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Status Replies posted by jrhodes

  1. Final Fantasy Nerds UNITE! Is the original FF worth the 9.99 they want for it on PSN?

  2. If a Simpsons and/or Scott Steiner reference can't be shoehorned in, it's not a viable thread.

  3. My friend's boyfriend is fighting for Strikeforce tonight. Sweet

  4. The best thing to put on toast is lemon curd.

  5. How didn't I see Arrested Development before, it's absolutely amazing. Tobias Fünke is one of the greatest sitcom characters ever.

  6. Why'd I have to fly through all three seasons of Arrested Development so quickly? Now I miss it. :(

  7. Oh by the way, The Bears are 8-3 now!

  8. The cousin of Martin Lawrence is in my Computer Networking/security class.

  9. :/ I was at Hooters watchin' Bragging Rights with my girlfriend but she got sick and we had to go home. Bummer.

  10. for somebody that "nobody cares about", Matt Hardy sure gets discussed a lot around these parts

  11. Weird. Reading Harry Potter and was into the book a bit to much. My wife asked me something and I went to ask her if she had seen my phone I instead said 'Have you seen my wand?'.

  12. Does anyone with a blog know how I can find out where my hits come from? I've had 285 hits in three days but I can't see which search engines they are from

  13. Sisters boyfriend has fucked off with PS3!! - Need to buy a new one, but contemplating whether or not to get an Xbox? Which should I get?

  14. "This stuff will make you a god damned sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me."

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