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Vilge Duin

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Everything posted by Vilge Duin

  1. Mario 2 (the one most everyone knows) is considered by Miyamoto to be the true sequel. The Lost Levels were designed by a team that was not headed up by him, and predominantly as a quick cash in. He decided to switch his interest in changing Doki Doki Panic as a way to differentiate the gameplay, something they have done with just about every major Mario game in some way.
  2. Begins had Carmine Falcone, Scarecrow and Ra's al Ghul (Ken Watanabe and Liam Neeson, however you take the story). With Joe Chill also in it in a prominent role (not that he particularly counts) along with a cameo by Zsasz. Nolan proved he can handle numerous characters, especially in the interconnected world he's creating in these movies.
  3. Too arcade like? What videos did you exactly watch? I'm happy it's coming out here. Between it and King of Colosseum 2, I was heavily thinking about modding my PS2 a few years ago to import them. Especially FPWR. The game is just sexy. I'll look forward to this and likely pick it up. It's nice some obscure games (at least as far as the Western market is concerned) are coming out that aren't crappy RPGs.
  4. Oh my. That was quite perturbed... The phone number... I like it. Should have had Joker's laugh at the end instead of "Goodbye". Shot, then laugh, then busy tone. Still great though. I can't wait until next year to watch this. Should be top notch.
  5. The same place you apparently do GoGo. Hah.
  6. Sell it on ebay or something if possible. Trade ins are never worth the value of doing so. If you're only capable of owning one system and feasibly affording it, then a 360 may be in your best interest. The Wii has plenty of games lined up, problem is Nintendo have becoming utterly self absorbed and obsessed with the "casual gamer" which is somewhat alienating people. Metroid Prime 3, NiGHTs, Battalion Wars 2, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Brothers: Brawl all have my interest. Plus a smattering of other things that are curiosities: Dewy's Adventure, de Blob, Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 and a few others. I can however see the lack of games most people do. The traditional fare so to speak, which the 360 and to a lesser extent the PS3 are loaded with. I also find the 360 a comparable value, money wise to the Wii. Upgrade the Wii's processor a bit and the graphics chip obviously, add in a 20 gig harddrive. And you can easily get the extra money out of it that you can from a 360. If you get what I mean. It comes down entirely to the games you want to play. And if nothing on the Wii interests you much, get rid of it and get a 360. Pretty simple.
  7. On the first one I got 42 according to it. I know I have 43 since 9 is obviously Spoiler: Click here to viewBeverly Hills Cop. Although, I have heard almost every single one of them. I just can't place the movie name. As for the second one... I got 35. Not as good, but again I at least recognize most of them. And the ones I got that weren't already said here... Spoiler: Click here to view4. As Good As It gets 57. Vacation 60. A Clockwork Orange 63. The Omen
  8. From the article about the demo... "He also seems to have gained a new move that involves delivering a death grip to an enemy's crotch, rendering that person unconscious in an instant." That is the most fantastically amusing thing I have heard of in awhile. I can just picture an aged Snake running around grabbing everyone's crotch, knocking them out.
  9. What a pretentious jackass. The gist of that entire 'blog' from "Cliffyb"s older brother is "Oh no, the Wii is bringing in different game players than me, and its making money! Other companies might follow this trend and all my oodles and oodles of 'hardcore' games may suffer! Make that granny buying Cooking Mama go away because it makes it uncool to play games anymore!" The Wii is a tremendous idea for games. I'm glad it's around, and it's selling for a reason. As Norris alluded to a bit, games have somewhat got into a same-old same-old rut. Honestly, look at E3 this year. Do we seriously fucking need that many first person shooters? Just casually watching G4's coverage of it I spotted a plethora of them (Halo 3, Killzone 2, Crysis, Haze, Call of Duty 4, Unreal Tournament, Medal of Honour: Airborne, Half-Life 2: The Orange Box, Area 51 and to lesser extents Metroid Prime 3 and Bioshock - being the 2 of them are more adventure). And the same goes for other genres. Industry heads and developers have even come forth saying the very same thing. There isn't much of a push forth for actual innovation or improvement any more. Why bother? Upgrade the game a bit, make better graphics and possibly add a new feature or two. Bang, new game. And that is effectively what the "hardcore" game player latches on to. Do these games appeal to everyone? No, but of course they do appeal to people. But will plenty of people who have played games and those who haven't pick up Rayman Raving Rabbids and have fun? Absolutely. And that is all Nintendo and other companies are doing. Broadening their game portfolio to include non-traditional games. The traditional typical games are still there and always will be. I also get mildly irritated at the constant referrals to Wii Play and Wii Sports. Did you pay a premium price for them? No. Wii Sports is a pack in with the system and thus free. Wii Play is sold with a remote and thus effectively $10-$15 in cost itself, which is a fair value. These games are not what Nintendo is mounting their business on. They literally are tech demos pretty much, and are not meant to compare with the Gears