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Everything posted by Hellraiser

  1. Avatar: The Last Airbender. From the looks of the few minutes of the show I've seen I thought it was just an attempt by a western studio to profit off of the popularity of Anime by ripping off some of their more popular tropes. A stupid show for kids created not to tell a compelling story but simply to sell merch. I decided that I was too old for it and skipped it during it's entire run. It was a combination of a friend of mine being really into Korra (the sequel show) and trying to get me interested into the show as well as the Nostalgia Critic bringing it up very often in his reviews that made me finally watch it. And I loved it. Each episode. As well as the sequel show (although I admit that it had a lot of problems).
  2. This line of reasoning is why Bill's updates got so bloated in the first place. It doesn't take much work to add these guys back in if you want to use them. I say delete them if they don't wrestle regularly on US soil. Take Keiji Mutoh for example. According to Cagematch he only wrestled in 3 matches outside of Japan from 2013 to today. All these were one-off's for TNA. Should he really be in the database because of that? Let's take a random name from the list posted: Masa Takanashi. According to wrestling-data he hasn't had a match in the USA since 2011. Why should he be in there?
  3. 12 Monkeys. I remember watching a review by confusedmatthew in which he thrashed the movie and because I used to hold his opinions about movies in high regard I refused to watch it for a while. After listening to podcast in which the participants raved about the movie and because I've become a fan of Terry Gilliam movies in general I decided to give it a try and I ended up loving it.
  4. The Home Alone Movies Scrooged Trading Places (I know this isn't a christmas movie per se but we watch it anyway) The Last Unicorn Die Hard Those are the ones I always end up watching. The rest depends on whatever is on TV.
  5. And you probably won't find one. Only few scenario creators made pick packs to go with their scenarios. I suggest you look for the pictures you need here: http://s172.photobucket.com/user/TheWho87EWR/library/Wrestlers?sort=9&page=1
  6. Do you see the "eye" icon in the editor? That is the new icon for spoiler tags. You can't write them yourself anymore. You have to klick on the "eye" icon.
  7. Is it just me or aren't there as many guns in the game compared to previous games? All I keep finding are variations of the stupid pipe gun and rifle.
  8. The original Die Hard is an unmatched action movie classic. None of the sequels ever managed to even come close to be as good as the original. Some where enjoyable movies in their own right though. Die Hard 2 was a good action movie. Die Hard 3 started out strong and evolved into a complete clusterfuck as the movie went on. But in my opinion it was still an enjoyable movie overall. But the cracks began to show. Die Hard 4 was shit. And that had nothing to do with it being PG-13. Although it was a travesty that they had to censor McClane's catchphrase because of that. It concluded the evolution that started in Die Hard 2 from McClaine being an everyman into a generic action movie protagonist that can withstand superhuman amounts of punishment without as much as a scar that was completed with Die Hard 5. Although I'm still suspicious that they didn't just randomly take an generic action movie screenplay and decided to slap the name Die Hard on it and change the protagonist's name to John McClane.
  9. Diamond City radio disappoints me as well. I know they probably have a reason why they play some of the same songs as in Fallout 3 but I find it just lazy for them not to include an all-new soundtrack. Obsidian managed to do that. And whatever algorithm they chose to pick out which song is played sucks. I swar to god I've listened to Butcher Pete like 10x by now and I barley get any of the new stuff.
  10. It's better than Season 1 so far but still a mixed bag for me.
  11. I don't think they care much about contradicting the canon. Apart from the basic elements they have to keep (like the Wayne's being murdered and Bruce growing up with Alfred) they only use elements from it if it suits the story they want to tell. And I honestly have no problem with that approach. Edit: New Gotham
  12. What would be cool about that? if you want to see regular crimes to be solved there are a metric shitton of cop shows on TV and just about as much movies out there. And given that John McClane ist just a normal cop I fail to see what would make that movie stand out from all the other movies other than the main characters name being John McClane.
