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Everything posted by reyrey619

  1. tis a shame its taking long, as I really appreciate Numbahs' reviews. Oh well, its worth the wait IMO.
  2. Blazing Saddles- 7.5/10 Hilarious movie. Mel Brooks is a good director, and this is the second best that I've seen of him(Young Frankenstein being the first). S.W.A.T.- 7/10 Good action flick. Samuel L. Jackson is great as usaul. Colin Farrel is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors(I thought he was good in The Recruit, as much as it sucked). Nightmare on Elm Street Part 3: Dream Warriors- 7/10 Good horror film. My second most favorite out of the entire series behind only the original. A young Laurence Fishburne is in this one as well. Nightmare on Elm Street Part 4: Dream Master- 6/10 OK addition to the series. Wasn't the best, and wasn't one of my favorites, but still somewhat decent.
  3. so do you see pretty much every movie that comes out Numbahs? Even if you know there gonna suck really bad?
  4. I hope this is final. I've had enough of this crap.
  5. either I should start going to the theater more often, or you should stop. 142 movies? Damn...
  6. Collateral- 7.5/10 Good movie. Tom Cruise plays a very good and believeable villian in this movie. Jamie Foxx had the best performance I've seen out of him yet in his career(I haven't seen Ray yet) in this movie. Fight Club- 9/10 Fantastic moive. Brad Pitt's character in this movie is one of my favorite characters, of all time. Ed Norton does a good job acting as always. The best thing about this movie IMO is that you never know whats going on it, really. Jingle All The Way- 6.5/10 This movie is a pretty enjoyable Christmas flick. Arnold is funny as expected, but Sinbad steals the movie. I wonder whatever happened to Sinbad...
  7. Napolean Dynamite- 8/10 This movie is hilarious. I loved pretty much everything about this movie. I'm certainley going to buy this DVD after Christmas.
  8. Knockaround Guys- 4.5/10 Boring mafia type movie. Barry Pepper is good and probably will be a better actor soon, but I did not like him in this movie. Maybe its that this role wasn't for him, but I just didn't like him. And Seth Green sucks as a mobster type person. The Punisher- 5/10 I'm iffy about this movie. Good death and action scenes, but the acting really brought this one down. Thomas Jane isn't really a good actor IMO, and this movie didn't help his case. Travolta was OK, but that didn't save me from boredom. A Roy Schnieder appearance is definitley a plus though.
  9. Jackass-7/10 Whether or not you enjoy this movie depends on if you like the show. The critics shat all over this movie, but I gurantee that none of them have seen the show. I like the show, so I liked the movie. Simple.
  10. I, Robot- 6/10 I didn't expect much, but it was better then I expected. Not really anything exciting up until the last 30 minutes though. Toy Story 2 8/10- Awesome kids movie. This one will never get old for me Godzilla-4.5/10 Boring movie. if this movie was cut maybe 30 minutes shorter, it would get a 5.5
  11. If they are able to add someone like Beltran with the cash, it'd definately be a great deal for the Sox. Otherwise I don't see how it helps them. Speaking of not helping, how about signing Pedro ←
  12. I met Bret Hart, John Cena at signings. Cena was mobbed so he didnt talk that much, but Bret let us hang around and stuff. Very cool guy. Met the Bushwakers, Brutus Beefcake, Demolition, Warrior, and Bossman backstage one time because my grandfather was doing security work and I got to go backstage. The ones I talked to the most were the Bushwakers because they were my favorite back then(around 92, I was 6). I met RVD at Smackdown this past summer. He whistled wicked loud and everyone went over to him and he talked for a bit. Met countless Pats players because my dad works at Gilette/Foxboro Stadium sometimes, and hes had calls to tow different players cars and sometimes I go with him. I met Troy Brown a few times. One at IHOP with Antowain Smith and Ty Law. One when Damon Huard locked his keys in his car and Brown and someone I didn't recognize was there(could have been Kevin Faulk).Another at the mall when he was shopping with his kids. I also met Larry Centers when my dad had to tow his car. At different practices I've met Brady, Branch, Bruschi, Patten, Graham, and Fauria.I met Adam Vinateri, Otis Smith, Ben Coates, and Vincent Brisby a while back at a singing. Met a few Sox players at the parade in Boston. Millar, Ortiz, Roberts, Embree, and Arroyo. Roberts was fucking hilarious and Ortiz was incredibly intimadating, but defintiley cool. I met a few former players while going to Y's summer camp. Dwight Evans came to teach us things about baseball. Unfortunatley, I didn't really care that much since I wasn't much of a baseball fan then. Steve Grogan was there one time and so was this other Hawiaan guy who played fullback for the Pats(forget his name). I also met a few Bruins legends at a charity hockey game. Terry O'Reily, John Bucyk, Cam Neely and Ray Borque were the most notable ones. Got a ton of their autographs though.
  13. Pulp Fiction-10/10 I could watch this movie every day, and not get bored of it. Good Buurger-8/10 I guess you can call this a guilty pleasure, since I love this movie. Kenan and Kel was like my favorite show. ever.
  14. Action League NOW! is pwnage. Thanks for reminding me of it. Rugrats is great too, I watched that a lot growing up. All Grown Up isn't bad either. ←
  15. bah, GUTS bored me. LOTHT and Nick Arcade> Guts
  16. I got bored of it rather quickly. Usaully, I don't with wrestling games, but I'm less of a WWE fan now then ever, so that might have something to do with it. EDIT: personally, I rather break out my N64 and play No Mercy
  17. All That and Keenan and Kel were great as well. in fact, most of Snick ruled. Rocco's Modern Life, Salute Your Shorts, Are You Afraid of the Dark, All That, Kenan & Kel, Kablam, Secret World of Alex Mack, and Allen Strange was all I watched really...
  18. heh, I never really liked that show. Now Salute Your Shorts was a great show
  19. Session 9- 8.5/10 This movie is so fucking bindboggling, yet very effective. Its hard to describe this movie without spoiling anything though.
  20. expect half the movie to be set in some sort of diner. Expect to see Samuel L. Jackson in his best performance ever. Same goes for John Travolta.
  21. I've already seen the teaser trailer. Was pretty good from what I saw. Bale is one of my favorite actors, and should make a good Batman.
  22. I think it is two of them. Not that it has significance or anything though...
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