of War and Assassins Creeds of the world. That is precisely why they come with something, be it a remote or the system itself. Talking about Wii Sports is the equivalent of going on about the Hexic game every Xbox has on its harddrive. You don't compare Hexic as an idea of what the Xbox 360 is about against Twilight Princess or Super Paper Mario do you? I also find it inherently presumptuous to say that just because a game is not "jaw droppingly stunning" and "awesome looking" it is not 'deep'. Case in point, using his brother's so called love child... Is Gears of War, looking beyond graphics, that much better or 'deeper' than Katamari Damacy? Ah screw that... Tetris beats most shooters to this very day just because it's Tetris. Not every game has to be dreadfully serious, with explosions and/or a mucho premium on blood and guts. Which is sadly all that the "hardcore gamer" seemingly want. Is the Wii's library full of ports and rush jobs? You bet your ass it is. As is most game library's the first 9 or so months. What did the 360 have over the Wii in the same time period last year? Not much. Games originally developed for other systems (in the case of Kameo... 3 other systems), a handful of sequels (Elder Scrolls, Tom Clancy shit) and a multitude of multi-platform games and ports. It has thus come into its own with plenty of great games to play. People need to give the Wii a chance first. Besides... what exactly does the PS3 have right now? Motorstorm? A game that needed to have its time attack mode released over the Internet months after release. Resistance? Yes ANOTHER first person shooter. Then you have shovel-ware, ports and multi-platform titles. Yes, a lot of people are looking ahead to see some likely great games. Lair, Ratchet & Clank, Drake's Fortune, etc. from Sony, along with the exact same third party software Microsoft will have. And meanwhile people may look forward to that, others are awaiting Mario Galaxy, Smash Brothers, Metroid Prime 3, Battalion Wars II, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, NiGHTS, etc. And sure, many people will likely play Wii Fit. Will I? Probably not. Does it cause me any harm or bother me that other people will? Nope, what's the point? And besides... At the end of the day, and this is a simple concept, don't play the Wii or any of its games if you don't want. Also, don't look down on and condemn people because they may enjoy those games. You should be happy, regardless of how it occurs, an industry you enjoy is getting support. Which when all is said and done, is simply what matters. There is room for every style of game and game player. Look at the music industry. You don't like rap? Listen to country. Don't like that? Listen to progressive rock. Or anything else you want. And the same goes for the movie industry. Don't like big summer blockbuster action films? Go watch a little romantic comedy. Maybe Disney/Pixar's latest animated fare doesn't appease you right, then head over and check out Hostel. Different strokes for different folks. Apples and oranges. Pick your poison.
  10. After watching the Microsoft conference yesterday and the Nintendo conference having ended a bit ago, with Sony's up next... I must say, I am quite pleased. Super Mario Galaxy November 12th and Smash Brothers Brawl December 3rd! Oh I can't wait. And I have to give it to Microsoft, I'm somewhat impressed. But my desire to have a 360 all but vanished when they announced Viva Pinata and Gears of War (both with extra content) for the PC. Aside from Dead Rising those were the only two games I actually found interesting. And Sony better pull out all the stops though... Because between Microsoft and Nintendo, they are thoroughly getting trounced. Resident Evil 5 also looks great. Anyone else bothering with E3 this year?
  11. Benoit definitely won't be in. They have enough time to cut him from the game. I do hope though they don't excise all things associated with him. But I have a feeling at least the crossface will be absent. Every shot I've seen of Undertaker (at least for the 360) looks absolutely fantastic. The texture work with his tattoos and his overall appearance, his face especially, all look great. More moves and interaction is all that's needed really (aside from minor bug fixes and the requisite amount of upgrades). The Ultimate Move Control thing was a good step forward, but with some tweaking it should allow the game to be immersive. Stamina shouldn't drain so quickly while using it though. They also should utterly revamp the entire weight system they have in. I'm really curious how the Wii's version will turn out. Not just control wise but graphically and feature wise.
  12. And... Well, ya know, the Hitman series. Kind of obvious that one is.
  13. It's the same version of Ellens dritter Gesang that they used in Blood Money.
  14. It's Ave Maria... it's not exactly theme music for anything... Tim Olyphant is 47, and I got to say, looks nothing like him. But hey, maybe he can pull it off. His face is too.... soft... If you get what I mean. I also don't like the vibe I get from that. Seems to portray him as some sort of avenger figure out against "evil". When in fact 47 is a rather cold blooded killer. Here's hoping it's better than I think it will be, but I have my doubts.
  15. Looking haggard and old has nothing to do with looking good or not. He has aged and looks very world-wary. Just like he should. He looks good as Indy.
  16. Well he looks really haggard. Obviously age has taken its toll, it has been almost 20 years. He still looks good as Indy though.
  17. Well regardless of any of this... Manhunt 2 just got slapped with the proverbial kiss of death over here...
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