  13. Agreed. And if you're doing another one: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T reference that piece of shit that was Die Hard 5. And Die Hard 4 for that matter. I think no one will hold it against whomever they get to write the next one of they pretend these 2 movies never happened. And I HATE HATE HATEEEEEEEEEE the idea of a John McClane origin story. These fuckers just don't get it, do they? One of the main reasons why the original Die Hard was so awesome at the time is that McClaine wasn't a indestructable special forces black ops Roidy Magoo demi-god like Schwarzenegger or Stalone. Neither was he a Martial Arts master that could take out hundreds of goons with his little finger like Jan-Claude Van Damme or Steven Segal. What made John McClane so relatable was that he was an everyman! Just a normal guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. No special training and no super powers or anything like that. Just a cop that happens to stumble into a hostage situation and has to think on his feet. THERE IS NO GOD DAMN ORIGIN STORY TO TELL! I would hate for them to tell a bullshit story that will no doubt try to sell us that he was somehow the chosen one destined to be at the Nakatomi Plaza. At this point I'd be happy if they never made another Die Hard ever again because It seems like no one involved in these mvies these days seems to realize why we loved the original Die Hard and to an extend parts 2 and 3 as well. Just let it die already.
  14. Yeah, there are some choices I really don't understand. Like young Poison Ivy. I don't know why she is in the show. She has done nothing of note so far. It's a role that could've been filled by any other orphan. And what character in particular are you refering to?
  15. It's a shame. He was one hell of a drummer.
  16. Apparently not. I wondered about that as well. But I suppose that game mechanic wouldn't mesh well together with their new crafting future. I suppose what they want you to do is either sell the duplicate guns or thrash them for parts that you can use to modify other guns. And I don't think I will be spending too much time on the crafting feature. I just feel like the constant collecting of random shit and fast travelling back and forth slows me down. I'll probably use it to make some guns or ammo but I won't be building any settlements any time soon unless I have to.
  17. Slight sidemission spoilers: BLASPHEMY! HERESY! SHUN THE NONBELIEVER!
  18. Nope. You can play any of the post-interplay Fallouts without playing the games that were released before and after them.
  19. I have to vent about the new Bond movie again. It's probably the most disappointed I've been about a movie this year. I am one of these fans who like the darker tone and the overarching story of Casino Royale and Quantum Of Solace (I actually enjoyed that movie a lot more than Spectre despite it's flaws) and ever since I saw those I've been waiting for the resolution of this plot. I was kinda disappointed when they decided to ignore it it for Skyfall but since that movie was so awesome (apart from the stupid Home-Alone-for-grownups ending) that it didn't matter much. Now Spectre is supposed to be the end of this "saga" that weaves the story threads of the preceding movies together. And they do a piss-poor job at it. They want the Bond series since the Craig reboot to be this marvel-like universe where everything is connected together but they're not willing to put any effort into it like Marvel does. WARNING: Heavy plot and character revelation spoilers and long, frustrated rant ahead:
  20. Compared to FO3? I suppose it is about the same quality of questions (average). Kinda like in Skyrim. Compared to NV it feels worse. But I really love New Vegas and would choose it over FO3 anytime so maybe that is just the fanboy in me speaking. Plus as already mentioned I haven't played nearly long enough to make my final judgement on the matter. These are really just the first impression based on the first few hours I played. Ask me again in about a week and I can tell you more.
  21. Yeah, I'm not a fan of the "streamlined" dialogue system either to be honest. I always feel like I'm missing some information because I can't go pack and go through the choices I have. But to be fair I haven't done much in terms of the main quest line and spent most of the time I played wandering around the wasteland doing sidequest so maybe things will get more interesting as the story progresses.
  22. This was posted in spoiler tags: It won't work
  23. Are you asking whether we should edit the title or whether spoilers work or not? It it is the 2nd: According to Kliq the forum software is still buggy and because of that spoiler tags don't seem to be working for non-donators.
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