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The Donators
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Everything posted by Gazz

  1. Danny Simpson is the best football player ever*. Scientific fact. *Till he joins someone else, then he's a bag of shit.
  2. That's not a feature, that's your game not reading an xml file correctly.
  3. TUF coaches announced US version: Shane Carwin and Roy Nelson UK vs Australia: Ross Pearson and George Sotiropoulos Roy Nelson all over TV is a glorious, glorious thing.
  4. Their rivalry with Athletico Garmin is legendary.
  5. Well, they're not getting my money.
  6. All I want to know is when LL's first boat tour is? Rest of the game is just window dressing.
  7. Dejobit Bhowmick's Avenue

  8. Also, in this game, the Pope lives in Portugal after he gave Rome to the Holy Roman Empire because they kicked the Muslims out of Italy.
  9. So, after a Crusade for Sicily where I kicked some infidel ass... Ireland II: Silician Boogaloo!
  10. Start as a Muslim and drop a Jihad on Europe.
  11. FM12: Waaaaaaaaaaaaay too easy
  13. Nothing substantial, just mostly people suggesting shit and/or unworkable ideas. My personal recent favourite is the tool who wanted them to get rid of regens. No replacement idea, just get rid of them. All. Completely. 2035 would be a hoot playing 46 year old 3 a side.
  14. But in all seriousness, Miles has said there won't be any announcements till late August at the earliest.
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