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Everything posted by therockbox

  1. A game being played with all the intensity of a pre-season match.
  2. Someone must have told the Arsenal players they were back in the title race.
  3. Henderson suffered a serious knee injury tonight, according to Klopp. Could miss the Euros.
  4. He was before his injury. Apparently his foot is fucked now though, he's admitted he's always going to have to play through pain and it shows.
  5. Fellaini apparently threw an elbow at Can near the end, which was missed by the officials. If he gets banned for the second leg I hope we appeal.
  6. Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle is back on tonight, BBC2 at 10pm.
  7. It depends. If they are looking at replacing him then they'd have already spoken to who they want (for the moment let's assume it's Jose) and he might have told them he doesn't want to take over until the Summer, so do you sack Van Gaal and risk the caretaker (almost certainly Giggs) being unable to turn the rut around, which would taint someone it seems like you're grooming to be manager somewhere down the line? In that situation it's probably best to keep Van Gaal. I don't think there's anyone out there like Hiddink who'd come in for a few months, so that limits your options. He might have some sort of clause in his contract that reduces compensation if they fail to qualify for the Champions League as well. They could just be waiting until it's mathematically impossible to get 4th and they're out of the Europa to get rid of him to save some money.
  8. Undeserved, but we actually have a few positives to take out of this. You'll always struggle to win when your £32m striker fucks up the simplest of one on ones, though.
  9. Lucas has put in a better performance at centre back today than any of our actual centre backs have managed all season.
  10. That had been building, a period of pressure that basically began with Mignolet yet again refusing to come off his line for an easy ball. Awful, five more years of him Ibe has regressed massively over the last year. Amazing some fans were trying to claim selling Sterling didn't matter because Ibe was better than him anyway.
  11. Brad Smith is so, so much better than Moreno.
  12. Liverpool team: Mignolet, Flanagan, Lucas, Ilori, Smith, Stewart, Chirivella, Teixeira, Ibe, Coutinho, Benteke.
  13. The Tim Lovejoy derby hasn't been a bad match, Ighalo looks like a nightmare to defend against.
  14. We're basically playing without a keeper at the moment. Mignolet is horrific.
  15. Haven't they already released photos of Adam Driver as Kylo Ren, without his mask on?
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