
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