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The Donators
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Everything posted by ADG

  1. Just out of a screening of Before I Go To Sleep. Has enough twists and turns and it's never boring but it loses control of the narrative a couple of times which aren't helped by the Memento-like jumps from time to time. The whole cast is pretty good and Colin Firth is the best of them.
  2. Sex Tape is bad. Really bad. Didn't laugh once, there's so many problems purely from a technological point of view, the acting is shoddy, there are really noticeable editing and continuity errors and the characters are just dumb, irritating and unlikeable.
  3. I'd be using a controller, just wondered if it was a buggy mess on PC or if it was as good as the console versions.
  4. Has anyone ever played FIFA on the PC? Is it any good?
  5. Went and saw Lucy this morning. I think it's a film that I'd like to see again to see if I enjoy it more. I didn't feel it was bad but I did spend some time asking questions of the plot.
  6. Caught Dawn of the Planet of the Apes at the cinema finally. Liked it but felt it took a little bit of time to get going.
  7. Real Madrid did me on an acca last night but William Hill have refunded my stake as a free bet as I missed by one. Now I need tips for what to put it on to make my money back.
  8. I watched Management starring Jennifer Aniston and Steve Zahn. I'm still trying to put together all my thoughts coherently but after an immensely creepy first half the film suddenly opens up and becomes rather sweet and touching. It's a bit heavy on the zany side as it's clearly trying to fulfil a billing as an off-ball, wacky indie flick but Aniston and Zahn work quite well together and there's a couple of really nice lines. I'd recommend giving it a watch.
  9. Selection: Everton and Chelsea to draw (23/10), Newcastle to beat Crystal Palace (3/4) Stake: £2.00 Odds: 4.77/1 Returns: £11.55
  10. ADG

    WWE Supercard

    Finished runner up of my first KOTR and got two SR Titus O'Neils. Not sure if good cause can make Pro or bad cause Titus O'Neil.
  11. I also have Terraria to gift, as well as Crusader Kings II + unit packs.
  12. I watched The Expendables. I put my thoughts down for an upcoming blog but short version was that I didn't think it was very good and gave it 5/10.
  13. Also yeah, Shovel Knight is a whole heap of fun.
  14. I feel like playing a game of something today. Anyone up for some co-op Payday 2 or Civ 5 or something later on?
  15. I poured countless hours into this on my old Gamecube. I saw a Gamecube in Cash Converter's today and very nearly bought it. I might go back on Monday and grab it if it's still there because I adored that system.
  16. Just need to click the links up there and it should take you to the Steam code redeeming page.
  17. I have three games from Humble Bundles going unclaimed so they're here for the first person who wants them. Cook, Serve, Delicious ** REDEEMED ** Universe Sandbox ** REDEEMED ** Bioshock ** REDEEMED **
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