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Everything posted by Hewey

  1. Which one is better out of these? Or is it pretty much the same? 1 2
  2. I want to get the first three Star Wars movies, but which is the better versions on DVD, the 2004 ones or the 2006 ones? I'm looking for the ones left most unchanged versions of the films. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. I watched it as well, let me just say, the ending is my favorite part. When Lestat tells the interview he's going to give him the choice he never had, I just had the biggest grin on my face. Awesome movie, 10/10.
  4. I finally watched it, and yeah, it deserves all the praise. Ledger was amazing. I thought people would overrate his performance due to his death and everything, but he deserves every bit of the praise he's getting. He was just awesome. But another guy who was amazing was Eckhart. After Rachel dies, and his character really picked up, I thought he stole the movie. I hope Two Face isn't dead, and that we'll get him in the third film. I just don't want the character to die right now, as there's still a whole lot they could do with him. As for the next one, if Two Face isn't it, they need one of the bigger villains, someone like Penguin or The Riddler. I'm sure they could realistically do something with either character.
  5. Hewey

    The One Album

    "Disintegration" by The Cure. I know it's the most liked by most Cure fans, and I got to agree, it's a simply amazing album.
  6. I wish they'd put more than twenty five wrestlers in the game. They could put at least forty or so. One thing I dislike is that the Impact Zone looks way too big. Also, does anyone know if there will be complete entrances, or will it end up being like the ones in the demo?
  7. Spoiler: Click here to viewI think it's Sayid personally, I think he's going to end up doing something very questionable either to get them off the island or he's going to do something questionable when they're off the island.
  8. This could be a big spoiler regarding who gets off for anyone who didn't read that previous spoiler, again, look away now. Spoiler: Click here to viewAccording to DarkUFO (who's very reputable on this kind of stuff), Claire and Aaron get on the helicopter as Desmond predicted, but somewhere over the ocean Daniel (the most sinister acting one of the freighters) steals Aaron and pushes Claire out into the ocean, word is that she survives, but obviously that's going to hurt a LOT. I'm hoping it may tie in to someone finding Charlie's body, because I don't like the idea of them just leaving it down there, especially if my "Charlotte Malkin/Charlie Pace" theory on drowning survival is true.
  9. Spoiler: Click here to viewAnyone else really wondering why Hurley ends up being sorry for going with Locke? I'm looking forward to something big happening there. I also think the rest of the people won't die, it'll just be six getting off the island with the rest staying. Though, it looks like one of the six will die judging from Season 3's ending.
  10. How sad is it that I've never watched Predator? I seriously need to get that soon. As for my favorites, Terminator, Terminator 2 and True Lies, but that's due to the douchebag car salesman.
  11. George should have been way higher, at least in the top ten. Plus, JD came up ahead of him?
  12. Hewey

    Veronica Mars

    Lamb was God, killing him off killed the show for me, but that could be me being a bit of a fanboy. And TGC is right, it goes 1,2 and 3 in order from best to worse. Three was especially bad, as Veronica turned into a bigger annoying bitch, and everyone else were annoying except for Lamb, of course. Not to mention, people like Mac and Wallace were MIA for several episodes. As for Vinnie, I liked him, but preferred Aaron as the villain of the show. Woody was also a great character.
  13. Emilie De Ravin. Don't think much of the rest.
  14. I just really like this cover, the colors, the general mood for the cover comes off really well. It's also a awesome album. (Y)
  15. Bah, some Supernatural douchebag makes it, but not Sheriff Lamb? :thumbsdown: Don't really care for anyone on the list other than Butters. Peter's all right, but I'm hoping someone like Hiro or Bennet make the list.
  16. That sounds like a lame feature for the PS3, there's no way they could have put custom music on it? Or at least, something better, like more wrestlers, or more CAW features? How is the CAW feature this year anyway?
  17. The Cure has a new double album coming out next year, which could be very good. I'm looking forward to that.
  18. I thought it'd take awhile longer to get the Xbox from repair, and that was pretty much my biggest complaint about the Xbox, it breaking within a month or whatever. The games do sound better than what's on PS3 at the moment. Also, with PS3, does any PS2 game work for it?
  19. Is there any big difference between the 60GB version or the 80GB version?
  20. I'm planning on getting either a PS3 or Xbox 360. I know it's probably been asked, but which one is better? I'm looking for which one has better games, doesn't break easily (which I heard Xbox does), and overall, which one is better? I been leaning towards the PS3 because I haven't heard anything about it breaking like the Xbox does, but Xbox sounds like it has the better games thus far. My biggest problem with the Xbox is how easily it seems to break, but is that the older versions only? Also, which PS3 has the backwards compatibility? I heard it was only the 80GB version, but I'm not too sure,
  21. Hewey

    I need tele

    Veronica Mars is one that I'd recommend. All though, there are a few bad episodes in there. Depending on the drama you want, I'd suggest The Shield and Rescue Me, maybe Lost? (thus have some humor most times)
  22. Hewey

    Heroes Season Two

    I liked the Hiro storyline with Kensei. But I agree with the Claire/West romance, and the new people. I don't mind the black chick, but the Mexicans suck. Hopefully Sylar kills them before the end of the season. I do agree though, it would have been a better ending to the first episode of the season if Peter discovered the virus instead of being locked up.
  23. Hewey

    South Park

    Agreed, this episode could turn out to be very awesome. I love how they're using Randy a lot more than usual this season. My only gripe is that they need to show more characters they've haven't shown in a long time. Tweek and Pip especially.
  24. Glad to see STP made the list, especially at a highish number. Don't care much for the other's, especially Slipknot.
  25. Hewey

    Heroes Season Two

    Anyone else think West is going to turn Claire against Noah? Wasn't one of the paintings with Claire hugging someone while Noah was dead?
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