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Everything posted by Magus978

  1. I'd get XL first. DW5XL re-introduces the CAW (Create-a-Warrior), and lets you take him from soldier to ruler. I'm getting DW5XL in the mail in a day or so (got it off of eBay), and I'll tell you how it is, but it shouldn't differ too much from the original DW5.
  2. I thought the Samurai Warriors games were a bit too slow for my tastes. However, you do need to get DW5, and the latest Romance of the Three Kingdoms game. You won't regret it
  3. Destiny of an Emperor ruled. I found it more addicting than Dragon Warrior for a short time.
  4. Goddammit, I have a feeling that this is gonna be a waste. Apparantly, the guest pass only allows me to have 10 gold pieces.
  5. (Y) Thank you I'm downloading the stuff now, and I'm going to install it later tonight.
  6. I got mine at Target. You can also get them online, or anywhere. Your 14 free days is 14 free days. When they are up it does not let you sign on until you pay for more.
  7. Hmm...I'll try that tonight, and hopefully the guest pass I have will let me play as long as I don't have to commit to a full subscription, as I'll be cancelling it on the 13th of 14 days. If so, I'll try to be with you guys for most of tomorrow night. After that, maybe I'll go buy a time card or something. Is there any way to buy something like that without having to go to GameStop? If I can do all this, I'll be making a warrior named Zhang Lu. We'll see though.
  8. If my computer can handle it, I may try to install the 14-day trial that came with my Diablo: Battle Chest, although when that's up, it's back to Diablo for me To be honest, the subscription fees make no sense to me. I know they gotta maintain the servers, but why pay upwards of $70 just to start playing? It makes very little sense, but meh, to each their own.
  9. I would, but I can't find my discs
  10. If this game didn't have any subscription fees, I'd be with you guys instantly. Damn shame too, because it sounds like a really kickass game.
  11. I installed Diablo II about an hour ago, and my character's already at level 5. I'm focusing on building attack power. I find it amusing that I didn't know that my weapon broke and was killing things with my fist. Luckily I had some spare potions EDIT: For those who play online, my characters are... EmperorLiuBei (Paladin) EWB_GodOfWar (Barbarian)
  12. I bought the Battle Chest today...and I will be playing online after Christmas. Hope to see you guys online
  13. Alright then, you just chose my christmas gift to myself . Hopefully people actually still play the game online. Merry Christmas Magoo
  14. If I could pick up Diablo II + the expansion pack somewhere, should I? Considering I have little to no experience with MMORPG's, I'd be concerned about never going beyond total n00b status
  15. Wayne Brady sucks. I never liked him on Whose Line. I would always hope that some of the British comics on the UK WLiiA would participate in the US, particularly Josie Lawrence and Tony Slattery I want older Whose Line eps on BBC-America...not the ones I've seen so many times.
  16. RIP Bo Schembechler was one of college football's great coaches. It may sound a bit cruel now, but the OSU - Michigan game now has even more implications, both National Title-wise, and now emotionally. I have a feeling that Michigan will now come out and win for Bo.
  17. Rutgers downs Louisville 28-25 in what was one of the best games that I've ever watched. Rutgers could potentially go into Morgantown at 11-0 and in the top 7. As big a Rutgers fan as I am, hell will freeze over if RU runs the table, and the makers of the BCS will eventually roll over in their graves GO RUTGERS!
  18. I rented this and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 on saturday. Between the two, MK: Armageddon was MUCH better than that steaming pile of crap EA Sports calls a sports game. I like the Kreate-a-Kombatant and the Konquest modes. The Motor Kombat is also a nice diversion. Arcade is a bit meh for me. Blaze, even on easy, is just too hard. (Haven't played a MK game in a long time, so I started on easy) Overall, it's a good entry to top off the MK games on the current-gen consoles. 8/10
  19. Are the controls for the PS2 version easy to get a hold of? If they are, I may go rent this during the weekend, as it sounds like a very nice game
  20. The local news outlets are confirming Lidle's death. RIP Cory Lidle
  21. Note to self: Harpoon Sainsbury into the wall in the next race, then get out of car and go Hong Kong Phooey on his ass
  22. RIP Yankees and Dodgers What a day to be a Mets fan. The only team that I thought could beat the Mets goes down in flames (Yankees). I don't think there's anything stopping us from winning it all now
  23. *dances on the track after the season officially ended with him winning the title* Has hell frozen over yet boys? If we do another season, I intend on repeating. Hell ain't as frozen as I want it to be yet! *signs a contract to drive for McLaren again next season*
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