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Everything posted by Gazz

  1. 2 wins in 9, then 12 unbeaten, then 6 without a win. Confidence affects my squad a lot. :s
  2. Oh, you mean signing someone from another club, I thought you meant renegotiations. It's 3 months if they're under 24 I think.
  3. Whose responsibility is it to negotiate contracts on the staff screen?
  4. Maybe the ref will allow Man City a 12th player, make it a bit fairer.
  5. El Sackico I didn't get sacked in the end, gave the squad a bollocking at a team meeting, drew and then won four on the bounce.
  6. The Jewish Illuminati were going to take over the world and then someone told them how much it was going to cost...
  7. It was 22 GB on install on XB1. Weirdly, though, they stretched the disc limit on 360. Wonder if that had influence in the past for features being taken out before just blatantly nerfing them this year. The other 28GB is locked content and stuff they put in and then removed access to it because fuck you all.
  8. After 2 wins in 9 games, I've been told I need 9pts from the next 5 games. Am I about to get sacked for only the third time in CM/FM career? It didn't help that the MLS doesn't seem to stop for the Gold Cup or the U20 World Cup and that's left me with 14 players for some games with an average team age of about 9. *grumble*
  10. I loved the cut to the Lotus mechanics all laughing their asses off.
  11. His dick registered he was wearing pedal pushers like he's a teenage girl and it's 1996 again and it shrank so fast back into his body that it tore his groin muscle.
  12. Messi has scored 43 penalties for Barca. Overall (club and country) Ronaldo has 452 goals in 705 games (0.68 strike rate) and Messi has 413 in 538 (0.83).
  13. Messi and Ronaldo both put up goalscoring ratios that make you think they've found some exploit in the match engine of reality.
  14. Had to waive all the oldies in the end because the MLS salary cap is £36k per week for the whole squad. Lampard is on £93k p/w by comparison.
  15. Realistically, both fights should have been 28-28 draws, Barnatt and Vick both won two rounds 10-9 and then got obliterated in the other, which should be 10-8. I love that Frankie Edgar was on his way to a 3x 50-43 UD and still went for the choke in the last couple of seconds, considering he's been criticised in the past for a lack of killer instinct.
  16. Fat Frank hates America (you'd think he'd fit right in) but he is an absolute weapon at arriving late into the box to smash home lay offs. I need to tighten up my tactic though, in 10 MLS games, I've scored 22 and conceded 23. In other news, a cool little feature I discovered last night is if you go to the league table and hover over a value, for example, the number of games won, it lists the results of the games won by that team.
  17. He's not even the best looking Arsenal player. Debu *swoons*
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