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The Lusophone

The Donators
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Everything posted by The Lusophone

  1. There's no interpretation of the laws of the game where Curtis Jones isn't sent off for that tackle. If it's anything other than a red, it's a wrong decision.
  2. Flamengo are also Fluminense's biggest rivals.
  3. Better than the men's, but that's not difficult. Someone remarked that the pattern is like when people take pictures of their laptop screen and yeah, spot on really.
  4. Very funny throughout the game, especially at the end when Australia decided to start playing.
  5. Australia are very bad and aren't really giving Wales anything close to a game.
  6. Currently on a VC with some NFL fans, and apparently Fox sports are very very keen for them to watch the Dallas Cowboys game, and keep interrupting the Bears game with some technical bullshit.
  7. Frustrated at Championship refereeing again. It didn't effect the result but Norwich should not have had a penalty. Feels like we get a decision like that against us every game.
  8. Genuinely considering starting a new run as a monk/wild magic sorcerer before I actually finish the game.
  9. There is a timeline where Australia lose to Portugal in their last pool game and finish fourth, and so don't automatically qualify for the next World Cup.
  10. Portugal are giving Wales a game here.
  11. They'll definitely pass the fit and proper persons test.
  12. It's... vague, at the moment. All SI are saying is that the game is being sold in Japan (and in Japanese) for the first time.
  13. At the moment it's mostly just on mobile and tablets.
  14. Do... do Chelsea have strong links with Eton?
  15. And will be the only place where the mobile version will be available.
  16. I've just realised, Wyll spells his name without an eye...
  17. Of all the Arsenal players to mention there, surely it's Partey
  18. Big fan of George Ford going 'right, drop goals it is then'.
  19. And so proved to be the case. New Zealand very loose with the ball even before the yellow card.
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