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The Donators
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Status Replies posted by LL!

  1. Is LL returning to diaries soon?

  2. Harvey Pekar is dead. =(

  3. Harvey Pekar is dead. =(

  4. Don't be stupid; be a smarty! Come and join the Nazi Party!

  5. Grizzly Redwood can blow me.

  6. Grizzly Redwood can blow me.

  7. Ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the Grouch national anthem.


  9. So, I'm back, but I can't post, like bringing mj back but taking away Neverland :(

  10. does not like feeling sick. Been in bed all day recovering -_-

  11. I'm starting to wonder who let the dogs out...I know I locked them up before I sent those texts at 3am.

  12. Does anyone read my Wizards Diary?

  13. Does anyone read my Wizards Diary?

  14. Has worked at, An amusement park, has been a radio DJ for the biggest radio station.. IN THE UNIVERSE!, and has been in 20 movies with Brad Pitt, Robert De Niro, Tom Hanks, and Megin Fox, also Played with ChrisJericho in Fozzy

  15. They forgot to put Chris Benoit in the highlightds of the 2005 MiTB match :shifty:

  16. They forgot to put Chris Benoit in the highlightds of the 2005 MiTB match :shifty:

  17. They forgot to put Chris Benoit in the highlightds of the 2005 MiTB match :shifty:

  18. They forgot to put Chris Benoit in the highlightds of the 2005 MiTB match :shifty:

  19. Under the very mean request of Ellis and Kaney: Why is it that Ruki eats all the closed topics ?


  21. In all seriousness

  22. In all seriousness

  23. needs a Joey Abs.

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