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Everything posted by reyrey619

  1. I heard that they'll probably trade those prospects to Tampa for Huff. If so, turns out to be a fantastic deal for Chicago.
  2. Ray- 8.5/10 The acting made this movie. Great performances from almost everyone in this movie. I was espically surprised in the performance of Clifton Powell. Jamie Foxx was as good as he was hyped up to be, but I just don't know if his performance was better then Cheadle's.
  3. Zombies Ate My Neighbors- 9/10 I loved this game as a kid. I've been playing some old school games lately, and this is just one of them. Madden NFL 2005- 9/10 I've had the game since the first day, but I just recently started playing it again. NFL Street 2- 7.5/10 From what I've played so far(only played for about an hour), it was pretty good. I like one of the mini games where you have to tackle the person that has the ball. Great mini game. BTW, which game should I rent at Blockbuster next time I go(I only have PS2, so don't tease me with RE4 reccomendations )
  4. Million Dollar Baby- 8/10 Good movie. Although I have one gripe. Eastwood does not deserve the Oscar nomination over Jim Carrey. Sorry Clint, but your just not Oscar material in this one. Swank should easily get the Best Actress award because of the role she played. Hotel Rwanda- 9/10 Fantastic movie. Don Cheadle certainley deserves the Best Actor award at the Oscars, but it looks like Jamie Foxx will get it. Still, this was a fantastic film, and Cheadle's performance was great. Nightmare on Elm Street Part 5: Dream Child- 6.5/10 Better then the previous installment, but still not great. 4th favorite of mine that I've seen(all but Part 6). Friday the 13th- 7.5/10 Classic horror film, though its the worst out of the big 3 franchises(Halloween, NOES, and this) IMO. Still, really shocking(well, it would be shocking had I not known already) ending with an old lady revealed to be the killer.
  5. He didn't like Elektra EDIT: I searched Jennifer Lopez and found that he gave a thumbs down to four of the 10 matches found. Out of Sight, Money Train, The Cell, and something else got thumbs down. So your argument is only half true
  6. He is 44. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0736411/?fr=c2l...PW9u;fc=1;ft=20 The only really bad call I've seen Roeper make in terms of film quality is his praising of A Cinderella Story. Still, compared with the unbalanced reviews Ebert makes, I like Roeper's opinion much better. ← my bad, I got them mixed up. I like Ebert better. He seems to be more accepting in terms of entertainment. Roeper focuses too much on the actual plot(which is very improtant indeed, but when its Anchorman, plots not a main signifcance) ←
  7. He is 44. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0736411/?fr=c2l...PW9u;fc=1;ft=20 The only really bad call I've seen Roeper make in terms of film quality is his praising of A Cinderella Story. Still, compared with the unbalanced reviews Ebert makes, I like Roeper's opinion much better. ←
  8. Session 9. A horror movie starring David Carusso(yea, thats probably why its not well known). A very good, supernataural thriller. If your into horror movies, this is a must see.
  9. its funny that Roper says that, cuz hes near 60, and he still gives films they're deserved praise. Thats why Ebert is the man...
  10. Movie: don't really remember, but A Walk to Remember gets me. As does Cheaper by the Dozen(dunno why). TV: 2 Futurama episodes. Jurassic Bark and another one where Fry thinks his brother tried to use his name. Other: When the Sox won the World Series, of course.
  11. Doug Brien sucks. Really bad. I'm very glad Pittsburgh won, but I think that if the Colts win tomorrow(who is my pick, btw) they'll beat them next week.
  12. that game will be interesting. I'll have to try it out.
  13. Rams @ Seahawks Vikings @ Packers Jets @ Chargers Broncos @ Colts
  14. Creepshow- 7/10 Good horror movie. The best segment was the 2nd one that had Stephen King. All the segments were good, except the first one which I thought was kind of corny. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou- 6.5/10 I thought this was decent. I think the reason that people don't like it is maybe because they were expecting a comedy, and while it was funny, was sort of a drama. Anyway, it was funny at times when it was suppose to be. The humor was very random though.
  15. a rapper who is actually a pretty decent actor. Hes been nominated for a Golden Globe and an Emmy(I think) for his role in HBO's movie Something the Lord Made. Hes also been in The Italian Job, Brown Sugar, and Monster's Ball. ←
  16. pretty much everything I want to see has been named. My top 10 though: 1. Sin City 2. White Noise 3. Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy 4. War of the Worlds 5. Batman Begins 6. Fantastic Four(Michael Chiklis looks awesome in it) 7. Kicking and Screaming 8. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 9. Constantine 10. King Kong
  17. *SPOILERS INCLUDED IN REVIEW* Night of the Living Dead(1990)- 3.5/10 Most horror movie characters lack common sense, but the characters in this film are worse then the usaul. You got one guy who instead of getting away wants to lock himself in a house. Then theres another guy who wants to stay in the basement and forces his wife and daughter to stay there too. Then theres one girl who wants to kick two of the people out because they fight. The characters have to find the keys to the gas tank that the owner of the house(whos dead) keeps across the street. They found keys, but they were the wrong ones. So what does the guy do? He shoots the gas tank. That pretty much sums up this movie.
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