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Everything posted by Hewey

  1. 1. Stone Temple Pilots 2. The Cure 3. Kiss 4. Weezer 5. Green Day 6. Blink 182 7. Bon Jovi 8. Smashing Pumpkins 9. Rage Against The Machine 10. The Ramones
  2. Hewey

    Weezer Split

    If this truly is the end of Weezer, Then this blows. As for Make Believe, I personally like make believe, Though, It's nowhere near the level of the blue album and pinkerton. But I prefer it over Maladroit and the green album. The only song I hate the lyrics to is "my best friend", Which someone mentioned earlier. But "Perfect situation", "Haunt you everyday", "Hold me", "Pardon me", "Peace" are all great. And yeah, Rivers is a bit of a odd fellow, I mean, The guy locked himself in a closet for 24 hours, Among other weird behavior. But I don't think this is the end, I'm sure we'll get some new Weezer stuff out in about 2-3 years..... Maybe
  3. Yeah, I'm hoping they'll have a crossover with Angel too, Or maybe they'll have a Angel comic someday? I'd be cool to see Connor show up some fashion in the Buffy world. (Y)
  4. Batman Returns, While I enjoyed Batman, Imo, Batman Returns had the better moments.
  5. Should be interesting, As long as they don't remake the original, I'll be happy. Though, With the way he described it, It sounds like there will be another a new series, Kinda like when they ignored parts 4,5,6 from H20.
  6. I'm a huge STP fan, And listen to them all the time, Here's some of my suggestions. Core and Purple are the two CD's I'd get first if I was you, As every track is great on that one. The rest of their stuff is good, But not in the league of Core and Purple. The rest, I'll give you the songs I like most from them and my opinion on the album. "Tiny music" is pretty good, My favorite tracks are "Lady Picture Show", "Seven Caged Tigers", "Big Bang Baby" and "Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart". "No. 4" has some great stuff, I'd check out all of it, Here's some of my favorite tracks. "Down", "Church On Tuesday", "Glide", "I Got You" and "Atlanta". "Sour Girl" is also good. I liked all of "Shangri-La Dee Da", With "Bi-Polar Bear", "Dumb Love", "Days Of The Week", "Hollywood Bitch", "Black Again", "Hello It's Late", "Transmissions From A Lonely Room" and "Long Way Home" being my favorite songs. As for "Thank You", It's a collection of their best stuff, And it has a acoustic version of "Plush" and "All In The Suit That You Wear", Which is a great song.
  7. Lost, 24, Invasion and Veronica Mars.
  8. Sucks to see Invasion get cancelled, It was pretty much the only show I tuned into every week to watch. Invasion was great stuff. As for the other cancelled shows, Out of those, I only watched Freddie, And didn't think much of it. I hope Invasion does get picked up by another network, It's almost at the end of the season here, And these episodes have been great.
  9. 24, I like Lost, But it's probably due to the fact that I been watching 24 since the first season. Plus, Some of the earlier episodes of Lost bored me.
  10. Only shows I'm concerned about are Veronica Mars and Invasion. I hope they don't get canned, Still, I wish NBC hadn't cancelled Third Watch last year.
  11. The Cure "Maybe Someday" Stone Temple Pilots "Lady Picture Show" Kiss "Psycho Circus"
  12. KISS Weezer Green Day Stone Temple Pilots Rage Against The Machine
  13. I'd also like one of current day Sting, Thanks docs (Y)
  14. I need a picture of Bryan Danielson please (Y)
  15. I need a picture of TNA's Homicide. Thanks (Y)
  16. Thanks for the pictures Azriel (Y)
  17. I need these pictures on black backgrounds. Just make sure they're not current day pictures please. Ahmed Johnson Albert Alex Wright (with hair) Bart Gunn Billy Gunn (from the NAO era) Bob Backlund (from like the 90's) Brian Adams (from nWo era or Kronik era) Brian Christopher (from too much era) Brian Lee (something from when he was in DOA possibly) British Bulldog (with short hair) Chavo Guerrero (from WCW) Thanks (Y)
  18. Hewey

    Best Episodes?

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Not sure on the names of the episodes, But my two favorites are the one where Xander tries a love spell and it makes every girl fall in love with him except for Cordelia. And the episode where Angel kills Miss Calendar. Angel: Well, I'm sure Tristy might have mentioned it, If not, The one where Connor comes back in season five. And the end of season four are my favorites along with the ones with Faith from season four. Third Watch: "The Self Importance Of Being Carlos". This episode is so funny, Just awesome stuff. But the best part is Carlos' line about the old couple who died in the beginning of the episode. "The woman wanted to go with the man. They went together. It's tv-movie-of-the-week sad. The only thing missing is the bulimic and the cancer kid." I love most of the episodes from Third Watch, But this one is probably my favorite. The Simpsons: The one where Bart sells his soul and the one with Homer's mom. I always liked the ending to both those episodes. Futurama: The one with Fry's dog and the seven leaf clover.
  19. Hewey


    Weezer's my favorite band, So of course I had to post. 1. Blue Album- Their best CD. I love each and every single track on this CD. It has some of my favorite Weezer songs of all time. (except for No One Else, Good song, But I don't like it all that much) I don't think anything they'll ever will top this one. Pinkerton comes close, But this has nine excellent songs in it, With the other one being good. 2. Pinkerton- Great CD, It comes very close imo to beating the Blue Album, But it falls short. Across The Sea is definitely one of the best Weezer songs out there. But there's plenty of great songs to check out. 3. Make Believe- I wasn't expecting much since their last two weren't anything special, But Beverly Hills is a good little song, I personally prefer all of the other songs to it though. There's some great songs (Pardon Me, Haunt You Every Day, Hold Me etc) 4. Maladroit- Most people don't like this one much, But for some reason, I prefer this CD over the Green Album. It's nowhere near as good as the first three, But it's not horrible or anything. Keep Fishin' turned out to be one of my favorite Weezer songs. 5. Green Album- Nothing bad or anything, But the only songs I really like on this CD Hash Pipe, Island In The Sun and Knock Down Drag Out with the others being decent. Hopefully Weezer sticks around to put on another CD (Y)
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