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Everything posted by Hellraiser

  1. Has there been any news about the create-a-superstar mode yet? I really hope they update that. The CAS mode has always been one of the strong suites of the game series. I think the only games who had a CAS mode more in depth were the N64 games.
  2. According to the press release there will be two variations of the Terminator. The T-800 from Terminator 1 and the T-800 from Terminator 2.
  3. Just watched the latest Hannibal episode. Now this is what I'm talking about! Very good episode. A shame it took us 7 episodes to get here. I'm surprised how close Fuller sticks to the source material this time though. We've seen in the last two seasons that he takes elements from the books and/or movies and puts his own spin on them. But so far this has been a pretty faithful adaptation of Red Dragon with a few minor deviations. I like Richard Armitage as Francis Dolarhyde from what I've seen so far. It seems to me like he took a lot of inspiration from Ralph Fiennes' interpretation of the character. Which isn't a bad thing since I think Fiennes's has been the strongest Dolarhyde. I'm curious if they're going to give us his full backstory as detailed in the book.
  4. Don't bother getting 100%: I did it because I thought the complete ending was going to be something special. It's not worth it. The only interesting thing comes at the tail end when
  5. Copy/Paste side-missions were my biggest problem. Mainly anything related to the militia. The things you get to do outside the main story are okay in and of themselves but the fact that you have to do them over and over and over and over with so little variation makes this so disappointing. One round of mines, check points, car chases and militia holdouts would've been enough. But they just keep bringing that stuff back every time you do a big story mission. And what makes things worse: I have no motivation to do any of that stuff. Who does the militia endanger? Who am I saving from the militia? The city has been conveniently evacuated again. There are no civilians around. The thugs? I couldn't give a rat's ass about what happens to them. So what else is there to motivate me?
  6. I always stumbled upon the side mission stuff as well. I almost never found that stuff when I set out to search for it. I hated the part with the drill as well. I think I wasted another hour just on that. Even if you have memorized obstacles I found the controls of the batmobil to be very imprecise when driving on walls and I would simply flip over more often than not. Something that helped me a lot: after a while I turned the sound off. The intense music isn't really helping my driving when I'm under pressure already. I did the same with the Riddler courses as his taunting was getting annoying and made me want to throw my controller against the TV. Any why is it that Two-Face always get the short end of the stick in these games? He wasn't in Asylum. In City you never meet him again after the incident in the church (unless you have the Catwoman DLC I'm told), in Origins (which in theory would've been the ideal game to tell his origin story) he doesn't appear at all again if my memory serves me right and in Knight he is relegated to the stupid bank heist copy/paste sidequest. If WB games is really considering making another Arkham game I'd like Two Face to be more involved in the main storyline.
  7. I LOVED THAT SCENE. It just made me run through so many emotions.
  8. They pretty much did their version of the book/movie "Hannibal" with some unnecessary parts of "Hannibal Rising" thrown in for good measure. I don't particularly care about either book and their movie adaptations and they didn't do a good job about making me care about what they did with the story. The thing I enjoyed about this (and the only good thing to come out of "Hannibal" and "Hannibal Rising") was Mason Verger. And it could've been much worse. They could've gone to Japan and dealt with Lady Murasaki and all that bullshit from "Hannibal Rising" that comes with her. So let's all be happy that they didn't go there. And the plan for this show now that neither Netflix nor Amazon are picking it up and the contracts of Mads Mikkelsen and Hugh Dancy ran out seems to be to make a movie as according to Bryan Fuller both Mikkelsen and Dancy feel obligated to bring the story of Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter to a satisfying conclusion.
  9. The latest Hannibal epsode...wow...just wow...Thank god wer're done with that trainwreck of a story arc. Let's move on to better thinks once the "Red Dragon" portion of this season finally starts next week. The 5 minute trailer/teaser thingy they released has me stoked for that.
  10. It took me ages to figure out that one as well. Much to my own amazement I managed to hit the last pad on the 1st or 2nd try. But that was dumb luck more than anything. It took me about two hours to get that challange done. The ones were you have to activate a timer and reach some high-up roof top are annoying as well.
  11. Hidden Content There's only 4 on the island and I was tired but I'm sure I went to every one and there was a crater with no bomb there.
  12. They could've had that sequence without that stupid sub-plot. The fear gas was all they needed to explain it. If they already found a plausible excuse why double down on it?
  13. I know, I know. It doesn't make sense for him not to have it. It still feels wrong to me.
  14. Why does nobody recognize Hannibal Lector in France, Italy or wherever he is? Apart from picking a new name he doesn't make any effort to disguise himself. And I presume a story about a psychiatrist who has been eating his patients and offten feeding them to his "friends" would be big news internationally in the tabloids. He also is on the FBI most wanted list. You'd think that someone would recognize him. It isn't like he decided to live in some secluded village. He lives in Florence for crying out loud! In the book "Hannibal" (which I advise you not to read because it is garbage) he had plasitc surgery after he escaped from prison. I know they didn't decide to go that route in the movies because Anthony Hopkins performance as Hannibal Lecter has become so iconic and they knew that people watched the fil because of him so they didn't want to re-cast him or put prostetics on his face. But I feel they could've done a better job explaining that in the TV show. And regarding the second last episode:
  15. Which one are you trying to get into? There's more than one way to get into both
  16. I have a problem: I'm trying to get back on the second Stag airship to collect riddler trophies I couldn't get to when I was there for the first time. I think I'm supposed to use the voice synthinizer to open the door in the front of the ship but it doesn't work. Can anybody helt me?
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