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Everything posted by Hobo

  1. Not according to Pat Dolan who bitched and moaned about how winning the league was not what Ancellotti was supposed to do and some other nonsense. But then I think "Yeah, you're just a fat bloke used to manage Cork City, what do you know". Twat. Hull/Liverpool was boring as hell. Don't know where we'll go from here. I'm glad Chelsea have won it though. I wonder how Spurs will do in the Champions League Quals.
  2. He tells us horrible things! Arousingly horrible things

  3. There is a guy called The Cinema Snob who reviews exploitation movies and occasionally reviews new movies and he reviews The Human Centipede.
  4. Midnight Resistance on the Commadore 64 I think! That game had epic music.
  5. I'm rather accepting really. Dire season, worst for a long time but not the worst we've had. The club is not in a great place right now. One thing I will say now is that maybe the pressure will be off the team next season. I think the expectation of "we're going to win the league" not really being there last year helped the performances where as the pressure of having to match that performance didn't help this season. Never mind the fact that injuries blighted us and our captain and vice captain have been hideously poor.
  6. It took a late surge to get that in 1993/4 after being in the bottom half of the table. Which was a far worse season than this one has been.
  7. I can't watch on Sky today so I'm watching elsewhere. The guy doing commentary blabbed on about how great Liverpool are for English football and it is sad to see them being so low in the league. Obviously this guy knows nothing about Liverpool after 1990. This is poor compared to last season but it's nowhere near Liverpool's worst Premier League season.
  8. Well that sums up Steve Gerrard this year. Over-rated twat that he is.
  9. I think it really does him good because he's out of the English media's spotlight. But that means that his achievement won't get much press either.
  10. Rooney to Real Madrid! Think of the matches!
  11. He wore a paedo's trousers And lived in a paedo's flat?
  12. I do somehow expect they won't exist in a couple of years. :/ FWL Pompey.
  13. I've learned at this point, and I think we all have picked it up - most, if not all, TV pundits are idiots who know less about the team they're watching than the people watching at home.
  14. Liverpool team have to do the same thing too don't they? And they have a match tonight. I hope this doesn't effect the performance on Thursday.
  15. Fernando Torres was clearly made up to look like a tranny
  16. Hobo

    Doctor Who

    Hmm, Dalek make-over. I kinda laughed at the spit-fires in space. Tin man stopped from exploding because he has a heart! I knew this was going to be exactly how it turned out.
  17. I'm thinking that the current top four will be the final top four.
  18. Hobo

    Doctor Who

    Sort of meh episode. But next week... Must. Watch.
  19. Fulham vs Hamburg Liverpool vs. Atletico Madrid Who would've forseen this?
  20. Pretty much yeah! (to Clawson) The go to response when Lucas does something "BUT HE IS SHIT". Ugh, I hate these pundits and I don't know who they are.
  21. I could not be happier for Lucas right now for scoring, because he still gets so much flack from people who haven't seen him this season and he's been one of our best players. 2-0!
  22. It does pretty much look like an updated version of this one. Just like when we had the awesome silver away jersey that reminded me of the away jersey from 89/90.
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