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The Donators
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Everything posted by ADG

  1. Just picked it up as well.
  2. Super Hexagon is down to 67p. It's a bloody steal at that price.
  3. Picked up Borderlands 2, Saints Row 2, Saints Row 3 and Civ 5 so far. Key words being 'so far'.
  4. £1,246.80 137 82 (60%) 680.7 hrs Fuck...
  5. Anyone else bought Cube World? It's in public release alpha. I like it although everything seems to want to kill me and somehow squirrels and raccoons are nigh on invincible.
  6. Avon > Blake. That's just the way it is.
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Touch_of_Cloth
  8. Oh man I should not come into this thread and see these cheap prices. I have 65 installed games on Steam, I've completed two of them (Portal and Far Cry 3) and yet I'm considering buying more.
  9. Yeah, I'm all over that. I'll never play them, but fuck, for that price? I can't say no. My phone's Steam app still has Spec Ops at £19.99
  10. If we can find a server that works I'd be up for playing.
  11. I've gone a bit insane on Steam over the last week or so. From a library of 14 games a fortnight ago, I'm now up at 64.
  12. ADG


    I stopped paying for the server a couple of months back, the host must have given the server IP to another person.
  13. For The Ship server go into Steam, go to Tools and there's a dedicated server there that might work if we all install it.
  14. Indian EA store has it for however many rupees equates to around £18 quid. I'll forward you the PM I was sent.
  15. My PC arrived today so as long as it works (fingers crossed) I can do whenever. Ideally not too late Monday to Thursday as my new shifts at work have me up at 5 during the week.
  16. When are you home?! I hope my laptop can run it. I would too. Get my gaming PC back on Wednesday.
  17. What's your email for Steam TKz?
  18. I picked it up today as it was cheap on Steam and they give you two free copies to gift for every copy you buy. Thought it looked fun from watching a Nerdcubed video on it.
  19. I have a copy of The Ship to gift to somebody. Anybody want it?
  20. Is there anywhere I can pick this up as a digital download for less than the £44.99 EA are charging?
  21. The only YouTuber I watch at the moment is Nerdcubed. I prefer the edited, comedy style.
  22. After having never heard of pewdiepie I investigated and yeah, this is the truth. I lasted 2:42 of one video and want to smack this dude to shut him up.
  23. If anyone feels like helping out a friend of mine, can you please go here http://www.reddogmusic.co.uk/musiccompetition and vote for Hector Bizerk? Thanks.

    1. Beefus of Bethesda
    2. C-MIL


      Can't see where the vote's at.

    3. ADG


      Yeah the competition has changed now. Thanks fot trying.

  24. Yeah the batteries in my controller are dead, they cut out five times during that match and there's no more in the house.
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