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Everything posted by BlackFlagg

  1. Sweet, my copy came in today! Amazon really went a bit overboard on the packaging though, it was in a box about 10x to big for it, the whole time opening it I was trying to remember if I had ordered anything else from there recently, heh
  2. Hopefully it'll result in a new Norton line to be re-used over and over instead of "He stinks and I don't like him!" from his Spidey cameo, heh
  3. Nice, wasn't that long ago that I was saying to someone that a new Ghostbusters game would own. Wonder what type it's gonna be. My idea was for a kinda free roaming one in the style of Spider-Man 2 and 3, where you can either do the main story missions or go around randomly busting ghosts and doing other side stuff.
  4. damn, just naming 10 is tough...I'm looking through several list going d'oh, can't believe I forgot him...
  5. 1.George Carlin 2.Bill Hicks 3.Lewis Black 4.Mitch Hedberg 5.Jim Gaffigan 6.Larry Miller 7.Patton Oswalt 8.Jim Norton 9.Dave Chappelle 10.Bill Maher
  6. House's Mighty Good Man ringtone ftw!
  7. BlackFlagg

    South Park

    Think that says it all
  8. Flight was surprisingly good, one of the better recent zombie movies...I don't know if that says much though, heh
  9. My Name is Jonas is driving me nuts, coming so close to getting a 500 streak and FCing it on medium but always screw up somewhere in the 400-450 mark, argh... Edit: Yay got the 500 note streak, but missed the fc by 3 notes, heh
  10. got my copy, working my way through my first tour, up to 3rd tier, good times Will prob jump online later on if anyone wants to wipe the floor with me, heh
  11. http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/830/830709p1.html - The Complete Licensed Track List
  12. BlackFlagg

    South Park

    "Are you gonna rape us?" Butters brings the funny yet again
  13. I'm guessing Sylar's gonna use the twins to get info from Suresh since obviously he won't be able to do it himself, heh
  14. Well in that case, can't put Python skits up without putting up
  15. Just got into this show, got the first 2 seasons through Netflix and DLed and watched the first 3 eps of the current season, how the heck did I miss this show of awesomeness?
  16. I knew it was gonna be her head as soon as I read that the chick playing Sara changed her mind about coming back.
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