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Everything posted by therockbox

  1. Police initially arrested Wes Brown but later admitted they had the wrong man.
  2. ITV should genuinely be banned from showing live sports.
  3. Aaron Lennon is clearly delighted to have joined Everton.
  4. Only the shit players. He really really wanted the ones that turn out alright though, and he was desperate for players that we missed out on who turn out to be amazing. At least that's how the press is currently being briefed.
  5. Just got home from work. Why the fuck would you drop Lucas away to Man United? Rodgers is done. He's the Northern Irish Kevin Keegan.
  6. And unfortunately that's all that really matters to Liverpool these days.
  7. Apparently Begovic was our first choice but Stoke wanted a few million more than we were willing to pay, so we went with Mignolet. It's not just Can that should be starting more, Lucas should be the first name on the teamsheet. He's nowhere near the level he was at before his injury but at the moment he's the only player we've got whose capable of filling the DM position without looking completely out of his depth. He was very good against Real, the fact he hasn't had a look in since is just odd.
  8. Mignolet is a bit shit but he's not the issue. The problem is Rodgers' complete inability to organise a team defensively. Persisting with Gerrard as the DM is mental.
  9. Does career mode have many actual storylines?
  10. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2014/nov/20/wigan-dave-whelan-accused-antisemitism-jewish-people?CMP=twt_gu Dave Whelan
  11. Does anyone know the Spanish for 'cross it'? Asking for a friend.
  12. We'll get battered tonight and at the weekend.
  13. ahahahahaha thank fuck Caulker put it in before it got to Balotelli.
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