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Everything posted by Gazz

  1. History doesn't mean shit, if it did, Notts County and Preston would have been bought by billionaires. Villa's last accounts showed they made a £52m loss and the owner wrote off a £90m loan. They're arguably only third ranked in the area after Stoke and West Brom. Coupled with a squad that needs serious investment to guarantee Premier League football and a ground that doesn't have much, if any potential expansion opportunites, then I don't see Villa as an attractive option. How much is Tom Hanks worth? Maybe Prince William can buy you once he becomes King. Real Aston Villa?
  2. Aaah, new patch day, or as it is more commonly known 'watch as your perfectly cromulent tactics are now utterly useless day'.
  3. I doubt Villa would come back up straight away if they went down.
  4. Fergie was doing that with Rafael and Fabio for years.
  5. Would I get Yankees levels of hate if I switched my alliegence to NYCFC now that I'm playing as them on FM and Pentagon veterans Chivas USA have bitten the dust?
  6. Did you set them to swap positions? Twin Magic!
  7. Chivas somehow won the Copa SudAmerica in 2015 and the CONCACAF champions league in 2016. That's 40% of the Pentagon.
  8. It's a good fucking job Arsenal have private healthcare otherwise Jack Wilshere would have bankrupted the NHS.
  9. You're the Cornette_Face of Liverpool.
  10. Brendan accidentally copied an early season teamsheet fifty times instead of faxing it to the FA and he doesn't want to waste paper because of the environment.
  11. The picture the BBC are using as a background looks like someone has been a big meanie to Raheem and made him cry and now big brother Glen is going to sort them out in the playground after school.
  12. I was the lead programmer for ESWF.
  13. Well, for a start off, if you're going to play AMR/L's, you need a DMC to help cover the fullbacks otherwise they'll get doubled up on and you've got no one from midfield attacking and no one from up front supporting so you're going to have a massive gap between your midfield and strikers. I'd say your best bet is to pull your AMR/L back to MR/L, that will cover your fullbacks, make one of your midfielders attack mentality (CM/A still works really well) and one of your strikers a support player like a DLF, SS or F9.
  14. I mean specifically, like roles/mentality/fludity/player instructions.
  15. I think you'll find it's who Villa are Brighton's feeder team.
  16. What tactics are you using?
  17. They have to keep paying Liverpool compensation for breaking players.
  18. The new match animations and all the new manager cards are nice though.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5OMTYjY7Fc av it!
  20. 2 wins in 9, then 12 unbeaten, then 6 without a win. Confidence affects my squad a lot. :s
  21. Oh, you mean signing someone from another club, I thought you meant renegotiations. It's 3 months if they're under 24 I think.
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