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Everything posted by rocksta

  1. What are the chances this hits a winter steam sale
  2. I have some free time right now would play.
  3. I mean I would but it doesn't look like anyone's actually playing >_>
  4. I will be very very very tempted to buy a pelicans jersey if they're sweet.
  5. Yah what a unique occurrence no NFL players ever fake an injury for time management purposes
  6. To be fair I'm a jagahoon and picked up a D to replace NYG on a bye and forgot to actually insert them into the lineup. But yes you did lost by a point
  7. Not a quarterback.. Make any offer with that in mind I'm totally open to any trades for Ben and Luck. I tried to iniate something with midland tornadoes or tomatoes or whatever but they weren't having it.
  8. Summ I can play that match whenever today if you're around.
  9. Yah I got Larry Zbyszkoary on dribbling the first time I tried it, the others are considerably more difficult but I'm close on advanced shooting and regular shooting.
  10. Summers whats up when do you want to play?
  11. I just got done the roughest week of classes in a while and cracked a beer. I'd love to play some clubs.
  12. I definitely got my money out of Worms on the box. Gooood times.
  13. I'd love to play more again but I'm just swamped with work this week and you guys basically play in the middle of the day my time. And if my opinion matters I'd say, disregarding me because it's always tough to judge yourself, the best strikers I've played with on the team are Larz and Dan even though I don't think he fancies playing up top. Dan has been a great striker for like 4 years of FIFA clubs with me now but he's a boss in midfield too. Dawson is the lord at CM.
  14. Yah close to it, I had a nice week that week. I just seem to always get a team having a great week. And a 1 point loss last week. I trust the squad though
  15. I'd like it to be noted how fucked my team has gotten. I have 592 pts against almost 600, whereas only one other team even has 500 against them being cruz control with 523. That sucks.
  16. Baha get bored of my UT sell some players and just think fuck it ill buy packs and waste my money and stop playing UT. Danilinho in first pack. Sell for 80k. Vunderful. Next pack Gerrard and Cavani 0_0 Anddd Hummels in the next. I'm just going to stop when I have a pack that doesn't make me insane profit and be rich .
  17. We pick here or can pick anytime and it doesn't matter if someone else plays them? (Probably makes more sense) If the first one then Athletico Madrid
  18. Yah I'm ready whenever. And I take credit for a large portion of Larz headers with dem crosses 10 Assists already
  19. Yah I'm down after spurs. I think 4-3-3 would be fun playing the false 9 dropping a little deep and playing off the wings and midfield. But as always I am down for everything
  20. just because someone goes for the ball it doesn't mean the tackle can't be bad/nasty/awful. i don't think anyone is clamouring for a red card but it was definitely a nasty tackle. high & flying. Fair enough but if he came in any less aggressively Van Persie would have had that time he still barely just caught the ball. I just don't think he really could have done less and mae an effective tackle. AND GET IN.
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