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Everything posted by GA!

  1. And three minutes in, there's already mention of how some group (the goalkeepers) hate the new ball. WHAT A GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. FIFA Family: All those who would've been here today who aren't, apparently. Sepp Blatter's orders, further proving he's on crack.
  3. I wonder if Subbuteo (sp?) designed that ball...
  4. First game at 5pm. Germany vs. Costa Rica - either Germany will cream the holy crap out of them, or Costa Rica will play the role of Senegal to Germany's France. Should be a fun opening match - and I can't wait to see how cheesy the opening ceremony is.
  5. I love the video to Peter Gabriel's "Sledgehammer", so excellently done... I also think "Californication" by RHCP and "Fell In Love With A Girl" by The White Stripes (a lot of the video was done on computer) are fantastic ones. I haven't really seen that many animated music videos, but I can't really imagine there being an awful one unless we're talking cheesy, outdated effects on older videos. EDIT BY CHRIS: How the hell could I forget "Sing For Absolution" by Muse, that's a fantastic animated video.
  6. That's nice... My favourite album out of Absolution and OOS is OOS. While both are my two favourite albums, OOS definitely contains more down and dirty rock. It has more of an imaginative sound, with some of my favourites like Hyper Music, Citizen Erased and Microcuts on it. Absolution is more poppy, a bit slower but more epic. I feel there could've been more tracks as loud and complex as Stockholm Syndrome, but its still absolutely fantastic nonetheless. I hope Black Holes and Relevations is on the same level, and nowhere near the awfulness that is Showbiz.
  7. GA!

    Penis Leakage

    You get the album on July 11th, with "Knights of Cydonia" as your first single.
  8. GA!

    Penis Leakage

    If you want more information about the real supermassive black holes, consult Wikipedia. (Y) I'm downloading this now. Muse are my favourite band, and I've been waiting too long since the awesome "Absolution" so I'm not waiting.
  9. Aaron's looks much better. Its a lot more polished and it looks a lot more like an actual advert. My problem with Keith's (as covered earlier) is that you've set the scene in some run-down construction site which is a big no-no when you're trying to positively advertise something. It gives the wrong connotations, "We made this out of the crap around us." Now if the advert was supposed to be truthful, huge marks for you there, but it wasn't. Now if the setting was some metropolis or place of wonder (burger pyramid anyone?) instead of a heap of mud and incompleted buildings then maybe the advert would be better than Aaron's. If there was a vote here, then I'd vote Aaron.
  10. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/5032984.stm Uh. Um. Eh... I'm going to starve myself until somebody hands over every episode of Knightrider on tape for me.
  11. GA!


    Hey cool, the entire plot was in the trailer! At least I don't have to see it now... Like I wanted to anyway.
  12. They should leave Rooney off the squad all together this time around... If England centralise everything around him again - then we'll see another case of Euro 2004, where the squad went to buggery when he was taken off against Portugal. They should be drafting in a new guy now and conditioning him instead of sloppily putting in someone else if he is declared unfit. Its not like this is Rooney's last chance for glory... He's 20 years old for god sake!!! He'll still be younger than the majority of the squad for Africa 2010!
  13. If its that lame How You Remind Me/Someday fuck up - do you notice how Someday has been cut out in places and made 10-15% faster?
  14. Most of them are "influences" - another way for bands like Puddle Of Mudd to rip off Nirvana. But in the case of this, the sound of the song is too unique for plagarism to be accidental. I get the strange feeling to blame John Fruscinate (sp?) for some reason...
  15. No, that's just an excuse used by the ugly people these days...
  16. Its 100% proof. And the DJ didn't even pick up that Indiana is mentioned in Dani California anyway!!!
  17. Because LOLZ, they're not a pop band! If there's guitars and male singers - there's definitely a link with Satan.* *I'm onto you McFly
  18. I whole heartedly agree (Y) As do I. (Y) Eurovision needs to be on more. Especially if its given a big "fuck you" to those pesky religious people! Terry Wogan was a legend tonight. You can tell he's only there for a big paycheck.
  19. Lordi + Terry Wogan's Sarcasm = Good night in. The best country won, but I can't help but feel now every country will try the same thing (gimmicked heavy metal) next year.
  20. He's gay and likes knitting... It definitely puts him as the favourite as people love to vote sarcastically when it comes to Big Brother. How the hell else did Chantelle and Nadia and everybody else who's won it win it?
  21. Sucky news, he was the best one in the band. Glad to see Sum 41 are still around though. They're a band that gets better every album so here's hoping the next effort is great...
  22. Seeing as they're losing now, I might as well mention how Arsenal have lost their previous two cup finals in European competition very late into the game - against Real Zaragoza and Galatasary in the Cup Winners Cup and UEFA Cup respectively. This has to be the third part of the trilogy surely.
  23. Black and white, coloured the lips....... For a spot the difference game, that was pre-school level.
  24. GA!

    FA Cup Final

    John Motson confirmed that the Liverpool physio said Cisse had cramp. And you know... Footballers with their melodrama...
  25. "Citizen Erased" by Muse... I would've love to see a video interpretation of the song - but it's a couple of minutes over the allocated 5 minutes allowed to be in the charts.
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