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The Donators
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Everything posted by ADG

  1. ADG


    Double post! I know the first one is a demon but the second one is a what?
  2. ADG


    Umm...has anyone else gone to sleep and heard something like a rocket taking off?
  3. ADG


    There are no hostile mobs spawning. None underground, none above ground. It seems to be going in phases. At times I'm bring chased by a horde of mobs, then other times there's no mobs at all and I'm wandering through a dark cave system in peace.
  4. ADG


    When did they add demons to the game. I walked into my underground base and there's a demon who kills me. I shat it.
  5. ADG


    That hasn't happened to me.
  6. ADG


    My server experience so far: I log in, poptropica428 logs in, poptropica428 kills me and steals my stuff. Repeat.
  7. So after EA royally fucked up Dungeon Keeper on mobile, www.gog.com have made the PC version free to download. It's available free for the next 27 hours.
  8. Wasn't Anonymous. Some random dick/collection of dicks (Google informs me the collective term is "a fuckwad of dicks") under the name DerpTrolling.
  9. "for the lulz". P.S: Steam appears to be back up now.
  10. It's down for everybody. Some fucknut "hacking" group have DDoSed Steam, Origin, Battle.net and a bunch of servers.
  11. Okay, I thought I was bad with Steam, then I saw this on Reddit. A Steam user who has spent $2,500 in this sale alone and is at level 1000 with the Holiday Sale badge.
  12. Paypal's pay after delivery option is a devil in disguise. Just realised I've spent £50 more than I had thought I had.
  13. Yeah I'll be back on after my pizza has arrived.
  14. Has anyone bought or played Day Z? Thinking it might be fun for a Skype session if a few people are playing. And after finding out there's a Star Trek Armada mod for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion I've now bought that. I need to stop.
  15. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2013/12/27/valve-previews-steam-holiday-sales-for-day-11-and-12.aspx?utm_content=bufferdf889&utm_source=buffer&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Buffer
  16. I'd say it's worth a tenner. I've spent about 30 hours on it already.
  17. Every single lobby I went into today had some dick in a tank blowing everybody up, then somebody else came in and gave me $340,000,000...which was nice.
  18. Does anybody have a multi monitor setup for gaming? I'm considering investing in some better monitors and was wondering if the bezels are noticeable or not? Also has anyone seen/used the 21:9 monitor LG have made that would make needing two monitors redundant?
  19. Can I add to this facepacks, logo packs, kits etc.
  20. So Steam made L4D2 free to download and the servers crashed.
  21. Super Hexagon is 19p for the next hour and a half and that's an absolute bargain.
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